General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion

    I have really taken a liking to this hero and is keen to improve, any tips on doing so? And how is my current spectre doing?


      Low amount of games account looks like a smurf.


        Yea it is, but i'm using this coz im too lazy to get out of low prio in my other acc. But tt aside..


          I looked at a few of ur games , and ur hero damge seems low for a hero that does a lot of hero damage . Good win rate tho .

          Dire Wolf

            More points in desolate sooner. Your ult at 6 does zero dmg if you don't have desolate. I don't know if you need to max dagger, although most people do first, but if you always go phase boots you don't need extra speed and dmg isn't much per level. You definitely don't need to max dispersion unless you are being seriously ganked often or harassed. I usually go like 2/2/2/1 at level 7.

            Other than that it looks like everything is pretty standard radiance build. The other option of course is going diffusal. I usually go vanguard, diffusal then try to get radiance myself cus I'm not good farming with spec without a babysitter so vanguard and diffusal help a ton with that.

            "I looked at a few of ur games , and ur hero damge seems low for a hero that does a lot of hero damage . Good win rate tho ."

            Desolate earlier would fix that, his ult does pretty much nothing right now until he has radiance. And early diffisual would bump that up too.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Dont build Phaseboots waste of gold. boots of speed is good nuf untill you have radi + Hot then you can make it travel. also you need to try refresher once! Oh also manta is Way better than SnY. SKill build is arguable but usually i max dispersion because i want to make laning farm easier and make myself durable to gangs helps a lot for early radiance

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Do the illusions get the added radiance damage to their stats or do they just get the radiance aura? I'm interested in Spectre too and trying to maximize the ultimate. As far as I gather from Wiki, +agi will work on illusions but +damage items don't. Care to shed some light people?


                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Obviously raw damage items don't work on illusions, raw armor doesn't either I think. Only raw HP, movespeed and stats do. Also Phase Boots is definitely not a waste of gold, it gives 24 damage for just 840 gold and allows you to chase people way more easily.


                    I don't know why you want to practise a hero that is heavily reliant on others but whatever.

                    Maxing dispersion is severely overrated and desolate is severely underestimated. Seriously you can give someone surprise buttsex with orb of venom plus level 4 desolate and they melt like butter. Also there is no fixed build on that hero which opens up room for flexibility. You can skip Radiance in certain games but that's like an AM skipping bfury, you put yourself in a precarious situation by doing so because your inability to flashfarm can render you useless later on.

                    I don't approve of SNY because if you want lockdown there exists two much better items; abbysal or diffusal. The latter is cheaper and greatly benefits ur ulti cuz it's the most cost efficient agi item in the game. The prior is effective later on versus BKB's and other carries. Even if you're doing well, Diffusal offers way more snowballing than SnY which is usually gotten for that reason.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Without diffusal manta is not that much better than s&y, s&y has more hp, the illusions don't do a lot without diffusal though they still get desolate I think. But it's a toss up as manta costs more and costs mana. You could skip those items altogether, my ideal 6 slot build probably wouldn't have either, but yasha is so easy to build and the only IAS item that affects illusions, it's just so good on spec. You could just go plain yasha and then fill out other stuff.

                      Phase is totally fine and I think it really helps letting you leave dagger less than maxed and fill out other skills.

                      Skadi is also an overlooked item on spec, the stats beef illusions up a lot. If you had butterfly + skadi + yasha + diffusal + max desolate you can start wiping teams with one ult, seriously, they will hit so fast and hard. Heart is probably slightly better if you radiance as you can dip in and out of fights and keep constant radiance pressure up while regenerating, but if you go right click/illusion dmg skadi is amazing.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        Thanks guys, but how is refresher a option for spec ? If you ult, and refresh and ult immediately, will 2 illusions spawn ? Or will it overwrite ?

                        Dire Wolf

                          I think it overwrites so you end up doing back to back ults for double duration. But refresher is like a 6th slot item. I think I've done it once? I would only do it after boots, butterfly, skadi, diffusal, radiance, something like that. If you had all those and did a double ult you're probably wiping entire enemy team.

                          I've never seen anyone rush it. Idk maybe a diffusal, butter, refresh would be good.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            2 illusions will spawn


                              I see. Thanks guys

                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                  What's 4 1 1 1 ?


                                    4 points in first ability, 1 in second, 1 in third, 1 in ultimate


                                      Manta is better than sny because your illusions will be tanky once you get Heart also desolate does full DMG FULL DMG And is PURE DMG!!!!! ok guys if they are alone and you have 3 x the desolate DMG plus diffusal (radi works too but won't stack it just extends the range of aura) They just melt guys they melt...... Sny is garbage on spec guys .....skadi into manta is better if you wanna go that route

                                      Miku Plays

                                        I like the vanguard and treads build on spec as it gives you the option to either rush the radiance or get other items first, also this lets you afk farm lanes/jungle for a long time while your team creates space for you. Dont forget to use ult to get assist gold as well, just make sure your illusions are present when they killed someone or you wont get any assist gold ( someone correct me if im wrong)


                                          Just keep spamming the hero... Get some early hp item depending on what farming item you intend to build. I like to make Vlad's. Others prefer Vanguard. If you are getting free farm you can even get away with just a raw vit booster (which you'll later build into a Heart).

