General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is your life? how do you fit doto into all the stuff you do?

what is your life? how do you fit doto into all the stuff you do? in General Discussion

    Collage drop out play dota while trying to find work so i can play dota on a decent pc and not shitty laptop


      I'm also in senior year of an econ bs degree haha
      So strange all these econ seniors in one thread


        Good thread.

        I run a small company in Poland. I hire 30 ppl. I see that gaining mmr became some sort of a goal for me. Now im 3.8 k though i was 3k 3 weeks ago. I have a PhD in Management. Before dota i was going to the gym 3 times a week and running 3 times a week. I was getting a new pus**y every two weeks. Now instead of training and pushing my company to new limits, im focusing on getting my mmr higher. For damn what ? Gosh. I just spend most of my free time now on playin dota. I should spend at least a half of my free time on improving myself towards work, which in a long term can give my a lot of money.

        But no, i just want to hit 5 k. F*** me.

        But thats just it. Apart from it i have a normal life, gf and friends. So its not that bad, but dota sucks people into a Black Hole.


          @DD What were you studying?

          Kon Artis

            Gonna start university this year, started playing doto in the beginning of 2015 I believe and been playing ever since with some intervals, have no idea how I'm going balance things out once school starts. Hope it doesn't hinder my life too much, oh well (;_;)


              Working out of country for 6weeks at a time on oil rigs. Then go home for 3 weeks and spend time with my fiancé, family and friends. Of course fixing up my house and other grown up responsibility to tend to. 31 years old been playing since war3 days, but skills have fallen completely. 1300 trash trash now and cant climb. No matter how much tryhard. Keeping the higher mmr dream alive to have some kind of goal for this game which i love. But mostly jyst play for fun to relax and unwind.

              lm ao

                I'm a Peenoise 19-year old college dropout (take note, there's a very thick wall of concrete between Peenoise and Filipinos, manes). When I was in high school, I used to be a scholar for an academy run by [strike]bitchy[/strike] austere Catholic nuns. My life then rather full of ups-and-downs, I almost got kicked out of high school, family problems and rebellious tendencies were such a bringdown to my studies. I then qualified for a government scholarship, but before I got an associate diploma, I fucked up. Bam, now here I am, underweight and burdened with vertigo/general anxiety disorder/eczema, vainly trying to get to 7K with play time of up to 7 hours per week.


                  Student at University towards Dr in Psychology & Cognitive-Science.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    college student. on late semester.


                      I am 29 years old, from germany and a law clerk and phd student (also law). I have 1 Diplom (German Staatsexamen in Law) and one Master in Law (LL.M. Medical law). Next year I will start working as a judge. I live in a healthy and fullfilling relationship for 9 years now. I work out, party or meet friends in my freetime. Also the other normal stuff: Reading etc.

                      Dota does not fit in my life currently, cause I have have to learn for the 2. Staatsexamen. For me its like for the most dotoplayers:

                      Playing habits can become unhealthy and doto sucks up too much time. So I have to leave it at 0 or I tend to play too much.

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                          I replaced Dota with gym this week been slacking too hard in the gym for past year but before this week, typical day would be 0700- 1700 shift , hang out with son until like 2100 out him to bed hang out with wife until 2200 then play Dota until gong to sleep . Not sure how I gonna fit in Dota with gym time now though Cuz it's kinda selfish to expect to get gym time then get game time in same day so we'll see. Edit I guess this week was perfect week for break any ways lost a shit load of mmr / in low priority Cuz attempted to play Dota for a couple days while the wife was pms'ing . I think I'll try to finish my low priority games before patch is out . I guess I didn't mention my job I am a medic in the U.S. military for past 6 years . Burnt out on medical tho looking to finish engineering degree .

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                          Gaming is Dead

                            high school student
                            playing dota/fapping to dank hentai when im not in school or doing work


                              Attending school from 8:15 to 15:00 everyday. Most of the time goes to working out at the gym/rowing (used to do that competitively back in the days) and doing homework. In the weekens I usually get drunk/hanging out my with friends. If you can't have dota like a hobby aka it takes almost takes all of your times you probably have to get your shit together.


                                Maritime logistics student here; working part-time on a local TV station~
                                I completely /quit my social life so I can play games, WoW mostly, but since my account got banned (not my fault! D:) I'm spending much more time playing Dota atm and I'm enjoying that — even though I'm quiiite bad at it! :3


                                  @Bane I started playing somewhere in October 2013.
                                  Got 3.5k hours.

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                                    I sell boats. I am married to a beautiful woman. I own a home. I play DOTA.

