Gyro, BH and Lina will see an increase in pick rate. Lesh is already being abused so won't change much. Apart from that don't expect low level players to learn anything from what we saw, there won't be any rotations or smoke plays. Just going to be the same old dota with a couple of heroes who will get picked more often
prettysure people still random and pick worthless shit
retards be retarded and retards gonna retard
well at least, I will try to adjust my play-style.
I might spam Gyro so I can have more help to the team as soon as I hit level 6.
How do you actually stop a Lesh and a Storm?
I don't think a Single Pick can stop them?
I'm now thinking, maybe we can bring back the Doom era?
Pubs are awful atm. In every single game, even in normal matchmaking, there is BS, Leshrack, Gyro, etc. People tryhard more than ever and you have to really play on top of your game to win.
^ have you seen finals? Its rather easy, pick gyro, outfarm pl, aoe the shit out of him with buter bkb and satanic while he only has travels drum and diffusal, lol.
I suspect gyro will have a higher pick rate
Naga supports who don't know how to properly support as a naga
Storm spirit everywhere
pl shits over gyro
midgame u just run into him with diffusal and he cant do anything about it
Super safe picks: Lesh, Gyro, Luna, QoP, Storm, Clock.
Safe picks that have weaknesses: PL, AM, Cyka, Wind, SB.
Game Ruiners THX to TI: Naga Supports, Roaming BHs lvl 2 minute 7.
EDIT: I forgot the number 1 game ruiner since i have memory: rubick insta-pickers. From my experience only 1 out of 15 actually contributes something to the game. They watch all those mlg plays from youtube of stolen blackholes, meracle owning and shit, then fail miserably.
well, since techies got banned literally every game in grand finals he is op
so i will continue to spam him.
@ morning wood you can say that about any carry lol.
PL just farm manta BoTs diffusal skadi heart while Gyro has only mkb , SnY and HotD.
but 6 slot vs 6 slot flak cannon doesnt do anything cuz illusions spawn too fast ( 50% wtf, every other attack).
And i dont think PL farm less less fast than a Gyro, with BoTs you drums, aquila, Diffusal you already farm very fast.
SO overall PL>Gyro, saying that just outfarm him is not reliable
Can't stand bh supports, it is coming though. Bh support played a ton at TI and with great success, everyone's going to think they are pro sniping couriers now. Bh supports in pubs blow, you might as well be 4v5. They don't pressure anyone, you are just handing offlane to other team.
I've also noticed a lot more blinks on supports and smokes going out. One game other team smoke ganked twice, and in not so obvious times for pubs like not on mid or end game to end, kind of just a mid game smoke, whattttt? And then blinks on pugnas and shadow shamans, gg. I kind of hate when people do this and start playing all amazing n shit. Cus you are fine if you expect it, but then half the players don't do that shit so it messes with you. Like if you play cautiously to avoid a smoke you give up a lot of farm, it needs to be necessary.
Whats wrong with arcane boots on storm? its fine if you want to rush bloodstone before finishing pt isnt it??.
@Please Save My Earth
If you rush bloodstone on Storm Spirit your inventory will be something like: brown boots + bottle + bloodstone. Great! Now you have regen, but you have no bonus stats at all! PT + bottle + orchid looks much more intimidating for the ~same price.
arcane boots storm spirit is the #1 sign that ur mid player is a brain damaged account buyer
^Sometimes it is viable to rush a Bloodstone if you're confident in your ability to snowball, otherwise Orchid is the safer option
why would I ever not go treads soul ring and have better farming, better killing, better HP, better everything
wow I can get bloodstone 1:30 earlier except I crippled my whole early game to do it
same shit as no boots/brown boots BF antimage
confirmed, played with my 500 mmr friend
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So after all the games played in TI5. What would be the emerging meta specifically in Pubs?
I'm thinking it's going to be team fight based games.
And the heroes who will most likely get picked are those with many skill sets (not passive based heroes).
I actually prefer the influence of this TI compared to others where the focus was on farmed carries, stable mids, 4 protect 1 or rat doto.
This current meta gives shine to all positions. The glimmers, smokes, greaves have become a big part of winning.
Also, if you noticed all games in the grand finals. Fear made a big adjustment by making sure to TP help always when gank is incoming.
I hope this enlightens all players including me.