General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to reach very high skill?

How to reach very high skill? in General Discussion

    I made a smurf and want to get out of normal skill, is it by wins, or high kda, hero dmg, gpmxpm? Or what should I do to reach very high skill or high skill?

    Also when you make a smurf, when you start is what experience level is best for reach very high skill fast?

    Never played dota? Played an rts? Played a similar game? Or played dota 2 before?

    Thanks in advance (:


      Well to get out of normal skill level just improve ure play.
      If u have a main which sits at Normal Skill and u play often and get better fast, its usually faster to make another account to get to high lvl because with the +mmr u get from wins and -mmr of looses (and u will oft loose cuz ure team mates suck, welcome to dota) its difficult to improve.

      But with a smurf u will face enemies with low skill lvl where u can snowball the first games and thats important to ure mmr rating.
      When u snowball ure first matches and get nice xpm, gpm , KDAs even when the calibration matches dont do well, u will still get higher mmr

      This guys got 3 Wins 7 Loses in his Calibration matches but is still 4,5k

      thats mainly because he owned his first games (non Ranked) so hard (23:1 Tinker etc) so his hidden mmr was put so high

      u can see that after his 2 Tinker Matches (Normal Skill) he was instantly put into Very High Skill Tier the 3rd Match and sticked there.

      I think thats kinda bad calculation from Valve but it is also a good one.

      1 Player who played dota 2 or dota 1 before and is good. will always snowall in Normal Skill brackets. This is a simply detection by Valve.

      Also its not very accurate because a pro player who playes support wont snowball like that and wont reach that kind of KDAs / XPM / GPM etc.

      But thats a way to get to high lvl.
      - New Acc
      - Start Playing All Pick matches with a Hero who can Snowball AND u are good at

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        basically play meepo and get 800 XPM/GPM the merrier the better, ur 2nd will be High/Very HIgh.


          I actually created a smurf once and all of my games were in very high skill, including the first game. i guess you just have to play good, idk lol


            i made a new account last week


              Step 1 : Get vhs in first 3 games
              Step 2 : Maintain for 10 more games
              The first 10 games are the most important if u cant get vhs or keep it then its time to make a new one
              But this is my first smurf so u can do it in one try

              saving private RTZ

                uhm, play better?

                i see u ask how you can reach VHS like you actually deserve to be VHS. No you dont. U are a 2k player. First try to improve at the game.

                Then start grinding.

                Smurf is for noobs


                  @Dada when you start a smurf what skill level should you pick? Never played dota? Played an rts? Played a similar game? Or played dota 2 before?

                  jason bourne

                    good god lol just win ur gmes mate


                      Here comes the guy with 250 normal/250 high skill games to tell other guy that ask gently how to get into VHS by smurfing that he's 2k player.

                      How about you first improve at the game, then you start telling others what to fucking do?

                      @ on topic

                      When I played on my smurf, it took me 3 games to get in VHS by just playing Shadow Fiend or Slark.

                      Just sellect that you've played Dota 2 before, and try your best.

                      although there's no point getting in VHS - which ain't even that much of a thing, since in normal/ranked MM average mmr needs to be above 3.699 to get VHS game which ain't fairly high at all.

                      Any decent games start after 4.1k or even a bit more.

                      If you're having trouble smurfing your way to VHS, it probably means that with time, you'll end up in normal-skill once again, when you hit some decent amount of games...

                      Just to make something clear: I'm not trying to say I'm an awesome player by any means, but at least I don't call people 2k players just because I'm "barely 3k".

                      It just drives me nuts when I see how people delusional are.

                      Either help the guy, flame the guy or gtfo. Don't act like you're an awesome player and you have no right to tell him he's 2k by just trying to get VHS while you, on the other hand barely got overall 500 games.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      saving private RTZ

                        Idk man, I didnt insult him, nor I think he got offended. Since when is being 2k somthing that you shouod be ashame of like you want to make it look like?

                        I thing I gave him a very reasonable advice, dont try to go the ez way. And he puts the he question wrong, he is trying any way to get VHS, anything other than getting good.

                        so whats the point of your comment?.

                        saving private RTZ

                          Also you are in HS after 2000 games. Whats so special about you that you can say him what to do? Nice hypocrisy


                            get good lol xd



                              Apparently you didn't read my post, so I won't bother trying to explain my point of view.

                              I never said 2k is something to be ashamed of, but it's stupid giving people advice when you, in the first place suck at something.

                              On the other hand, I was, and I will be again at some point in 4k bracket - and still, I don't call myself any good by any means.

                              If you just tried to read my whole post, you'd realise I never said I'm good.

                              And last thing, I never said him what to do. I just said him my opinions.


                                lol i was talking to op not you plz stfu


                                  It was for Allu, not for you.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Uhmm, you belonged to 4k. Ok. Now u are HS. That doesnt make u better than me if thats what you think.

                                    Again, hypocrisy. U say that you did not tell him what to do. U said your opinions.

                                    then why do u rage at me for telling him my own opinions?

                                    I read your post, dont worry. U call me out but then you basically do the same thing

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      Also, I was a 2k, and I will be, at some point, 4k - and still I dont call myself good by any means.

