General Discussion

General DiscussionI really dont get it

I really dont get it in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    How is BH still not past 50% winrate with how strong he is this patch...........


      Firstly, its because people don't know how to balance farm and roaming on that hero. Some people don't roam at all till they have track. Some roam even when its obvious their team can't get any kills and they end up being level 2 when everyone is level 6.

      Secondly, it requires a tiny bit more thinking than other heroes which apparently most people can't handle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      Livin' Real Good

        They never know when to farm, and when no to farm with bounty, and almost every Bounty i play with is always super under leveled and useless by time 30 minutes happens. They probably just end up having Phase boots, orb of venom, and like Bracer at 45 minutes, and after they throw the shuriken and right click and enemy with jinada in a team fight, he's more useless than a support.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Can you explain why you buy SnY on Bounty? I can see it's synergy, but Bounty Hunters roles isn't rightclicking heroes consistently.

          Don't see your build work in an actual skilled game

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I still like the old right click BH. At least you do something in fights, not just run around and Track people. Also people should understand, this ain't TI5. In pubs, there is usually only 1 support and most of the time it will be a bad dual lane so you can easily win that lane. You have a 200 damage nuke at level 4, this means easy kills. I honestly like offlane BH more because you are at least sure to get exp.


              Oracle = dead Dota 8 months ago
              ICEFROG IS SO FUC... 10 months ago
              ICEFROG IS FUCKIN... 10 months ago

              I'm pretty sure you're wrong here. Most games on EU are 5800+ average if you're 6k+ if you play at right times (while abusing canceling) and people are generally very tryhard although very cancerious. It's odd to have a team not having two supports, and even if it's fine unless you're palying some shit like Rubick.

              Especially in this patch where you will have more dual lanes. Bountyhunter solo dual lane will just mean your safelane gets raped cause you have Undying

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                People are tryhard, but in their own way. To most people, being tryhard is about doing what they think will win them the game without having to rely on their team, so most of the time they pick FOTM heroes without caring much about team composition which ends up not having two supports. Even if they have two supports, it's totally fine to offlane because you at least keep them busy and make them waste their money, while in truth you may not even be in the lane and still roaming.

                King of Low Prio

                  I dont have a 'item build' on BH I just transition into whatever role I need to fill within a pub match (position 3-5). I also like to avoid buying bkb in pubs so s/y helps me with dodging spells (or just tanking more). I do feel a utility build is overall better but sometimes there is a obvious weak link in the team that needs his role to be filled. The main reason I do not like a core offlane BH that much is because you can get away with having another core in the offlane (who can still get good farm due to track money)

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    a little side note: try to get blink/eul/force staff a bit more often

                    also an arcanes/mek into gg build is very strong for BH nowadays

                    rightclicking BH is currently rather weak, the hero is strong as support and walking midas for cores. S&Y, desol and mkb are very, very situational, and if you are forced to get them, it probably means you shoukdn't have picked BH.


                      I forgot to mention solar crest, I'd say its a must-have item for BH in most games

                      plz do

                        the only true item build is dagon5+etheral.


                          I experimented with BH a lot, including dagon builds, but it turns out to be crap. Yes, you have high K/D ratio and gpm, but you lose games for your team. From first sight it might look as if your other teammates underperform and "lose game for you", but that's just not true - egoistic builds lose games. Its similar to dagon-only nyx, for example.


                            Whether or not dagon is good depends on the game.

                            It's a powerful snowball item and the burst can change many early game fights.


                              bh didint got changed ? this patch ?


                                its deadweight for lategame. you literally give up it when going dagon on BH. also, as i alrdy said, bh is currently picked a lot in competitive and high lvl pubs due to his ability to support teammates and boost them with money, not cz he can carry games.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I do not like arcane(I will go arcanes if team requires the mana and I know we will be team fighting often) mek on BH I dislike GG even more on him. I usually just go tranq soul ring on him until a bit later where I drop soul ring. S/Y is not build to make you a 'right click hero' It is built to give you a greedier item for maintaining positional advantage(blink/ force staff)

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    BH was changed during the afk farming meta so the change had no real effect because everyone was afk farming all game


                                      @King of Low Prio
                                      SnY is not a "direct" rightclicking item, but it's an "egoistic" type of item: you increase your own impact and dont help ur team with it. I cant rly explain you why SnY is bad and f.e. mek is good, it's about game intuition. However, if you check the builds of BH on ti5, you'll probably find smthng similar to what I said.
                                      But idk at what mmr you are normally pkaying, if its smthng like high 3 or low 4 kk, it might be optimal to rely less on ur teammates, although tbh I highly doubt that even for this bracket.


                                        Why do you buy eul/blink/force on bh? I've seen it a lot but never understood why

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          It is never optimal to copy builds in a pro game, I understand why they build it in pro games but there is a different meta in pubs. For example if you build mek to make your team fight stronger and your teammates change their mind on want to farm you are stuck with a item that completely kills your solo pick off potential.


                                            How can you dislike Guardian greeves? pretty much the best boots around. And bounty is a full fletched pos 4 Support now, it's undeniable.


                                              mobility items are always gut, arent they? bh needs a lot of mobility cz he participates (at least, he is supposed to) in all the teamfights.

                                              there are a lot of ways to use all the listed items, like cancelling dust with eul, blink eul escapes, track-blink out, eul escaping targets, cancel chanelling spells, force-staff teammates, etc.