                                    Forgos ☭

                                      I start to play this game seriously two years ago.After coming back from one year exchange program I had 2 more years in high school.Back than my schedule was go home go out with friends and play Doto.

                                      Sadly last year I didn't have time to play dota due to uni entrance exam studies.My days were like wake up school.go to extra school go home study maybe if you are lucky play dota and repeate

                                      I have entered the uni now with scholarship.So I play 5-7 games a day as it is summer.Uni starts next week and I will be staying in a dormitory.I hope I will time to play dota.I had social life before but this summer i cut al my relationships with my friends and broke up my gf to play more dota :D

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                                        Wake up at 5
                                        Get ready for school
                                        Play 2 games of Dota
                                        Go to school till 3.15
                                        Come Back home
                                        Try to get pusi
                                        Get rejected because my brother is hotter than me
                                        Go outside for some sport
                                        Dota videos


                                          i work in a kindergarden and take care of kids during the day, i play dota all night because of a lack of social life and the love of my life is still 8 years old T_T fml.


                                            typical weekday (*except Wednesday nights because of basketball & Friday nights if I'm partying/drinking with buddies)
                                            - 05:00 : wake up/coffee
                                            - 05:30 : basketball/shooting drills/light breakfast
                                            - 07:00 : workout/gym near the office
                                            - 08:30 : shower/go to office/
                                            - 09:00 : Work stuff! client meetings, strategizing, planning, solution designing finish around
                                            - 18:00 : Go home
                                            - 20:00 : Dinner / can be earlier depending on traffic
                                            - 21:00 : on-wards: DoTo

                                            typical saturday
                                            - 09:00 : *depends if I get drunk or had a date on a Friday night, I could be sleeping or having a few DoTo Games
                                            - 12:00 : This is where I officially start my weekend, Car Wash, Read stuff
                                            - 13:00 : Play in a basketball league
                                            - 16:00 : Play in another basketball league
                                            - 20:00 : Dinner / beer with basketball friends / date with someone
                                            - 23:00 - onwards - either i'll be home playing dota OR sleeping with a girl OR having a good massage

                                            typical sunday
                                            - 09:00 : *depends on how my Saturday night ended up. But i like slow and relaxed Sundays
                                            - 15:00 : Go to gym workout
                                            - 18:00 : out with family (parents, bros, sis) OR dating someone OR chilling in a coffee shop planning for the upcoming week
                                            - 21:00 - onwards : play DotA

                                            - I'm turning 30 on November. For the past 2-3 years, the only time I stopped playing DotA was when I fell in love with my ex-girlfriend, probably stopped playing for a good 6 months until the TI fever came in and I went back playing :D
                                            - I reached 4.5K MMR 1st time last year when we were still together - I think her being around me when I'm playing forced me to BE CALM and NOT TO FLAME/GET MAD/TRASH TALK anyone coz I'd look like a kiddo if I did :p
                                            - The relationship started became troubling after my business trip in Spain/Paris last January. I think when you see new places and meet new people, your perspective on how your life is going will dramatically change. My Dota MMR hit rock bottom during those struggling months, I went all the way down to 3.2K MMR.

                                            (cutting this short and posting the whole thing in my blog instead coz its kinda personal already.. :p )

                                            R4iN ™

                                              A self taught professional photographer and designer . Discontinued studies after graduating from high school cuz college is not my cup of tea . Happily single as I cannot afford a grlfrnd . All the money I make goes to rent , bills , beers , hoes , weed and other dota players through the blessing of dota2lounge . Dota fits in every nook and corner of whatever is time i can scrap out (generally 5 hours daily) . I always tend to save money for 4-5 months and take trips across the country as I fuckin love travelling and beseeching myself into the nature every once in a while . My dog is my only travel companion as I fuckin hate humans . Thats my life in a nutshell :)


                                                @EZ -25MMR same here WHAHAHA.. expecting to go down maybe on my 40s then its time to find out if religion is true or nah (still think its stupid ) HAHAHAHHA

                                                Kon Artis

                                                  @Forgos Your life is basically mine man, cut most of my relationships with people after HS finished and broke up with gf cause I apparently didn't make any 'time' for her.

                                                  Happy happy times.


                                                    21 year old university student from australia. Going to be starting full time work as an actuary next year at a consultancy.

                                                    just a casual player who plays with high school and uni friends..been playing for pretty much 5 years on and off now. great game I love it

                                                    Full time work won't lend well to gaming (from prior experience) but I'll probably try and fit in a game or two a night just as a means to unwind