General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Raising Heroes

MMR Raising Heroes in General Discussion

    Dear Dotabuff:

    Hello! Getting to the point short and fast : I calibrated my MMR about a year ago. I was no where near as knowledgeable and had a quite limited hero pool. So obviously I needed up with a 1.8k MMR calibration.

    Now it's been a year, and I thought "hey, I've learned a lot more, I'm ready to play ranked with fellows of my skill". Guess what? I'm playing with me from a year ago. 4 of me. I'd get occasionally good people, but I'm talking about things like this sf:
    Match 1725539740

    Mid, went brown boots, rushed blink, and that was his item progression. (Yes I picked techies, abaddon was last picked, I'd just given up hope at this point)

    Or in other cases people randoming heroes they're obviously not good at and then dragging the entire team down with their 0/10/0 10 minutes in.

    So my question is simple: what is the esteemed communities suggestion for heroes? And don't give me the usual "get good" response because that's basically saying "roflstomp peoples faces in with blood/qop/lesh/ flavor of the month". If I could do that, I wouldn't have turned to here for advice.

    The conundrum is that when I pick support, my carries seem incapable of farming their core items. When I pick a core, the team wouldn't understand the necessities of success (for example picking jungle Lycan and being flamed for trading a tier 1 for tier 1 and tier 2 of the enemy team).

    So what strategies are there for a situation where you have SEA players on AUS servers with 500 ping? Do I just go mid and trust in my abilities as a position 1/2 to carry the team and rotate efficiently? Should I try more of initiation/ counter initiation heroes to turn around team fights (keeping in mind it won't be full on 5v5 most of the time and there'll be teammates without any map awareness)? Or should I go for a jungle build giving my teammates as much advantage?

    And yes I'm aware the draft is team reliant, but honestly 0 communication happens at this level (seriously, my pubs are better well drafted than my ranked games), and yes I've tried supports of all kind (WD and dazzle for survivability and keeping my idiots alive) but I'm at a loss at this point and I welcome any suggestions.

    Thanks for reading the giant wall of text and hope to get some sincere/useful advice.

      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem


        > Pick Windrunner, Bloodcyka, Lesh, AM or Any Hero That can Carry the game alone.
        > Mute Teammates
        > Pick Lane or Jungle
        > Die Less, Farm More



          seriously, if you want to have your sanity. just go carry. you have a chance to make a change. either with farm, split push, gank, kills.


            From my expirence?

            Pick Lycan

            Do Lycan things

            Explain if you can but if they won't listen to why taking multiple towers for losing one who cares

            As Lycan you can take the enemy base while a bad fights happening

            Or if it's a fight you want to take you use your ult and rune the supports/priority targets down ...... With medallion you do ALOT of damage

            But ultimately you need to pick a hero your comfortable with that you KNOW you play to a higher degree of skill then the game your currently in

            For me that's Lycan...... For some reason I love Lycan and do very well with him I understand how he plays when I need to build/play differently..... When I can go into a fight and when it's better to just go grab some towers

            And on top of that lower level players don't deal well with split push

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Thank you both for the replies.

              I think you're right. I should just relax, pick some cores and just realize it's a game after all. Then again, I don't know why ranked always adds that level of stress. Maybe it's because that little number is translated as "that's how good you are"

              I always believed that if I keep my little idiots alive, eventually the team with the 4 carry and 1 survivability guy would win. Guess you're right and I just need to work on my last hitting/ farming to the point where I can have a BF treads on AM in 20 minutes or something. I thought mid game oriented heroes who are not super ultimate dependent (Lycan, necro as opposed to Zeus or Lina) would be the go with the meta, but I guess I can give the whole "farm 15-20 minutes, then fight with team and farm on sidelines" thing a try. Thank you

              I'll play a few more games and post my progress here just in case anyone else is reading this thread and going "I am totally stuck in that dudes situation"


                if ur 1.8k ur dont need to raise mmr u need to get better at game

                play unranked random heroes for 200 games in a row until u get play each hero atleast twice then find out which ones u liked the most playing with / had the most success then master/main them get good with them and then start abusing them in ranked then u will be winning ten's of games in a row when ur at that stage


                  they idiot, they worth nothing.

                  the team that can push tower and destroy ancient win. not team that win teamfights.

                  if you are bored, go bot mode / free mode and practice last hitting and farming. watch video on youtube about pro playing. ( fear/rtz/loda/burning/anyone) and learn from that. copy. innovate.

