General Discussion

General DiscussionSpecifically Need Advice About My Gameplay

Specifically Need Advice About My Gameplay in General Discussion

    SO Hello. My First Post in here.

    at first time calibrated i am getting MMR 1.5k, ( last year ) and now starts climbing to 3.2k after intense ammount of learning. my Win rate now placed at 53%. I understand the mechanic of farming, last hitting, supporting, warding, dewarding. and i understand how the all heroes played theoritically ( there is some heroes that hard to execute like earth spirit ).

    so guys please help me and look at my games, pinpoint out where is my mistake, and what should i do to correct that mistake. in case in general game play or anything.

    thanks in advance.


      just from your stats. You seem to die too often. I'd guess you're yolo-ing alot, which is generally a bad habit, especially if you're playing core heroes with tons of farm potential. The time you spend dead you're just loosing farm while the enemy is catching up. There are positions were death is inescapeable which is fine, but sometimes it's better to back off and just kill two guys instead of 3 (and die).

      may seem obvious but keep this in mind next time.


        just so you know, you "THINK" you understand whatever you wrote there, you do however understand it better than the thousands of noobs with less mmr than you. Put yourself in the mind of a player better than you, replicate and keep learning. Right now you're just at the starting point which only people with some degree of IQ get, be it brains or copy paste


          @.Kittyminati thanks, that was helpful. i thought so too. sometimes when i get really ahead from laning stage, i always going YOLO like crazy, i will check this behaviour next time i am playing.

          Bad Intentions

            I think op is a girl 😨

            Impressive climb tho, interesting if u can tell the specifics of the climb since alot are aspiring that as well.


              @Bad Intentions : there is no specifics from the climb i think because all i do just play to win. picks and counterpicks. knowing the meta, items, weakness, and everything.

              personal tip : usually when i am in draft mode, and they picked heroes that i had to deal with it, i usually opens internet in steam and just type 'xxx counter' and pick according that.

              versatility is good and bad at one point, good when you counter picking, bad when you just want to play that heroes. cause that's not your hero / most played ( like dendi enigma in FTP films )


                1) Just pick 5 heroes that you're really good at

                2) Keep playing them to get out of the 3k trench

                3) Start learning from there

                Being able to counter pick doesn't mean you're able to fully utilize the hero. Eg, we all know that a good Earth Spirit player can literally create chaos and turn the tide in many situations. But that doesn't mean YOU can.


                  ofc it means he can

                  if he plays more than enuff games as ebola spirit

                    Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                      no u dont need to focus on all 5 roles

                      u get 1 role that ur good at and play with it

                      do u really think players like ferrari plays supports ? or offlane ? no hes fucking mid player and he plays mid

                      Livin' Real Good

                        I went from 1.9 to 3.6, calibrated this year, but lately have just been playing pubs and party MMR, and haven't played solo MMR in ages due to me not playing well lately >.> Sounds like you're thirsty and eager to learn this game and get good, keep up the attitude! O_O

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          i am willing to play and learn this game be great and win tournaments. that's my dream.s.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!