                                          Then farm-farm-farm. If the lanes are nasty move into the jungle (but keep in mind that lane farm > jungle farm). Buy a ward or two yourself if no one else does. Ult whenever your teammates fight. Check if you might be able to steal a kill or two and survive. If not, don't even join the fight, just keep farming.

                                          If you get ganked try to escape via the ult and/or your Q (which gives free movement).

                                          If you manage to get the money before 25 min, get the Relic and then the Radiance. Otherwise consider switching to Diffusal. Both do good damage, but Radiance gives you way more farm.

                                          After the damage-dealer, get Heart. This is where you come online. Join fights aggressively and get kills. Next get a Manta. Then whatever you want.

                                          In pubs you'll generally have horrible early games (cuz of poor support). Be patient and keep farming. If your enemy doesn't wrap up the game by min 30, you'll probably win, because Spectre is probably the single strongest late-game carry.


                                          Miku Plays

                                            Spec gets rekt by silver edge carries btw


                                              you don't summon two illusions simultaneously with refresher - wait till the one set has expired before using refresher. the illusions are there to cause chaos and to allow you mobility - besides the radiance aura won't stack. it's worth getting at any point the weaker half of their team can't kill your illusions.

                                              manta and diffusal go a long way to countering silver edge carries

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                @hatsune miku, how so ? O.o

                                                Miku Plays

                                                  silver edge break, disables your desolate and the reflection

                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                    It basically nullify almost all your damage from dispersion and desolate


                                                      thats why you get diffusal

                                                      to purge the break

                                                      yet another reason why you'd rather get that over sny


                                                        oh, i see . thanks guys :D


                                                          also to anyone who maxs dispersion first thinking they are tanking up - don't. one point is fine but it scales badly.

                                                          do the maths...a level 3 spectre with two levels of dispersion has 840 Physical EHP and 910 Magical EHP. 1 level of dispersion and one level of stats gives 866 Phys EHP and 925 Mag EHP.

                                                          Even if you want to be tankier then taking stats is better than more than 1 level in dispersion. Until you have a heart/skadi, more than 1 point in dispersion is a waste of an ability point.

                                                          note: don't get stats on spectre - max dagger or desolate. if you want to tank up buy some cheap tank items.


                                                            getting one stat point in a passive farming lane at lvl 2 is fine.... id say prioritize desolate and once you have enough HP you can start to worry about the ehp you get from dispersion..... also dispersion reflect dmg is super ass early game..... Id say have it maxed by the time you get radi or diffusal/manta.....

                                                            Also as far as items go If your having a dogshit lane where you can get no farm and your just trying to survive Id recommend going blade mail on top of your vanguard treads and just try to farm an item from there it will make you much harder to gank especially once you have dispersion lvled up later Ive had storms jump me when I had blade male active and they lose half their hp trying to kill me... so like at least you make them think twice and maybe punish them for ganking you...

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              I`d shot people who rush vg on spectre, even enough space for farming is provided :<


                                                                i honestly can't see any reason getting early stats with spec. if you're that desperate buy two gg branches for the same effect!
                                                                an extra point in dagger or desolate is much more useful for successful ganks once you have your ulti in my opinion.


                                                                  ? im sure vg is a valid pickup sometimes.

                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    maybe im being delusional but i think maxing dispersion first before desolate then dagger is better when your going vg anyway, your spec illusions would last longer when enemies are trying to get rid of the ulti giving you time to jump from one person to another.


                                                                      u can jump from illusions to illusions ? o.o


                                                                        illusions dont get dispersion
                                                                        and yes you can

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                          yes u can, as long as your haunt doesnt expire

                                                                          Miku Plays


                                                                            whys that? isnt it a passive skill like ams mana burn


                                                                              no reason, probably balance?

                                                                              whatever the case, check under dispersion, hover over the manta style icon

                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                is there such thing as different kinds of illusions like normal illusions and spectres haunt illusions ? TT.TT

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Not all passives work on illusions, this working would be OP because you can deal 2000 damage to a illusion in like 2 seconds but it having dispersion would mean everybody around would take 440 damage each.