                  Miku Plays

                    patience my child everyone experienced this at some point :P


                      i didin't back when i started there was no guides no youtube (or atleast it wasn't a thing)


                        I typically excel at space creating heroes like brood/slark/Riki where I am a drain on resources and can give my team the space necessary to accomplish multiple objectives. Works amazing in my pubs where my team can understand and capitalize on space. Works horribly in my ranked games.

                        Grind: thank you for your elitist approach. I shall henceforth delete dota and get good. Salt aside, I'm capable of a versatile hero pool, and no amount of rampages in my pubs seems to change my current problem.

                        Hatsune: I understand. Just sick and tired of my ranked games being more clown like than my pubs.

                        saving private RTZ

                          You talk about teammates but you feed in 70% of your matches, at least on last few pages. If you go to your db profile> matches there you have some averages stats, and there is your kda, you have 5.xx kills/8.xx deaths, so you feed a lot.

                          you should honestly work on map awareness, i bet you get ganked non stop. Also you should learn when to get back, i bet you overextend for a kill. If you are a core, a 1v1 trade, you for a support is usually not worthed

                          so basically what vaga/grind said you need to improve your game and i think your biggest problem is map awareness, farming and the fact that you dont know when to get back.


                            You're right. I just looked at my KDA and realized it was shockingly negative. Now I could make excuses and say "I played support, dying is ok" but looking back I have died a few times trying to make Demon plays... I'll try and improve on my KDA which would obviously entail map awareness and positioning. Thanks


                              don't die, farm more


                              perfect example I won the game, but lost because Team fed, Report that dazzle if you ever Encounter him.


                                If you lost the game, you lost the game.

                                There is no such thing as "I won the game but lost".


                                  nothing's impossible in 2k

                                  lmao, of course I lost, made questionable Plays. didn't use my ult properly, rather escaped than fight because I knew that Sven and lesh could kill me. trying to win by ratting but lesh and Sven were faster.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    u were too vagina to commit in teamfight thats why u lsot

                                    not cuz of ur team


                                      but I've to say that I lost, not my Team. I had the power to Change the game but didn't

                                      < blank >

                                        I wrote "AM come back" then he said "No cyka", afterwards I had to call "ff end fast"

                                          Tento komentář byl smazán

                                            Pudge is a pubstomper, you should try him out.


                                              learn skill hero, spam skill hero, climb mmr. ez game :kappa:


                                                try to fill a role that is missing in your team, its very broad. sometimes you don't really need a support in a team its more of a team composition you need to think about the laning phase, teamfight potential, crowd control, how well you can defend a tower push

                                                try to learn dota theory and apply it in your games

                                                playing MORE games is important too it'll give you a huge amount of experience when it comes to handling a teamfight for example (when to engage and disengage, when to help your teammate or just let him die.. etc).

                                                try to play a hero that you are comfortable with.. or master it.

                                                I've played more than 1k games of earth spirit both main and smurf accounts.. played support/offlane/mid earth spirit with different lineups. there was a time where my enemy team is countering me all 5 heroes just to shut me down and made me useless.

                                                you need to experience all kind of shit like being countered etc. eventually as you play more games you will learn what is good and not


                                                  mid lc, lots of russian boosters spam her to climb thorugh 2-3k


                                                    If your team needs support, go pick support. If your mid feeds, go stack for him, gank his lane, always bring a tp. Wards, wards and wards. Flaming will just worsen the situation. Always keep a positive attitude, for in the end its just a game.


                                                      MO has some of the better advice. We all get the same amount of negative players in our games, we all get that one guy out there who has no clue how to play bloodseeker, I've been playing Abbadon for a little bit now in ranked and the great thing about him is that he fits a TON of roles and can move around the teams needs. I'm also in the not quite a potato bracket with you and I'm making decent progress towards getting out of it. The more versatile of a hero you can play there the better. If you end up needing to carry, carry. If your team needs some support, do that too. In the end, if you got 30 kills or 3, as long as your team won and maybe, just maybe you had a little fun, who cares? If you are convinced your skill level is 3k/4k, go make a smurph and prove it too yourself. At least you'll know then.

