General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for 5.5k - 6k + players

Question for 5.5k - 6k + players in General Discussion

    Can u confidently say that u would win like 10/10 or 9/10 games when u at play ~4.5k?

    Livin' Real Good

      Hey what's up, 7K player here, winning 7/10 games sure, but winning 9/10 or 10/10 games in 4.5 consistently, hell no, you're bound to get players who are uncarryable, laggy in and out DCers, flame and drop the morale of the whole team and they go AFK + more.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        im closer to 4.5 than to 6, but yet the answer is actually no. its rather hard to win there, even for high mmr smurfs or boosters.


          definetly no

          theres alot of retards who feed enemy team and theres games that impossible to win

          id say i could win 6/10 or 7/10 best case depending on how lucky not getting feeders/ruiners in my team

          Livin' Real Good

            6/10 7/10 sounds right.


              alright ty for your answers!

              the realm's delight

                if i get mid and my team picks proper line up and dont flame each other so they start tilting, yes i can pretty much win every game. if not, then its normal to lose games

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  guys what hero to pick that can do nothing and be useful to the team?


                    by nothing i mean like 60 apm or something


                      im 5.4

                      this is my another acc,




                        bountyhunter afk mid with orb of venom while warding and tracking stuff and buying mek/greaves and utility stuff




                          i watch y0nd's stream. guy is 7k or something, and its not unusual when he goes 50 wins 0 losses from 3k to 4k+


                            you can always run into another booster.
                            its not that hard to win 10 out of 10 but there are days where you go like 5-5.


                              seems like bh was the afk hero, pretty sure i have ~60 apm this game

                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                  @luxury theres difference between 3k and 4.5k lel

                                    Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                      actually to boost from 4.5k onwards just tell your teammates to pick jungle bs and proceed to pick huskar and end the game in 20
                                      but u gotta know how to snowball into a win or else if you play past 30 you've basically lost (because if you play past 30 it means your team was super shit and you're barely holding into the game)

                                      Recently boosted an account which was 4.6 or something at the start

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        hmmm well one time I was playing with some 1k friends and got matched up vs a team of 5k plus players it ended pretty fast our average mmr was 1.8k .

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