                                                                                    im not sure what ure asking, apart from free pathing ignoring cyclone and stuns and being able to reality to them they follow the same properties of iilusions (dealing mana burn, not applying corruption/skadi orbs etc)


                                                                                      Hatsune Miku thats why manta is better than SnY bro.... Remove negative debuffs and also desolate stacks on with illusions + desolate cant miss! + Late game if you have refresher + manta its 12 illusions in fight Try To fight that! For me best item build to finish the game is Radiance into Hot into manta or diffusual Then diffusual or manta then refresher. Try to ulti refresher ulti and go in. use your manta and see what happens ... they will just die you dont even have to do anything Btw 100% winrate with spec low games maybe but still

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        And manta provides much more Durability than SnY thats for whoever said than SnY gives you hp.... SnY is just bad item its really popular in low bracket games tho

                                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                                          I dont build manta when i play spec though, my usual item build is treads>vg>radiance>heart>skadi>abyssal> mkb/bkb/butter/another skadi


                                                                                            manta spec is perhaps close to half a tier below manta am u shud probably get it by ur 3rd core item at least

                                                                                            Charteuse Gale

                                                                                              Check my dotabuff, i am an avid spectre player over 200 games , even though i rarely play her because she kinda weak in this meta

                                                                                              I dislike making vanguard on her, it cost to much for dead end items. Spectre is one of the hero who needs proper baby sitting more than any carry, if your team can't make space for you, the game already lost. Vanguard was quite expensive, it also will delayed your radience timing so much. I often seen people who go vanguard getting 30 minute ++ radience which when the game already over, glimmer cape, guardian greaves, mekans, pipe already slotted and the enemy carry already had bkb to deal with you.

                                                                                              Just go simple builds on her, which more efficient and making her active than passive vanguard spectre.

                                                                                              Here's my build

                                                                                              1. Go phase boots , why ? gives spectre more chasing power, +24 damage helps spectre last hitting alot. She had crappy base damage and the quelling blade nerf was kinda hard on her(bonus damage based on stats).

                                                                                              2. Go poor man shield, it's great, cheap , superior block and +6 damage and some minor 0,7 armor.

                                                                                              3. Go urn, this was the most important thing ON HER, Urn is an icing of the CAKE on spectre. It gives mana regen which helps spectre alot(she had shitty mana regen and mana pool) and the urn charge helps her to stay at lane or scoring kills. Just remember when the enemy gonna die, haunt in , even if you can't get kill, assist money+urn charge won't hurt and will help alot.

                                                                                              4. Lastly you can go casual magic wand/stick , with this you won't worry on regening back hp/mana.

                                                                                              btw bring TP, because haunt gonna make you dive to deep , so you can tp to another lane to farm, to avoid enemy counter gank(like they tp/coming to gank you after haunt) or tp to regening after wounded so much.

                                                                                              After this you can now go 2 route :

                                                                                              1. Skipping radience, and go man fight builds, diffusal, manta skadi, skull basher, everything is good. DO it if you know the enemy had crazy ganker that make your life hard to farm like spirit breaker and BH or if you think your own line up can't hold 4vs5 and the enemy had crazy pushing power.

                                                                                              2. Go radience, if you are quite confidence on your team perfomance(giving your space, can hold+turte the game against enemy push) and know the game gonna get dragged to late game. The rest then easy, go tarasque-manta-skullbasher or skadi/diffusal and such.

                                                                                              Anyway i am not a fan on drum, urn + phase boots are more enough and drum now not that good(had been nerfed)

                                                                                              If you still insinst vanguard, go on, but you gonna realized vanguard cost to much and the utility it offered is average for dead end item. It also make you passive and think you can stay at lane forever farming and not ricing hero.(with vanguard your output damage is low, because you need to focus on making it first right and skipping any damage items on her). Lastly with vanguard, you gonna had some problems, farming again to get that phaseboots/pt and you had shity mana regen/pool and you gonna go buy basilius/aquila, and realized you farm to many tons of items, and the clock then ticking at minute 22, and say the fuck i gonna make 30++ min radience items and ask the enemy support make glimmer-eul-mekans/guardian greaves and let enemy carry farm bkb and damage items.


                                                                                                ^ that's how I do it - leave the fountain with tangos, stout shield and slippers of agility. Contest rune with dagger then finish pms from side shop before first wave of creeps arrive. Hope someone blocked them for you!

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  Vanguard isn't expensive and gives hp regen. Urn + pms is only around 700 less. Vanguard is not a passive item at all. You are very tanks with it and can fight constantly.

                                                                                                  And manta is 6 less str than s&y. It is less hp.


                                                                                                    you can dodge things like stuns/silense/slow/ everything with manta well for people who cant do that SnY is better ofc! anyway i dk why i am arguing with some one who is 1.5kmmr lower :S i totally agree with Lone Urn Build is efficient and great sometimes but i preffer fast radiance! not allways working at high bracket cause enemy team will do everything to stop you and till min 20 you will have no towers or space to farm :D

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      If you think vanguard costs too much and delays your items then your just bad with spectre.... In a free farm lane I have vanguard by 8-10 min it makes you tough to Hank and its not a passive item it allows you to dive towers for those ez haunt pickoffs


                                                                                               Regret not building refresher this game . For a long game it went by fast I was funny thing is I team wiped enemy team with them buying using all buy backs and dieing but last catapult killed our throne lol I dunno why but was just a really chill game for me.