General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Nah, I'd win


    one syllable anglo-saxon

      *all must die


        axe is not AXE!

        Nah, I'd win

          by the axe of axe

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            god i actually hate this hero and his phrases so fucking much

            Tento komentář byl upraven


              Nah, I'd win

                for salomene

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Iron Talon is a nice item. GG 18+ game.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    awww, are you not going to beg? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


                      lunass hot

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                          speedrun mmr how fast can u get to 10k LUL

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                            me, government hooker

                              some ill nasty

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                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                  ASSESS Product

                                    I think it's time to stop playing pokemon go. Walking for 15 km just for 2 ratticate and a zubat F*ckFace


                                      Triple, я тебе написал ответ в стим чат



                                          how do i win this game


                                            alison are u still playing it whats ur level and pokes

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                                              me, government hooker



                                                  Tips please when shud I start fighting gyms and what's the good pokes to feed I heard the eevee evolution is good or shud I get good gyrados or dragonite etc

                                                  Also do you fight gyms with 6 poke or depends on its size

                                                  me, government hooker

                                                    theres not like a level requirement to fight a gym (besides lvl 5 or w/e when u pick a team) just check what pokemons are in it and try to figure out wether u'll be able to take them out or not, because sometimes even if ur pokemon is higher cp than the enemy one u might still lose if ur pokemon has low iv and the enemy's has high iv ( )
                                                    if there are multiple pokemon from 1 team in the gym u will need to kill at least 1 to lower its prestige, when the prestige reaches 0 the that was currently holding the gym gets "thrown out" and u can put ur pokemon in. if there are 5 pokemon in it u will be fighting all of them, so keep that in mind. u dont need to kill all of them to lower its prestige, at least 1.

                                                    now if ure talking abuot evolution i suggest u dont evolve anything until u are high lvl (like 17-18 maybe), except weedles, caterpies, rattatas pidgeys and zubats. u stack those up until like lvl 9 when u will get a lucky egg (doubles xp u get for 30 min) then u mass evolve everything u got for those 30 mins straight. normally u get 500 xp for 1 evolve, so u'll get 1k/evolve

                                                    for gym battling im not sure which are the best but the most common which ive also seen in my city are dragonites snorlaxes gyaradoses and eevee's evolutions.
                                                    yes eevee evolution is good but again should wait until higher level. cause the higher level u are the more cp u'll be able to get on a certain pokemon when catching him


                                                      don't feed nor evolve any pokemon until you're like level 10 or so
                                                      when you get your first lucky egg, check all the evolutions you can do, if you can do 20 or more at once use your luckyegg and evolve all your pokemon at once to get a big exp boost. (the more the better so if you can wait for more pidgeys). best pokemon to evolve are pidgey, caterpie and weedle (12 candies for an evolution)
                                                      around level 15 you can start feeding one of your newer pokemon with candies so you can take out weaker gyms. just take on of your newer ones, check it IV with a tool online, so you don't waste powder on a weak poke

                                                      me, government hooker

                                                        it also depends on the enemy pokemon type, ur pokemon type and the special abilities. its not that big a deal until u have like 2k pokemons but ye
                                                        and this mb


                                                          lmao I'm out of pokeballs, kill me


                                                            alright any egg tips
                                                            currently incubating a 2km egg, afaik you get exp from hatching as well, so low distance eggs are more efficient but they probably give shit pokes, so what shud i do
                                                            and can i stop incubating an egg at like 1.9km/2.0 km and save them for when i have my lucky eggs


                                                              okay i didn't like re:zero at the beginning like lot of the animes but it makes me super nervous rn

                                                              i only have one question - after like 3rd or 4th death where his revive point was by that merchant, that guy said something like "yeah sure i'd always help a guy who saved my little sister". but he did that in his first life and he was just revived, it didn't happen in current life. why the hell did the say that?

                                                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                me, government hooker

                                                                  u can hatch 2 km eggs for xp yes im not sure wether u have a CP cap on pokemon that u get from eggs based on ur level cause u can hatch a 2k kangaskhan from a 5 km egg (thats the max for kang). its probably highly unlikely too


                                                                    use the infinite one for the 2km eggs and the 3 use ones for 10/5 km eggs, just to get the most out of them. eggs give tons of candies so even if you get like a shitty pidgey, you'll get tons of candies for the evolutions later

                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                      and no u cant like pause incubating. not that i know of


                                                                        can youjust watch fsn 2104 7

                                                                        i've already watched fate/stay night ubw if that's what you meant

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                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                            talk about eggs PogChamp

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              thats ma n1gga right there


                                                                                theres actually a step to get that as ur starter i heard


                                                                                  btw a venosaur spawned yestd but i didnt managed to click on it before it disappeaered


                                                                                    lmao pikachu looks shittier every single year. that's the real shit here




                                                                                        starter doesn't matter anyways, it is pretty much your shittiest pokemon


                                                                                          cant u get a good cp/iv'd starter and just rape with it later


                                                                                            we won cuz Arin left :D

                                                                                            btw, rare to see you that angry :)


                                                                                              no, because every pokemon is already capd I think. Also, until you have enough candy to evolve your starter twice you'd have found another one with much higher base cp


                                                                                                Dos Catos, I tought you were a serious person only sendin nudes on snapchat, now I've discovered you also play pokaman


                                                                                                  im having some issues with dota lately, random fps drops even when net_graph doesnt show anything wrong. dunno whats goign on, it might be virus or just that this computer is dying


                                                                                                    thats why i play only supports now because these minor shits don't matter that much where as carries i've lost a number of lanes by getting harassed/tanking creeps/missing lasthits because of this crap


                                                                                                      I've noticed that when the dota2 TI broadcast is ON on the background it may lag everything up. if you click on "hide" on the main screen it should be much better