General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker Jungle vs Bloodseeker Lane

Bloodseeker Jungle vs Bloodseeker Lane in General Discussion

    So lately i am picking this meta fucking imba heroes bloodseeker. and i am confused which one is better between you going on lane or you going on jungle. when you are going on lane you risking your self heading 2 v 2 with enemy ( since no trilane in here lol ) and when you going to jungle you can have easy early phase fast lvl and easy farm.

    start with salve stout qualling and going straight midas threads and SnY

    what'd you thought?


      solo mid


        If your teammates are not retards go jungle. He can do it relatively fast and doesn't have to get stupid items for it. Midas is retard item.

        Rush blademail and snowball.

        Welt aus Eis

          midas is good and blademail is situational.


            Blademail is situational ONLY if you get it late because you get the midas (which is always situational). Bkb counters it hard but it a BS should have it in <10 mins with any decent farm and assuming teammates are not total retards there is no way you're losing exchanges.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            Welt aus Eis

              you're wrong in so many ways

              in most games blademail isn't the best 1st item

              and if you go jungle you won't get a sub 10 min blademail easily like you said unless you're snowballing

              Miku Plays

                It depends on how fast you can clear camps compared to how much you can last hit on lane.

                Question, is it better to max out bloodrage in jungle or the bloodrite?



                  op is asking for advice in his bracket and there will be next to no jungle invasions so a sub 10min blademail is happening 99% of the time

                  and yes in most games blademail is a good item unless for the reasons i said above


                    you max your passive in any and every case


                      Depends on who you are up against in lane I guess. He seems to do great vs melee opponents. I crushed a lane 1v2 when I face 2 melees. Also, if you feel your team will get crushed in lane, just take the lane. You have a pretty strong laning presence so you'll at least inhibit your opponents' farm


                        Blood is viable in almost any lane situation excetp solo offlane against a good dual or a tri .

                        Livin' Real Good

                          I love jungle BS, i'm not even the cancer type of BS that AFK farms, I gank at 4 a lot whenever i'm jungling great, and getting good camps, and usually almost always get a kill when ganking for our safe lane, so time well spent. I always make sure to have a level of Blood rite by level 4 for ganking. Most players tend to be used to a non active BS before he hits 6, and the offlaner gets raped cause he forgets i can just swing by out of the jungle with blood rite, i make sure to walk around the ward incase they warded our pull camp. Thirstftw#

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            i am usually get 6 min midas. 9 min threads and 15 min sange yasha and 25-min butterfly, with bloodseeker jungle. i am never build BM on him cause it's situational. and i am not intending to get hit too.

                            my build is as usual - 1-1-3-1 at lvl 6 and 4-1-4-2 at lvl 11


                              Get blade mail and rekt other team.
                              Unless you are against Lifestealer or Juggernaut.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                Ask Anatoli about this he's professional Bloodseeker player XDDDDDDDDD

                                قصص إختك

                                  Lane is better than jungle, but normally there's a bunch of retards coveting the other lanes, so jungle is usually the only available resort

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    Go jungle it's one of the only effective jungles this patch and it's unlikely they pick to harass you.

                                    Bs pickers are why I'm playing ability draft till patch.

                                    Bs ult cd less than tp cd.............

                                    Big Daddy C

                                      Jungling also has the added benefit of you being off the map, you can gank any lane at 6 and get a kill, go back to jungle until ult is off cd then gank another lane. It's harder to get kills when your laning, the enemy knows your level, your item progression and tells their team when your suddenly missing.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Bs is probably the fastest jungler right now. I go pms, treads, maelstrom, usually have it around 8-9 mins. I go 2 pts in rage, max thirst. Value point in silence if you feel like ganking. Thing is once you get that first big item, maelstrom, yasha, blade mail, go fight. You won't conitune to out farm enemy carrys for long.

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          ^----the only one someone could screw up as BS jungle is if they are totally retarded.

                                          next opportunity beyond that is if they are dumb enough to go midas and ruin their early opportunity to snowball.

                                          I hate this hero and even with the amount of sheer stupidity seen in ability draft games I will stay there.

                                          PS: if someone has last pick and weaver stop criticizing them this is the worst luck you can possibly have in AD.


                                            As a near 500 game bs picker here are my thoughts on the hero.

                                            Jungle is good if enemy has a weak jungler like lc for thirst uptime. Otherwise its slower farm than lane. But gold is required. Id rather jungle thsn play against a hard offlane.

                                            Mid is the best lane for him by far.
                                            If you are lanung against storms lesh etc play defensive.

                                            Safelane is good and midas is generally a must.

                                            Shot gun seeker (dagon5 eblade) is only good if you are mid and face rolling and you have a hard carry. Midas is optonal since farm is slow with these items.

                                            Bs makes a very good util hero and the items you build should be to counter the enemy as well as help your team.

                                            Almost always treads>phase

                                            Aquila is very good since you need at least 1 mana item to nevr go back to base.

                                            You will never out carry a proper hard carry, end the game fast if your team doesnt have one.

                                            Rat seeker is viable. Travs deso and ac.

                                            Euls is stronk

                                            Bear in mind that blood rage can be used in many ways. Ie on your enemy if you are 2v1 on someone. On creeps and yourself for double heal (only level 3 and 4).

                                            Crippling the enemy carry is a must.

                                            Rupture is shit level 1.

                                            If you fail early dont afk rice too long because your shit late anyway.

                                            Use q sparingly against bursty lineups 40% extra dmg hurts

                                            You dont have to level q past 1 point.

                                            Q on burst allies like zues and lina is very strong.

                                            Sb jnto se is good for hps as well as roaming.

                                            Always do something do not sit idle.

                                            Bkb should be bought earlyish but not first unless losing.

                                            Sfter team fights push towers dont afk jungle.

                                            Heart is good for when your team lacks a tank for high ground pushes and uou need to end early.

                                            Rad is only good if you can get it pre 18 mins.

                                            If you go rad spend some time ricing for a few mins.

                                            Carry tp always.

                                            In team fights rupture enemy carry. Use bkb and chase down enemy disables.

                                            Consider creeps for hp and reenter.

                                            There is more but no one takes bs seriously anyway lel.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

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