General Discussion

General DiscussionBet 88value secured.

Bet 88value secured. in General Discussion

    complete dogshit.


      I bet $17 on DC winning game 1, and $5 on DC getting FB in game 1

      Let's see #Yolo


        my bettings often similar do SexyBambos playstyle

        Go retard or go home


          in bet against aspera cause you had that... they are 2-0 down getting rekt game 3... byebye everything


            anyoen else annoyed at the fact that they don't show party players anymore? my reborn games are infested and it doesnt show on the scoreboard!!


              dotn ever bet waht i bet u sicko


                fdont u know my betting skills by now wat


                  ez small value bet on golden boys


                    why would you do that lol


                      i just threw it all away on golden boys 10 kills game 1



                        WAS CLSOE THO


                          btw next time you feel like throwing items, my invertory is this way >

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              see how trash aui is?


                                c9 so gut

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  Lol so Sumail is shit and aui too?

                                  Are you at least a fan of PPD fear or universe?


                                    And this is why i left this forum^

                                    I'm gone now

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Oh please someone for the thousandth time bringing up your over the top critism of Sumail and now you leave because of it?


                                        he's trash, aui is trash and you keep insisting on that shit, L2P or stffu

                                        gone for good, srsly i can't stand retarded fuckgin cuunts

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          Apparently my joke after 30 pages of the same jokes following TI put you on your rag ;) sorry

                                            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Is this all the bets today? Fuckin' shit. W/e it's a bo2 so you should go all in on 4CL. If they can't win a single game, then they didn't deserve to.


                                                I wanna go 50value bet today

                                                YOLO or 4CL? I donty know mate


                                                  i guess it would be a good idea to bet on DC this time


                                                    I lost fuckin $40 on DC Trash Carry already, so idno. If they can't fcuking spectate C9's games and learn something then f*UFCK disband aalready ^_^

                                                    I might go $40 on them with arcana+void battlefury, we'll see


                                                      Anyone approve? ez 200 vaslue *_*


                                                        didnt dc lose 1 bo3 and 1 bo5 to c9 already lol


                                                          ya, one would think they would learn a lot from those defeats

                                                          I don't believe in TshistainCDogshit fucking carry though

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            im sure i will yolobet on dc


                                                              how does tc just go sny pl for this lineup?!

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                They also didn't even win a game. They are 0-5 against C9 right now and C9 as a whole is 11-0 since their foundation.


                                                                  @Jo probably cause he wanted to fight early due to PL not being good against AM/Tusk, and ~~ vs. Zeus. Explains why he buys BKB = I waNNA FIGHT. idno why he would buy HOTD though. Didn't watch any games cause I fell asleep ion bed


                                                                  I mean, they have to lose once. I underestimated new C9 greatly I believe.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    i consider a bet on DC to be a good one basing on maths/psychology rather than actual dota sense.
                                                                    the first match usually has objective win/loss ratios on bets, while the following ones, which occur in a short while, are heavily affected by the result of the first encounter, and this change is usually overrating the actual influence of winning/losing previous encounter.

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                      c9 finally going to win some shit? 4Head


                                                                        @dd my main gripe with that build is i would want as many dispels as possible against silencer, there was one fight at bottom rax that pl just got jumped on the moment he used his purge offensively. I definitely agree with your views on fighting with sny bkb to overcome disadvantageous matchups though, thanks for the advice.

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          DD u shit trade me some stuff

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            And what do you have against dogs you pc of shitstain


                                                                              I didn't watch the game cause I fell asleep though. I'm just basing out of endgame information. TC is a dogshit player that has nothing to do in the professional scene. US East mmr. Enough said! 4HEad


                                                                                I did $21 bet on DC. $55 return or something.

                                                                                We'll see. I can't believe they losing 10 games in a row vs the same team.

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  What did you bet on, first game? Match should give more than that.


                                                                                    Whole match. Do you suggest betting a certain game only?


                                                                                      you have a better chance for a certain game. No way they win 2 out of 3


                                                                                        Welp I cant even bet antyway it doesnt let me. G_g

                                                                                        thought i had already bet


                                                                                          2 hours left


                                                                                            bots currently offline blablabal


                                                                                              cuz of overflow of ppl trying to bet

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                I think you should bet on first game.


                                                                                                  why is there no dota 2 team BibleThump


                                                                                                    dc last pick clinkz called it
                                                                                                    actually no nvm

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      OPENED PR 4CL STREAM
                                                                                                      SEE PUDGE
                                                                                                      SEE LVL11 BANE 46 MIN INTO THE GAME
                                                                                                      SEE BKB BS LOTUS BUT NO AGHS LINA
                                                                                                      GGWP NICE GAME
                                                                                                      CLSED STREAM