General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    I really want LGD and VG win but there can only 1 team that can pass

    FY Fenrir and ICEx3 Pls no disapointerino


      i thought c9 was shit for losing to them, but looks like they are at least 2nd place lmao


        Sounds perfect.

        Now I don't think theres many splitpush heroes that can threat towers viable so I'm sure CDEC would run down Alliance extremely easy.
        LGD could outstrategies CDEC and outexecute, I don't think VG can, and EG had issues although I think they have potentional.

        Seems this patch is just perfect for CDEC

        Miku Plays

          VG got this in the bag

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Maybe not Alliance, but teams just keep playing their game.

            Livin' Real Good

              Alright i'm gonna go somewhere, EG's out, don't really care anymore, Chinese win.


                EG got a day to to prepare, and they will have warmup in the booths before the grand final.

                I can actually seem them win vs CDEC. If CDEC let's Techies thru suddenly they cant run as rampant and then mistakes happen, #Oracle

                What other heroes can stop people from being rampant? ^_^


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                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  I think your forgetting Asian teams don't let other teams pick undying...


                    they're out of upper bracket, not the tournamnet


                      eg is shit anyway


                        i would like cdec to get rekt by techies in grand final, i would laugh my ass off


                          ^^got ya

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                            PPD needs to summon the salt lords to bless him with proper drafts


                              here is a tip

                              ban that fucking tusk my god.


                                omg razor of vici gaming

                                inbė they lose

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  That Ember pick was more obvious than Benao's hate for Sumail.


                                    i wonder if iceiceice still wants that zenith watch if he wins ti

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Yeah I don't get two heroes PPD left in that teams have used like crazy all meta undying and tusk...genious? No


                                        lol sick plays


                                          people at this ti ignore ember too much


                                            VG STAHP FEED :(


                                              thats not the problem. They go early shit and they feed him kills when fucking around instead of getting raxes, bad builds. Not so many games where ember owns from very early. sumail had one

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Hi we are VG and we are gonna take a 7 minute teamfight against Ion Shell Ember, Gyro and fucking Undying because we are geniuses.


                                                  yeah i mean they dont really gank him and just feed him early, letting him snowball which he shouldn't be allowed to do imo


                                                    AYYY NICE ROCKETR

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Holy shit the plays.


                                                        The plays are real. Iceiceice is god.


                                                          nicen icen ice

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            iceiceice is just something else man.


                                                              its not that guys, same thing as with mvp i think?

                                                              they go between tier 1 and tier 2 and feed


                                                                never tell iceiceice the odds


                                                                  orchid and ember is so useless :D and hes not even going manta first


                                                                    I dont even think manta is the right item here. What are you gonna do if the clock hooks you? I feel he needs linkens to live through the initiation.


                                                                      he actually bought his bf shit right before he got ganked, like 5 seconds

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        LGD fighting after Ember is long dead, they didn't have Mek either, it was just bad decision.


                                                                          i bet that rampage felt good


                                                                            hao shitting on some kids


                                                                              we need a bigger stage to support the weight of HAOS GIANT BALLS


                                                                                WHAT A PLAYS BY VG, HOLY FUCK.


                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  VG fought that fight so well, those cogs by icex3 holy shit.


                                                                                    what do u do when clockwerk hooks u ? remnant out lmao


                                                                                      he could share some balls with sumail so he gets madness sb bkb, mans up and wins the game


                                                                                        most impressive part of ice missed his hook and he still waited for the right moment to cog

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          Benao STILL flaming Sumail holy shit, give him a fucking break.


                                                                                            well gg


                                                                                              holy crap that play by icex3 again. Just when the rocket was about to hit him, he goes agressive on Gyro.

                                                                                              WHAT A PLAYER.


                                                                                                I would honestly pay to watch benao sub in for a position 1 or 2 on a pro team so we could all laugh at his failure


                                                                                                  You really want to see his flaming even before the game begins? xD


                                                                                                    "they're all dead" - LD TI5 2015

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