General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get better at Doto

How to get better at Doto in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    I am one of those locked in the trap, due to me beeing idiot and got 10% abandon during the calibration session. Not saying that I am hidden gem there, no just that I got into low mmr ( the hell of it) 1.5-2k MMR and it is very hard to dig our w.out beeing team on your own

    I have tryed different roles to get out, however the most reasonable is to get mid and try to win lane and push towers ASAP.

    Therefore I would like to ask you for general advices/guides/coaching for heroes that are game dominant/mid laners (SF,TA,QoP-never did her)

    On the other hand I am more than opened to any advices comming from you to achieve any progress since now I think I am sort of stable floating around the same MMR even I tend to get better at LH10 etc.

    Thank you in advance for all advices,


      You deserve to be 5k dude! calibration just was mean to you. Keep making smurfs and you'll get there eventually!


        git gud?


          jokes aside ... not whining here...I did fuck it up , yet I know I have steep learning curve ahead...therefore I am looking for constrcutive criticism / advices


            read guides

            watch videos

            watch higer skilled players play and try to understand wtf are they doing why are they doing that

            and then try to mimic/implement their playstyles into yours


              Thnx for advices, however anything more specific looking at my profile?

              Livin' Real Good

                I went from 2.0 to 3.6 From Feb-until now with tons of breaks from ranked in between (probably good of been there faster) how about you stop being a baby and raise your MMR you piece of trash, you belong in 1K. O_O


                  feed fb, all-chat-gg, abandon.


                    buy an account

                    only chance for u


                      play carry heroes with strong early-mid game presence. farm like a boss, win your lane and go help your dumb allies in others lanes, win the fights and push towers.


                        play a lot, watch your replay and understand how shit you are by looking at your replay and looking at a real player's replay
                        focus on minimap , lasthitting, hero movement and awareness, watching levels/items on allies/enemies, bind the courier, bind the skill skilling (i mean when u get a level dont press it with the mouse), quickbuy and buy sticky etc.

                        just try to understand how the game works, if you are not extremely dumb you are gonna get to 4k+

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                        meow maniac

                          play Reborn @ odd hours so you get higher MMR players on your team.


                            Keep spamming out abbadon and crystal maiden. Tbh you'd probably climb faster if you could dominate on a strong mid, but your best win rates are on these 2 heroes, so you'll get there eventually.

                            I calibrated meh 3k scrub-region and fucked around playing various heroes in ranked.. but I've since committed to only spamming witch doctor in ranked and am just beginning the climb. Bring on 4k


                              Thank you all for good advices, I guess I will learn 2 SF,TA,SS just to be able to mid and carry on.

                              Are there any other low MMR mid options ?

                              Any good guides you suggest?

                              Thank you


                                If you plan to play mid most of the time, then git gud. Learn the advance mechanics, stack for yourself if you can't handle your lane. Maintain the rune control (I usually get out of my lane by :48 - :49 secs depends on your hero MS) If you ever get a good rune e.g.: haste, dd or invis then try to gank other lane or mid if you think you can. Look at your enemy heroes and team mates and decide for yourself who needs gank atm. Don't be stingy on wards, just because you're mid doesn't you won't provide for your team, especially if your support can't. Last but not the least: ALWAYS BRING A TP Scroll.


                                  get good bvut dont forget this is a team game so if ur team retarded u will lose eventually


                                    git gud - play leshrac


                                      Quit Dota and start earning money = profit.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        tell your team you will commend them if they pick BS then pick zeus and collect free points


                                          ^ yes until you free yourself from 1.5k hell, then you can welcome yourself to 3k hell. doto so rewarding.

                                          funky cold medina

                                            dont pick late game heros that rely on your team to make space for you e.g. specter anti mage. play snowball mids like ta storm pudge ember lina lesh(i havent played lesh much). when i play mid only gank if you get a good rune or if your team really needs the help eg axe is cutting lane. i find pudge is really good at 2k if you can hook i have a 82.35% winrate over 34 games this month


                                              From my expirence in the 1k bracket Lycan is the perfect hero

                                              You have 70 right click damage at level one worst case you might be able to zone an offlaner on your own

                                              The absolute worst case scenario is you transition to the jungle..... It's fairly easy to tell when you need to switch tracks and level wolves more over your passive so you can jungle faster and you can bounce back easily

                                              Mid game you can destroy a single priority target in team fights on your own with medallion so you can deal with your team not being smart enough to target that lesh rack

                                              Or you can use team fights that shouldn't by any means happen to take a tower....... Or two.....
                                              1 hit creeps
                                              2 ignore team most of the time
                                              3 hit towers
                                              4 ???
                                              5 win!!


                                                But over all the best advice pick a hero your comfortable with...... Don't force yourself into a role you don't like to play or don't think you can do well

                                                And overall have fun..... If your not enjoying the game your doing something wrong


                                                  your problem lies in this very thread

                                                  you already know why you suck and how to improve but you want someone to drop a super secret shortcut method on you so you can get there with no effort

                                                  anything shorter

                                                    Also Dotabuff is a bad place to start. Dotafire will give you good guides, for various heros and even has some decent general tips and tricks that are worth looking over. Also, the Youtube channels SimplyDota and You're Doing Fine have good resources for improving your gameplay. Also consider looking at your keyboard controls and seeing if you can make some of them a little more fluid. For example, quick casting. Another side tip would be using the console to activate right click deny so you don't need to use a button for it when denying creeps or a range finder so that you can keep an eye on distances.

                                                    Beyond that, look for heros that have a strong lane presence and can snowball. Ogre Magi and Skywrath Mage are the supports that come to mind. I'm a huge fan of Necro because hearstopper aura fucks shit up. People already listed the midlaners but make sure you stack for yourself.

                                                    Side tip, either make friends and try to cue with people who you trust. Nothing like laning with a random who decides to feed and can't handle their shit and losses you the game because he doesn't understand that a Drow / Lion or CM / Jugg lane has lots of kill potential with slows, stuns and decent early damage. If someone starts raging and abusing you and the team, mute him. You need to play without those distractions and it can get to you if he goes on long enough if the game is frustrating.

                                                    Happy hunting friend.

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