General Discussion

General DiscussionWho wins in Slark vs Clock lane?

Who wins in Slark vs Clock lane? in General Discussion

    Say you're in a hypothetical situation where the other 8 heroes are constantly in other lanes. Just 1v1 Slark vs Clock and small camp is blocked with a ward.

    Who has the advantages and why?


      Step 1: Level up your passive on level 1
      Step 2: Harass clock
      Step 3: Congratulations, you won your lane!


        @sano, my idea was to get a 14 minute butterfly and rape the enemy team but what really happend was

        My team got absolutely annihilated, it was so bad that even my Kunkka said ''slark it's 4v5 you need to help us'' when we were 8 minutes in the game. I still did end up getting a 14 minute butterfly but Lina/Riki were so fed that even my Butterfly had no effect on them so we lost and I got into LP and got muted for 48 hours.

        Very sad story ik.

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        Welt aus Eis

          you went brown boots quarterstaff LMFAO how are you even close to 5k

          Welt aus Eis

            brown boots poor mans shield quelling blade quarterstaff. i've never seen such a shitty item progression


              Can't a boy try out some retarded things in ranked? not to forget that it's 4.7k mmr.
              In that bracket everything can work.

              I've never build him like that, I just wanted to see how fast I can get a Butterfly, that's all.

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              Welt aus Eis

                you dont need to build MoM on tinker to know its terrible, i dont see whats your point


                  What has mom tinker to do with a butterfly first item on slark?, I know it's retarded but doing it once for the ''LELZ'' is different than doing a that retarded build every game.

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                      Quarter is the cheapest item and if they look in my inventory while I have a quarter they think I can go two ways, either I go orchid or I go Butterfly, nobody is gonna expect a Butterfly first item anyways and if I buy straight Eaglesong it's pretty obvious I'm going for Butterfly, nobody is gonna buy an e-blade on slark.

                      + I'm not gonna farm 15 minutes straight with a poor man shield/qb and brown boots, quarter gives me atleast something even though it's not much.

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                            As I mentioned before im RUSHING Butterfly I'm not buying any other items, I'll go aquila > treads > Butterfly next time once im out of low priority.


                              Should be even and would highly depend on player's skill.

                              If slark pounces on clock at higher levels, he'll just melt on assault and cogs.

                              Imo, slark should be harassing him with his passive from time to time before going for the kill.

                              Clock's cogs though could easily rekt slark

                              Welt aus Eis

                                u singlehandedly lost the game lOL
                                with the amount of space u had u could get a 10 min shadowblade and start raping them
                                instead you go for brown boots butterfly (AGAINST LINA LMFAO) and gets it at 16
                                now u have 870 hp at 20 min vs lina SB riki

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                                  Shit happends lOL

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                                      2 level of essence shift, 2 level of pounce, easy for slark


                                        ^pretty much this and you are gucci unless you managed to fuck up b4 lvl3 and got zoned early on


                                          0way to win for clock, 0 expect if im the clock ofc

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                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            I really think clock wins, at least farms better. After level 6 though, clock can't even stand in the lane.


                                              i had chances to win lane as a clock, but also as a slark. it really depends how well clock uses cogs.
                                              if you manage to burn his pounce mana you can net a kill with battery.
                                              all slark has to do to is lvl up passive 2 times at 3 (should do this vs all attribute reliant offlaners) and right click clock at any given moment.

                                              think clock has to play better to win a lane, slark only needs not to fuck up.

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                it's as xan said, if both players are good, slark will win. Only way for clock to win is when slark fucks up.

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                                                    With all due respect to bone7, ice3 is twice the player he is.
                                                    With that being said, you have to burn his mana constantly. Getting one or two cogs isnt enough. And if you fuck up with cogs and he traps himself with you he has free essence from you.

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      I learned a lot from this thread, nice.