General Discussion

General DiscussionFarming VS. Helping teammates

Farming VS. Helping teammates in General Discussion

    So.... I don't know which way to go. There are a ton of games that if I just ignore my team mates I can take control of the game and solo dominate to victory.... BUT

    Ideally, you want your whole team to do well.... And sometimes I can't help myself so I end up helping them.

    There is nothing worse than putting your ass on the line 3-4 times only to die because your team mates weren't paying attention or just ran away lol.

    What is your guys' take on this? Better just to win solo, or help team mates always even if they are daft sometimes and you ruin your chance to pubstomp lol


      fight when you can win fights, farm when your team is being retarded and trying to fight into a better lineup/ more farmed heroes