General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar counters? (include the ways too)

Huskar counters? (include the ways too) in General Discussion

    So, as mentioned in the topic, how to counter play against him?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      physical damage or pure damage....


        lina+agh, WD,DP, PA, bloodcyka


          lina, maybe AA, qop is honestly not a huge threat if huskar plays safe
          best way is to agresive trilane against him, his laning dominance only comes from 1v1 spear zoning, offers nothing in 3v3.

          Riguma Borusu

            Pick AA. He'll be able to reduce his own health but not get it back up in any way, so he's completely screwed.

            Build MKB since he'll likely get evasion.

            Get BKB since it nullifies most of his damage.

            Pick PA to counter him lategame.

            Or, really, just stun him. Stuns wreck him pretty hard. Good huskar players will often build BKB even though they are basically impervous to magic damage, just so they can wreak havoc without being stunned. A good CC team will completely wreck huskar in every way, even if you did not draft specifically against huskar with his hard counters (AA, etc).

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              oh yea brood offlane rekts him hard too

              Pom Pom 🍕

                just dont pick 4-5 purely magic heroes.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Anybody with a good lane sustain and harass opportunity can mess him up as well, as long as applicable. So pick strong laners who can deal with ranged heroes against him. If you draft axe offlane against huskar, you literally deserve to lose anyway, since huskar can kite him all day long and burn him down even through 3hp/s regen. Viper is also pretty good against huskar, but he's more mid oriented. You can also wreck him @ mid if he goes mid, by picking silencer. He can harass silencer and get himself low in the process, and then silencer can abuse the fuck out of that since he actually has good burst early if he levels the right spells, though it's obviously less effective on AM and Huskar than on other heroes. Also silence prevents him from healing.

                  To be honest, I think Huskar is countered by way too many things to be a problem, you counter him by pure damage, by stunning him, silencing him, getting evasion, getting magic immunity... In every match there's a huskar, somebody is going to be a good counter to him in some way, even in a low level pub. Now, people won't understand strengths of those heroes and will let huskar run over them.

                  Huskar + dazzle combo is deadly though, but axe has an axe.

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      Kitrak - stuns are not good because of damage or your nukes as a support, but because they allow your carry to hit him while he can't start healing up/run away/armlet toggle, etc. You do need good timing with that stun, since you need to kill him during it, basically you want to stun him when he's really low, when he's depending on armlet for sustain for example. The problem with huskar is not when he's at full HP (unless he's way ahead, way too fed), the problem is usually that he gets really low, but is able to sustain himself despite that, and kill everyone.

                      So yes, every good single target carry or illusion carry is going to wreck him.

                      Also, as Kitrak said, Silver Edge is REALLY GOOD, but often unnecessary, only get it if you have strong magic nukes and want to kill him with them, as that's a 5k+ gold item and you might find better things to build.

                      And always remember that Huskar will NEVER build any sort of AoE (maelstrom is a waste for a hero who can get max attack speed by simply being near death), so he's legitimately screwed against illusions.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        probably isnt ideal to run a melee offlaner against him altho i wudnt disagree with slardar eating huskar mid game


                          im sure maelstorm/mjo is decent on heroes with high attack speed

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Windranger can do well against huskar, if he goes aggressive, she can just windrun and not give a fuck. Also, in case he gets himself low, she can actually kill him since she can CC and kite him. Mirana is also pretty good against him since you can get a good assist kill if you hit a 5 sec arrow. Even at full HP, 5 seconds of right clicks from two heroes who are the same level as you are (and you're never gonna be on full health since you're huskar) is just enough to make sure you're dead.

                            Yeah, high attack speed = many procs, I just don't see people building it on huskar. Would actually be a pretty good pushing tool as well, and with good attack speed, he'd be able to deal with PL's illusions until they get tanky.

                            Also, it's a good thing to build a MoC early against huskar, since his right click is going to be mostly magical spear stacking, and you can pretty much only kill him with physical damage, and the -7 armor will really give him a hard time against right clicks. Just make sure you don't come close enough with your -7 armor when he's really low, he'd probably be able to kill you with spears alone since his damage output is insane early game.