                                      this is basically what you said, I just typed it from my perspective. Nice argument.

                                      also, I suggest you should read my post too. Where did I called myself good by any means?



                                        There is no possible way to do it. Very high skill can not be reached, it is a myth. It is the promise that valve dangles in front of your face but will never give to you. Very high skill is the knowledge that if you keep killing the tribal chieftains eventually you will reach level two, only there is no level two and the story's of very high skill are only there so that you keep pumping quarters into the machine. Very high skill is the lie that is also the cake. It is the false hood of heaven that the priest whispers into your ear as he fucks you up the butt.

                                        Forget the tales that they have told you about it, It is a bracket where you can never go.


                                          Telling your point of view or opinion is different thing. This is what you said:

                                          "i see u ask how you can reach VHS like you actually deserve to be VHS. No you dont. U are a 2k player. First try to improve at the game."

                                          It means that you know what he deserves? Why you need to point-out so BADLY that he's 2k? You are trying to tell him that he needs to improve at the game, while not so long ago, you were the guy that was about to give up?

                                          "also, I suggest you should read my post too. Where did I called myself good by any means?"

                                          You didn't call yourself good, but it was just your attidude. "git gud bro, I'm superior to you, im HS, let me giff you some sick advices"

                                          "git good" - sick advice! "you are 2k" - no shit? He doesnt know he's 2k?

                                          That's just wrong attidude if you want to help someone.

                                          "Uhmm, you belonged to 4k. Ok. Now u are HS. That doesnt make u better than me if thats what you think."

                                          I belong where I belong. I'm curently 3.624, and I'm not playing ranked solo games as often as I did for past 5 months.

                                          I dare to say I'd be easily able to get back at least to 3.8k fairly quickly if I spam Shadow Fiend and if I have motivation.

                                          Feel free to check how many VHS and HS games I have, and STILL, I know and I don't coinsider myself ANY GOOD!

                                          And I would NEVER tell someone that' he's 2k and that he needs to GET better. It's just in my opinion not helpfull and a bit rude.

                                          Instead of making him look like a joke, you could tell him:

                                          Try to pick Lina or some mid-snowballing hero that you're comfortable with, and try to do your best.

                                          Hero dmg, wins and GPM/XPM matters, the better you do on this, chances are higher that you'll end up in VHS.

                                          My few cents: even if you do, if you belong in different skill-bracket, there's a chance you'll drop back to it after a while.

                                          Instead of telling him something like this, you said basicaly:

                                          "git gud you 2k shithead, you suck" - PS. 3k HIGH-SKILL lord.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          saving private RTZ

                                            Thats like saying if someone is bad at math u dont tell him to get better but to cheat.

                                            I can see your point, but its different for everyone. For me at least, im not offended at all that someone says to me to get better.

                                            Also, why are you make my words look so bad.

                                            I said this "U are a 2k player". I dont see the "attitude" "2k is shit" u are talking about.

                                            this seems to me like some insecurity problems, probably someone told you get gud in the past. I actually remember at the beginning of this year when u had a fight with Blunt and he just make fun of you cuz u couldnt maintain your 4k. Might be wrong tho, but I think its true.

                                            Like seriously, u get so offended by a passive statement " u are a 2k player" and u make it look like " 2k shiststain".

                                            again there is a fine lije between calling someone " mediocre at math" and " u are awful, suicide yourself"

                                            saving private RTZ

                                              Ok I just saw your last line.

                                              since when is " u are a 2k player" equal to " git gud you 2k shithead, you suck"

                                              where in mt statement I mention him sucking?

                                              damn, u are that guy, thr guy with the SF picture few months ago.

                                              well that makes sense why u feel so offended by the get better advice

                                              " get gud is offending me" 3k HS , former 4k lord.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                Oh my god. I give up. Some people will never learn.

                                                Have a nice day mate.

                                                saving private RTZ

                                                  I was predicting that. When u lost arguments the arrogance kicks in.

                                                  ok mate. Willing to listen. How is "ur a 2k player" = " you are a 2k shithead, you suck"
                                                  Teach me, maybe I misinterpreted

                                                  but please come with some objective arguments, pls dont switch my words again. I never had the intention to call him a shithead, yet you said that its exaclt what I did.

                                                  no, seriously now, im very curious why do u think my statement was offending. Besides any sarcasm, pls respond with the answer


                                                    @im going mid I have been winning a lot
                                                    check my winrate


                                                      You are winning a lot, but your CS/XPM are pretty much decent, nothing impressive to kick you into VHS in a matter of secounds.

                                                      just keep playing, make sure your Hero DMG/XPM/GPM is always highest, and don't get just 160LH as WR in 50 min game.


                                                        Allu, bro, I don't hate you or anything like that. I just felt that your statement was a bit arrogant, that's why I stated this conversation.

                                                        If I was wrong, okay, let's move on.


                                                          @shred you to bits I run wr support lol, but end up carrying cause she has high impact


                                                            4.5k player here, climbed from 3.9 well the thing to get to a higher skill braket and a better player is to study the game and improve mechanics. A smurf wont make you a better player because you will not be able to play on the same level as higher mmr. If you play a 5k game for example you will see a huge disparity between player skills, they will literarly exploit your weaknes