me, government hooker 02. 12. 2016nice tryMekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018 INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016"nice try" 1 min delay between ur and his post don't you realize that Lord Magnus let you get the page? it's impossible to actually steal something from our Lord me, government hooker 02. 12. 2016shut the fuckj up autist INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016? me, government hooker 02. 12. 2016it was 48th post and he already posted once meaning he cant get new page u animal INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016then how does saying "nice try" make any sense, you just spammed the last page to get this, magnus didnt even try AS I SAID me, government hooker 02. 12. 2016id try to explain but i think i will rest my case here 😄D the Superior 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 24. 01. 2018Yowai Mo 02. 12. 2016My response to this would get me a 1 month ban again instead I'll just say, spunki is an autist huehue INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016mods pls D the Superior 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 24. 01. 2018 INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016 INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016ok nvm this shit requires parentAL CONSENT fml arin 02. 12. 2016it was 48th post and he already posted once meaning he cant get new page u animal the limit for one time posting are 3 posts in a short interval across forum and he has two accounts D the Superior 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 24. 01. 2018Yowai Mo 02. 12. 2016I'm the bot. [annoy-o-bot] Hello, hello, hello reference Tento komentář byl upraven 02. 12. 2016Mekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018Yowai Mo 02. 12. 2016in russia, roshan grinds youMekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018Music 02. 12. 2016holy shit, these new j. cole songs are fire!D 02. 12. 2016Weeeeekkkeeeeennnndddrobert 02. 12. 2016Arghhhhhhhhme, government hooker 02. 12. 2016the limit for one time posting are 3 posts in a short interval across forum its 1/5min iirc i have 5 accs as well, logged in different browsers/phone, i was just talking about the situation in whcih hed use only 1arin 02. 12. 2016arin 02. 12. 2016arin 02. 12. 2016 it's 3Tento komentář byl upraven 02. 12. 2016 INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016more like you're filled with NOTHINGme, government hooker 02. 12. 2016. 7 02 20Tento komentář byl upraven 02. 12. 2016Mekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018me, government hooker 02. 12. 20167 07 10me, government hooker 02. 12. 20167 07 10me, government hooker 02. 12. 2016i fucked it up 07 07 30Tento komentář byl upraven 02. 12. 2016Mekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018me, government hooker 02. 12. 201607 12 00me, government hooker 02. 12. 201607 12 00me, government hooker 02. 12. 201607 12 00me, government hooker 02. 12. 201607 16 50me, government hooker 02. 12. 2016dsadsame, government hooker 02. 12. 2016fucking dotabuf f syays 5 mins ago when its like 4 30 o rsomethignD 02. 12. 2016when r we playing tomorrow? are we playing anything?Mekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018Yowai Mo 02. 12. 2016Why would you try to do a record when the patch ends in 10 days?arin 02. 12. 2016 one or two games before returning to choking on limitsTento komentář byl upraven 02. 12. 2016Mekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018 INV MENYA LP PARTY 02. 12. 2016 damn boyyyyyySeoulmate 02. 12. 2016 the low prio squad Mekarazium 02. 12. 2016Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem 20. 01. 2018Pro psaní komentáře se přihlaste.Přihlášení přes Steam
nice try
"nice try" 1 min delay between ur and his post
don't you realize that Lord Magnus let you get the page? it's impossible to actually steal something from our Lord
shut the fuckj up autist
it was 48th post and he already posted once meaning he cant get new page u animal
then how does saying "nice try" make any sense, you just spammed the last page to get this, magnus didnt even try
id try to explain but i think i will rest my case here 😄
My response to this would get me a 1 month ban again
instead I'll just say,
spunki is an autist huehue
mods pls
ok nvm this shit requires parentAL CONSENT fml
the limit for one time posting are 3 posts in a short interval across forum
and he has two accounts
I'm the bot.
[annoy-o-bot] Hello, hello, hello
in russia, roshan grinds you
holy shit, these new j. cole songs are fire!
its 1/5min iirc
i have 5 accs as well, logged in different browsers/phone, i was just talking about the situation in whcih hed use only 1
it's 3
more like you're filled with NOTHING
7 02 20
7 07 10
7 07 10
i fucked it up
07 07 30
07 12 00
07 12 00
07 12 00
07 16 50
fucking dotabuf f syays 5 mins ago when its like 4 30 o rsomethign
when r we playing tomorrow? are we playing anything?
Why would you try to do a record when the patch ends in 10 days?
one or two games before returning to choking on limits
damn boyyyyyy
the low prio squad