                                                      Justin Weaver

                                                        well,here goes nothing..
                                               need to spam some heroes who can stomp in all time, ex: leshrac,bs.
                                                        2. But in your mmr u can pub-stomp with two hero (riki,NP) with np you just need to rat. (1 of my friend went from 1.6k to 2.7k with np and riki)
                                                        3. am is good too,but am needs support in the first 10 min but in 1.8k those supports will take your last hit and not harass or make ur opponent leave lane which results in a 25 min fury with no boots for the am. and am needs space for rat which is heavily dependent if and only if 4 of your teammates can take fight (and not feed) against their five.
                                                        4. you can pick some heroes who can transition in the game from support to carry or hard hitter mostly ex. abbadon and lina,support your carry and if the teamfights go in your favor u can always get some core fighting items :)
                                                        5. some heroes can change the game with 1 team fight like es or sk . u have to believe in your teammates then.
                                                        6. Ultimately dota is a 5v5 game u cant win solo. have faith in ur teammates and hope for the best that a player doesn't random and get earth-spirit and ruin your game (considering he cant play that hero)
                                                        7. And to be precise its good to play support too, im gonna go with what MO said "If your team needs support, go pick support. If your mid feeds, go stack for him, gank his lane, always bring a tp. Wards, wards and wards. Flaming will just worsen the situation. Always keep a positive attitude, for in the end its just a game." and always remember, mid player is equally important in the game, if you only support carry and the mid feeds, chances of your team losing is still pretty gank or support or stack for mid whenever you get the chance.

                                                        Remember thinking only you can take your team to victory and picking five carries in the team will only worsen the situation.

                                                        sorry for posting such a big comment :)

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Yo OP, hey listen man, first off add me so we can check your games.

                                                          I always say this all the time for those who wnt to climb.. Be that consistent high performer! Howd u do that u ask? You need to find that hero that you can excel with and give consistent performance every single game.

                                                          Find that hero man!

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            Tiny mid.

                                                            you can oneshot people with avalanche+toss combo (practice in lobby). You are strong mid/lategame. and you can push towers extremely fast. Watch slahsers guide to tiny. that works.

                                                            and if one of your teammates wants to pick IO, tell him not to. if he still insists abandon the game. I only encountered retarded IO players during my 115 tiny games.


                                                              if you cant stomp mid, you dont deserve to raise mmr.


                                                                I didnt read all comments but I saw that you listed slark as a space creating hero and yes he does create space , but he is also one of the hardest carries in the game if played right so don't forget his carry potential .


                                                                  Tiny mid is strong, he is currently my favorite mid and I actaully am way more sussecful playing tiny mid gojng blink dagger and ganking bitches then playing carry tiny ,I win a little over half my games with tiny mid and like 40% playing him in safelane . He is one of my favorite heros I just wish I knew how to play him mid when I first started , ISO not think he is a newb friendly if hero tho you need some practice with it.

                                                                  Arek Akashi

                                                                    Spirit Breaker.

                                                                    luka doncic

                                                                      What i did ( 2.4k to 3.2k) was just spam the most OP hero of the patch. For me at that time was DOOM ( pre-ti4 ) I would just jungle and have ( midas phase shivas AC by 30 mins ) . EZ


                                                                        Hi, I'm 5.2k and im giving the most real advice around because I just boosted my friend from 1.5k to 2.5k.

                                                                        remember this main points and take advantage of it.

                                                                        Note : I play only mid or I will abandon the game. < abandon the game means the real owner of the account will play the game for me because I have no intention in supporting people with 3k mmr below me.

                                                                        ONLY APPLY THIS ADVICE IF, AS YOU SAID YOU ARE A BETTER PLAYER THAN YOU 1 YEAR AGO.

                                                                        - people have 0 idea on how to win lane. Don't be afraid losing ur lane to counter hero.
                                                                        - PEOPLE HAVE 0 MAP AWARENESS AND 70 % OF THE TIME 0 WARDS, THEREFORE, pick heroes with decent mobility that can carry the game while can gank constantly. (sf, storm, ta, qop, ember, etc.)
                                                                        - NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER expect anything good from your support, they have 0 idea what they're doing because playing support the right way is twice harder than playing carry.
                                                                        - Always bring tp, 2ks overextend every single fucking time.
                                                                        - Buying invis item might help, these people never buy sentries or dust. AND THE BEST THING ABOUT IT IS, THEY NEVER FUCKING LEARN AND TRY TO FIX IT THE ENTIRE GAME.
                                                                        - Don't forget look at ur draft vs enemy's draft and tell ur team what to fcking do to avoid a farming oriented game against 5 carries (in about 50 % of my games, I played against teams with 4-5 carries, and people in 2ks are tend to be careless about the actual objective of the game, and they choose to farm to strenghten their hero instead while the game should have possibly be over 10 minutes ago. And u end up losing because ur enemy has stronger carries.

                                                                        LAST BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, PICK THAT ONE MID HERO WITH CARRY AND GANKING CAPABILITIES THAT YOU'RE GOOD AT AND SPAM IT.


                                                                          Play techies
                                                                          1k scrub going into high skill bracket lol