                            Also, Bane's good against huskar as well. He can CC him pretty well and sap is a pure damage nuke, while also giving bane some survivability. I saw a troll bane combo against huskar the other day - huskar was really far ahead and pushing their middle high ground - bane and troll killed him every single time after they got some levels. Troll was really underfarmed, but there was literally nothing huskar could do about it, since he did not have good CC on his team. And this was him pushing T3 while his T1 on mid was still up, and he lost the game.

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                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Timbersaw is very good till he gets BKB, but simply forcing him to buy a BKB is already a huge deal. Also Heartstopper Aura pretty much stops his armlet shenanigans, though both of these heroes are pretty bad right now.


                                Windrunner can be good


                                  Idk why no one has said viper


                                    necro one of the best
                                    ursa/troll/jugger as carries does the job just like any other heavy rightclick based hero

                                    ta if u don't have to lane against him

                                    shadow feeder pretty good

                                    slardar insanely good
                                    aa if u can land ur ulti on him Kappa

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      viper is decentish in lane. coz his 2nd helps you last hit low husk
                                      played a game vs husk with viper today actually

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        my question, how do you counter Huskar + Oracle?

                                        @vaikiss, how do you beat huskar with necro? he gets low but he has insane magic resistance so you do very little damage with ulti. Or do you build silver edge or smth?

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Axe is best counter to Huskar. He also counters Dazzle and Oracle.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Yeah, but you have to play axe really smart against a huskar. Early game he can kite you really bad and your regen and armor won't be enough against his insane damage output. Getting a blink, calling him and getting him a bit lower and then ulting him should do the trick though, especially if he's already in a fight at half health, or he lifebreaks your ally (or you, if he's dumb). A good huskar player won't come near axe.


                                              Necro with silver edge
                                              best hero counter is probably AA

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                If you're talking about hitter, then anyone who can shit out a disproportionate amount of physical or pure DMG. PL, AM (later when you finish Manta and have Mana Break maxed), even Terrorblade, Ursa, Sven (ult), PA (based on your luck).

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  I've also bought blademail on tanky heroes so that huskar kills himself. It's kinda hilarious to watch actually, you should activate it when you see him flying to lifebreak you, it's gonna get him ridiculously low, or might even kill him. If he survives that, he only heals for 15% with his morbid mask, but gets 100% of his physical damage back (which he can lifesteal off), PLUS he suffers the magical DoT he stacks on you as PURE DAMAGE. Really, if you've got blademail, and he attacks you, he literally can't armlet toggle while fighting, not only does he attack too fast to toggle properly and not kill himself, he's also gonna screw himself with the (now pure) DoT even if he stops attacking.

                                                  Obviously a counter to this would be a BKB on his side, but if you force a huskar to get a BKB, it's gonna be 5 seconds in a matter of minutes, which is terrible for a hero that's entirely reliant on having high uptime on the battlefield and high sustain in fights - you need to finish fast and rape people constantly in order to get something out of huskar, and BKB places a huge chunk of cooldown on that.

                                                  It's hilarious:

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                                                      no its pure t_T kitrak sama~

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Since 6.60 it's pure.


                                                          how can it be pure if doesn't reflect damage onto the target with active magic immunity e.g. bkb ?

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            If huskar is safelane, a duo offlane with undiying can rek him hard.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Because DotA 2 mechanics are perfectly consistent? Why does lina's ult go through BKB, but purification and dispersion don't? All three are pure damage, mind you.

                                                              There's a difference between blocking spell and spell's (magical or pure) damage, BKB blocks dispersion because it blocks it as a spell, and also blocks purification because it blocks it as a spell (phantom assassin's dagger cannot target magic imune units, and it is also pure, and single-target spell), but it does not block lina's ult because it's designed to go through magical damage immunity AND spell immunity.

                                                              If you're making a mod, you could make lina's ult let you target spell immune units and affect them, but have its damage reduced to 0 because of 100% magic damage reduction.

                                                              If you don't believe blademail is pure, test it in a lobby. Get a lvl 16 lina to ult a tanky hero with blademail, and see how much damage she does to herself. Then get an aghanims and see it again. Whether the damage is initially magical or pure, the return is pure, making blademail a hard counter to some heroes if applied well.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                whatever you are smoking it's some good shit

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  I've been modding wc3 for years, so I know what mechanics dota 2 is based off, and they are really, really wonky and inconsistent.