                                              These items are just very good in general, but you cant afford going them as carry/mid often, while BH:
                                              a) doesnt rly need some specific items much (like BS for timbersaw)
                                              b) usually has insane amount of gold
                                              c) provides vision thanks to track and invisibility, which increases the utility of mobility items

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              King of Low Prio

                                                You have to use both your heal and mana at same time which I dislike


                                                  @Kinf of Low Priority
                                                  Did I say I copy their builds? I dont actually know what they build, I dont watch TI, I just suppose they get gg, solars, blinks, euls etc. instead of desol/bfury/mib/etc., cz its optimal. Its about game intutition, as I said above.

                                                  Mek is not a blind-purchase item, ofc. You get it when you are supposed to figh. However, if you are not willing to fight or gank, why would you ever pick BH?

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    you dont have to rush gg once you have mek and arcanes. get one or two items on top of that (solar and blink, commonly), then get Gg's recipe. Its not worth purchasing early anyways.

                                                    plz do

                                                      sry my post was trolling ofc. the sarkasm didnt really show between the lines. I should've added somethine like: I would get dagon 5 11 out of 10 times.

                                                      btw to all gg sceptics: it purges all negative debuffs (like dust n stun n hex n shit), which is huge on bh and scales well into late game.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        i understood that u meant it to be kappa, however the question of dagon on BH still stands; it's a rather common build. That's why I gave an explicit reply.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          "if you are not willing to fight or gank, why would you ever pick BH?"

                                                          this is why I said their is a much different meta in pubs than pro games,without a captain on the team you have 5 different people following whatever path they feel leads to victory. Sometimes that path intersects with your teammates others it does not. The way I build for pubs it somewhere in the middle so when my teammate does something odd I can still maintain a good path to winning


                                                            I think you can more or less predict what ur team gonna do basing on picks. For example, storm and bs suppose ganks, am is afk farmer which doesnt need bh unless he's rly good with his hero and dota2 overall and understands that sometimes you can participate in teamfights with bh on his side (you shouldnt rly rely on that, xD). you can also communicate with others during the pick stage and ask them what they are willing to do.
                                                            most ppl know how BH works, so you dont have to expect something rly odd imo.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              MEH, the phase bottle drums (whatever damage item here ) works for me so why change.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                There is a much higher chance your teammates will not work with you than to follow your 'ideal' plan. So I find it better to as notail said 'go full retard with them'. You just abuse your opponents lack of coordination by avoiding pure utility.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Im not saying your build is 'wrong' I am saying it is less effective in a pub meta


                                                                    not in my games tho


                                                                      i dont question which build is better. just in higher lvl pub games what I said works more efficiently. it may be the consequence of higher mmr players on your side, OR it may be what actually brings you to higher bracket urself. I just suggest to try it some day, if u want. i was not planning to discuss why certain items work better and Im bad in reasoning, cz I rarely apply concious analysis, relying on experience and game intuition instead.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        If it worked better your stats would reflect it. Maintaining 50% does not mean it is effective it means it does not hurt you that bad


                                                                          i was trying shitty builds and having fun mostly
                                                                          u may just not follow my advice if you dont want to

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            So was it one or two pub matches ago you figured it all out


                                                                              I either dont understand you (a), or you are trying to keep arguing about what is viable and what is not (b).
                                                                              If (a) is true, re-formulate it.
                                                                              If (b) is true, just do what u want, idm. i just suggested smthng, and i dont force you to believe in it. you can try it and check it out, you can ignore it, whatever.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                I never said it was not viable I said one build is less effective in a pub meta. Even at 6k you still have the pub meta to take into account


                                                                                  I'm speaking from my class of mmr; I see bounty hunter picked almost as much as any other hero, so it's likely the 2-3k ers that cause the low w/r.

                                                                                  It's probably 1/10 times that I see someone play bounty right.

                                                                                  About 7/10 try to play him as a hard carry. The other 2/10 play way too stagnant and don't do anything in the laning phase. Roaming but not actually doing anything. All 9/10 don't understand how to use track.


                                                                                    current pub meta for bh is what i was talking about, actually. idr when was the last time i saw SnY. sometimes ppl still purchase desol, but rly rarely.
                                                                                    more than a half of bh players i see go arcanes/mek build now. in ~70% of cases BHs get solars. blinks and euls are purchased a bit less often, i just personally like them. even glimmer works.


                                                                                      mb US meta is different from EU meta
                                                                                      dummy euros, hehe


                                                                                        4.8k eu = 6k us


                                                                                          i smell ixmike's spirit in these wise words

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I just like s/y I am in no way advocating the it. I tend to pick it up ovee blink so I can put more midgame pressure in

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                                              Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                                                                                                Cuz u are so good, but people dont get in your intwlligence level, thats why u are 6k simpson

                                                                                                Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                                                                                                  Evrybody k ows im the king of low prioright after benao ffs

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Pretty much what JunglePeople said. People suck at playing bh, myself included. I never know what to do with the guy. Ideally you want to be jacking up your teams gold by winning fights with track, but that's so dependant on being by the team and having fights go on. Is he a support? Is he a carry? Is he even a good offlane? I don't know. Plus he's really easy to shut down as a solo offlane, just plant sentry, have support and carry harass the shit out of him. If you have good supports pub bounties aren't shit.

                                                                                                    Bh in this meta is basically a support yet you can't really stick him in a lane and say support. I actually think dual offlane bh works best so he can hide and roam and you're never quite sure if he's there or not, yet the offlane doesn't need babysitting.

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      I have the best carry bounty hunter


                                                                                                        I have the best carry bounty hunter

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