General Discussion

General Discussionesports profile?

esports profile? in General Discussion

    how do i activate that? been into joindota/gigabyte challenge/starladder/other amateur tournaments, but those lobby games dont get recorded.


      u need to play in ticketed tournaments


        Most of those tournaments have tickets, but you need to actually organise the game to be ticketed I think.
        For instance I was in a tournament and most of our games weren't ticketed but we played one team who always gets their games ticketed so it's the only game showing in my profile

        Sucks because they were also triple the skill of the rest of the league :P


          usualy admins of the league gives ability to ticket games for every team captain

          or host games on their own or let casters host the games


            oh, i see. eh, they were small games anyway. 4,5k avg team and max we reached 16 teams bracket. ty for answers

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