General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper support?

Sniper support? in General Discussion
Pandamonium(You Died)

    Before you rage, hear me out. I'm the kind of player who picks spirit breaker, and roams at lvl 1-2.
    Sniper (at least I think so) could be an amazing support.
    His first has a slow, and can be used to stack camps from afar.
    His 2nd and 3rd are perfect to come on mid and harass the enemy. There is not much they can do, besides rotations.
    Ulti allows you to finish people off, harass from afar before fights,etc.

    So, could sniper be ok support?

    King of Low Prio



        he also has no stun, is squishy and slow, and is item dependant

        Dire Wolf

          He's good at zoning people out yes so just play him as a carry who zones people out


            Terrible post :)

            waku waku


              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                It's just meh, there are so many better options who need less gold and can provide more utility at the support position


                  no. just dont.


                    his passives are useless, he cant harras anyone without risking to die and leeching exp, hes squishy. the only useful contribution is his shrapnel, but after the enrf its barely doing anything.

                    Dire Wolf

                      He can be a good offlaner thoug if you dual lane with some stuns to protect. It's very hard for enemy carries to farm under headshot and shrapnel spam


                        Sniper is not an utility support. He is nuker. Something similar with support Zeus or Warlock.

                        And he doesn't need many items. You can start with Orb of Venom then follow with Soul Ring or Arcane Boots and you done farming.


                          The real problem with support Sniper is that your teammates will be unable to accept you as a support. They may pick something like Shaker+Venge to support you as a carry.


                            whats the point of soul ring pre 6 when you have one spell thats on a 55s cd. mana won't be the liming factor in your usefulness, shrapnel charges will be

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yeah since shrapnel change and mana reduction sniper gets by fine with just bassy or Aquila

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Only useful if your lineup is 5 carries and somone HAS TO be a support.

                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                  >>>The real problem with support Sniper is that your teammates will be unable to accept you as a support. They may pick something like Shaker+Venge to support you as a carry.
                                  Lel, thats the only downside I can see, nice one.
                                  Also, lel people can't harass with giant range. Okay.


                                    Everything is viable, very little is optimal...


                                      "His 2nd and 3rd are perfect to come on mid and harass the enemy. There is not much they can do, besides rotations."

                                      Sure you can harass from far away. But if all he can provide to a gank is a 40% chance at a slow he's pretty useless. If he gets caught out even once he'll die. I do like the idea of him in a dual offlane though.

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        He's horrible at support, his shit move speed makes it even harder to get around and "actually support" i mean he needs Sange and Yasha, MoM ALONG SIDE phase boots to even have notable move speed, not to mention he's mega squishy, with little chance for escape due to no stun or escape mechanism, yeah, not happening. Besides he NEEDS the levels, it's imperative that he hits level 6 as soon as possible, that ult has great mid game impact, i mean it's the longest range nuke in the game.


                                          slark support?
                                          antimage support?
                                          phantom lancer support?
                                          medusa support?
                                          spectre support?


                                            One time I laned sniper offlane with a Luna and I didn't support with wards but I have farm to the Luna and just harassed other heros with Luna's auta I harrased hard , we ended up getting a few kills in lane so after laning phase I was only a lil under farmed but there safe lane got trashed , I am sure this was mostly a lucky outcome tho


                                              As soon as you get lvl 6, you must always keep your ultimate on cooldown, this is when mana problems start and you must prepare for that.

                                              @Thigh High Socks
                                              Sniper is shit support because of his movement speed, huh? So Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman and Winter Wyvern are all worse supports than Sniper, because they are actually slower. Right? Also, all supports are squishy and again Sniper isn't squishiest of them.

                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                ^those 2 people see whats up.
                                                Also, message me when you can stack 2-3 camps at once with anti mage, ill listen to your cool story all day long.


                                                  if you can stack multiple camps with a certain hero that doesn't make him a support hero kappa


                                                    and btw a support is a hero that can give you buffs or has disables or is useful without many items.


                                                      im pretty sure a support hero is just the person that buys wards and upgrades courier .


                                                        what can a sniper with brown boots do at min 20?
                                                        wyvern can disable multiple heroes, rubick can reduce damage/disable + something useful, omni can heal you better than mek and give you a 4k gold item for free, venge can swap you out, can stun, gives you damage, has ez -armor.
                                                        lion has hex stun manadrain, rhasta has shackle hex, shadow demon can save your ass+ has an insane slow, shaker has 100 stuns
                                                        etc etc etc

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          @salza that looks to be the logic behind sniper support :D


                                                            holy shit check out my insane sniper support gameplay

                                                            bum farto

                                                              I used to play sniper offlane utility so I can see him being a decentish support but not right now with the massive nerf to shrapnel.

                                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                When mid and safelane is won 10 minutes in, does it matter if you can disable or w/e.
                                                                I mean unless you like to throw

                                                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                    sniper support is legit, but may be not this version
                                                                    this version is about stupid carries farm 90 min, so just pick techies

                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                      I`d play techies but 2 much memorization. Or 2 much scrubbing from my side, either way.


                                                                        When mid and safelane is won 10 minutes in, does it matter if you can disable or w/e.
                                                                        yeah i can go antimage support if mid and safelane are won and still win, good point

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          Of course he can play good support. His sick range and 1 nuke ability works very good.

                                                                          Semi-support role is very good for sniper but buying on him typical support items is not viable.

                                                                          If you want to go as support on lane i would build

                                                                          orb of venom + 8 tangos for you and your buddy + 1 clarity. Ring of Aquilla for you and your buddy ( just remember to switch it off, you dont want your lane to be pushed when you supporting your 1th role carry buddy)

                                                                          and anyway i would go madness + phase/threads boots.

                                                                          maelstorm for team dmg.

                                                                          Going 5th position support is not rly viable because you have to be close to your team in teamfights to use mek,pipe,greaves. And that means death for sniper.

                                                                          Anyway... People got very low imagination. You play what is needed in team. Sniper semi support? Why the hell not?


                                                                            (Im noob start2learn d2)
                                                                            i thinks everyhero have their roll. Sniper is lord of range carry.. Just supp him and don't let enemy close to.. he will show what he can do ... :)


                                                                              Why not? AM can farm items with ease, so farming an Orchid to counter Storm isn't hard.

                                                                              Not to mention he can blink in and out of combat, so it can provide escape mechanism which distracts the enemies to decide who to focus on. And once the enemy Storm has very little mana, Kapow, he's dead now. Warding is kid's play for AM as he can 1-hit the enemy wards with just one click (Quelling Blade/Battlefury).



                                                                                he also can blink in to use mek/arcanes/greaves kreygasm


                                                                                  am = best support confirmed


                                                                                    I quote "Sniper could be an amazing support" and i repeat "Sniper could be an amazing support".

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      "im pretty sure a support hero is just the person that buys wards and upgrades courier ."

                                                                                      That's the real answer. Any hero can be support but some are better than others.


                                                                                        Host please play 10 support sniper and show us the result. Action is better than talks.


                                                                                          lol I'll play 10 games sniper support, just watch

                                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                                            Fuck your logic @SoulTrap

                                                                                            That's not the same thing. CM has team fight ult, she has a slow nuke, she has a stun, as well as the rest, they were MEANT to be support heroes, so no.

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              ^ I don't get you. Perhaps you didn't get the sarcasm either.

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                This dumb thread should be like extinct, a day ago.

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  Stop with this crap. Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it's ideal. I can go safelane Chen and maybe win a game or two, but that doesn't mean safelane Chen is ideal or even good.


                                                                                                    I'd go mad if someone picked sniper support in my games haha