                                                                    I could be wrong, it just makes no sense to me at the moment, and I don't have Dota 2 installed so I can't really check

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Since when is pure damage universal 'round here? If you take 75 damage with Blademail on, they take 75 damage too, no matter their magic resistance, so it's pure. It doesn't go through magic immunity because that would be OP but it's still pure damage.


                                                                        Yeah, I've checked the wiki

                                                                        it sais the damage type is pure, but it is "Blocked by Spell Immunity. Spell immune enemies are not damaged"

                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          Universal damage was removed to make things easier, but everyone is confused it seems.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            It did not make sense to me initially, until I realized that "spell immunity" (making you unable to get certain debuffs or be targeted at all with certain spells) and "magical damage immunity" are two completely different things, and BKB grants you 100% "magical damage immunity" and "spell immunity". After that, you just have special cases where some abilities and items are buffed to go through spell immunity. Also, rage, bkb and repel work slightly differently (at least in dota 2), even though they claim to do the same things, so it gets even more complicated and inconsistent, mostly due to balancing reasons.

                                                                            Mokujin, the simplest way to understand is this - if you somehow stack 100% magic damage reduction on your hero, and your hero is hit by magical damage, you'll get a debuff and be targetable by the spell, but won't suffer any magical damage from it.

                                                                            If you have spell immunity granted in some way (rage, bkb, repel for example), you cannot be targeted by some spells at all, even if they are AoE - the engine simply does not consider you a target. For example, centaur's stomp is blocked by spell resistance, even if the damage was pure it would not go through bkb. But echoslam is coded to CONSIDER YOU A TARGET EVEN IF YOU ARE SPELL IMMUNE, but when it applies damage to you, it's reduced 100% by magic damage resistance also provided by bkb.

                                                                            Is it a bit clearer now? I suck at explaining this usually, because it makes sense to me now, but is kinda weird. It all comes down to understanding difference between spell immunity and magical damage immunity.

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                              It made more sense before they removed mixed damage types. Since then a lot more pure damage abilities have started piercing spell immunity. Like sonic wave, sunstrike, impetus, laguna blade aghanim, doom used to be universal (magic that pierces bkb), same with flaming fists and midnight pulse (both now pure that pierces), meat hook damage didn't used to pierce it either (only the grab).

                                                                              It used to be a lot more common with pure being blocked by magic immunity, but now it's going the other way. Pure damage that goes through magic immunity was hp removal I think?

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                @Road to 0k
                                                                                Makes more sense now, thanks for the thorough explanation.

                                                                                As another example, would the Linken's buff simply be one instance of spell immunity?

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                                                                                قصص إختك

                                                                                  Always save your stuns to the moment where he is low on hp

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    Linkens is way more complex, it lets you be a valid target, and then intercepts most single-target spells when they're about to make effect. BKB will simply make you an invalid target for most spells, both in terms of players targeting you, and what engine considers you to be. That's why you can doom somebody with a bkb, but can't doom somebody with an unpopped linkens. In that way, linkens is really spell block and not spell resistance, especially since it also does not block AoE spells of any kind - it uses a completely different mechanic.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      you're the мэн, thanks

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                      Pom Pom 🍕


                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          But there isn't a spell immunity in the game that doesn't also give %100 magic resistance I believe.


                                                                                            тнаик уоu

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Also, a funny thing with linkens - Huskar will still burn his own HP even if you block the spell effect on yourself with linkens, since it only blocks spell effect on you, and not the caster (unless caster's effect depends on your effect taking place - namely pugna's, venge's and terrorblade's ultimates for example, etc). This is obviously desirable if you're not tanky enough to go #YOLOBLADEMAIL against his ult.

                                                                                              thine english art bгокеи

                                                                                              I don't think there is, Sam, but it would probably be possible to make it through mods.

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                                                                                                Do you speak Russian лайк ми?

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  Но, И онли спеак Сербиан, И ам афраид.


                                                                                                    факин гамбургерс ху кэнт спик рашн(


                                                                                                      гамбургерс хэв заебейтед ми