General Discussion

General DiscussionBattlefury on Lifestealer

Battlefury on Lifestealer in General Discussion

    Why and Why not. I just built it on him here in this game and i got it at 14-15 minutes as an offlane lifestealer. I don't see anything wrong with it as I was able to farm quite fast and became quite an overpowering force granted i wasn't the sole carry of the team.


      hero needs to come online by 15min and be ready to fight and do infest pickoffs, not get a farming item and contribute nothing for another 10 mins until all your targets are equipped with ghost force eul and you get kited and be useless.

      roh component does nothing either, if you want to farm go radiance and infest golem/dragons.


        You won because the enemy team had retard picks, with a retard bounty who didnt want to support, with a retard techies who looks like he sold his items, a retard AM with 109 last hits in over 30 minutes without even power treads, no stun in their team, 100% that was a rage fest by the enemy team. So don't even think that you won because of the battlefury in any way, you would have won that even with a force staff only. Actually your build would have been terrible if your enemies were decent, you would have needed a bash, AC and a mkb (when am gets his fly) at least. Halberd was pretty good though.

        I can only see battlefury being semi-good for lifestealer if you are against a phantom lancer and you need as much AOE damage as posible.


          Thanks, I will try force staff maybe.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            try force staff, euls, dagger, glimmer cape, courier and wards


              you can buy even refresher in that bracket and win game easily


                You can build battlefury if you want. It will increase your farming potential and dmg + regen, just try it out and see if it works for you. It's far from ideal item on this hero, but why not :D


                  dagger is actually a legit item on LS that you would see quite often on good players.

                  on topic:
                  you dont need splash, hp regen and mana regen as lifestealer, neither you are supposed to farm 24/7; you fight or you lose. thus i consider bf to br a very suboptimal choice.


                    oh yeah ty mane i thought dagger is only for pudge

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I think forcestaff is a bit better on ls because it allows him to counter other people forcestaffing in the middle of a fight. Blink is good for initiation, but if you don't have abyssal, you can't really be sure to lock down the target. The slow helps if you're leading and have enough damage to 'burst' people down.


                        I  think  forcestaff  is  a  bit  better  on  ls  because  it  allows  him  to  counter  other  people  forcestaffing  in  the  middle  of  a  fight


                          While Battlefury is a decent choice for any melee carry, I think going for Maelstrom into MJollnir is always going to be a better choice for lifestealer to accelerate farm, push lanes, have more teamfight prescence, clear illusions, and do more single target dps.

                          Everything battlefury does for Naix, MJ does better and the build-up is better. Gettting just the q-blade will speed up your jungle farming a lot, then go for MJ if you want to farm and push more.

                          In this game you got both... you still went for MJ after Battlefury because its so good for Naix dps. But you could have just got q-blade and then reached high dps sooner while still having farming power. Then instead of bfury you could get a blink or fstaff, or basher, but really in this game you were going to win no matter what items you got... veil of discord and dagon would have won, or even not getting items because the enemy Antimage and techies were both terrible.

                          Of the last 28.69 million games of Naix (past year) battlefury was used in only 0.5% compared to 32.4% of games for Maelstrom and MJ. This is because the MJ does the same thing a lot better.

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                          < blank >


                            Benerim do Redesprou

                              In my opinion it is not a good item for him. The main reason is that Lifestealer is almost an overpowered hero between minute 15 and 25 with his standard items. But he don't have the same impact of very late game carries like void or antigame if he extends his farming phase.

                              In other words, if you fight early with only a battlefury, decent teams will be able to deal with you easily. If you keep farming and get online only after 30 mins, chances of you: a)turn out the table if your team is losing, or; b)face a very late enemy carry are very small.

                              lm ao

                                OMG stop bumping this thread guys

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Battlefury sucks on lifestealer cus +dmg sucks on lifestealer, it won't have any affect on feast. Feast is all based on % of hp on target, so to make it do more dps you need attack speed. That's why mjollnir is really good on lifestealer and an early moon shard can be downright op.

                                  There's three basic ways to build lifestealer, farming where you grab mjollnir, man fighting with treads and armlet, and racecar with phase and s&y and maybe drums. That's not to say you wouldn't get armlet with all builds, if going farming I'd probably still go treads/phase, armlet, mjollnir, man fight go treads, skip the speed boost stuff like s&y for ac or moon shard or something, and racecar get armlet then you speed items.


                                    I appreciate all your input. Thank you for ur understanding and not hatin on a new player like me. I am trying to imrpove my cs by forcing myself to play carries now and a friend said that Antimage is a good way to practice for cs since like there are benchmarks for like battlefury time and such. As of now my cs is I believe average on that one antimage game i played but I hope to get better in the future. this is my first antimage game. I had trouble cs in lane cuz of a greedy clockwerk pick to lane with me but i tried as hard as possible.



                                      You should go into a bot game, make sure bots are turned off and go safe lane. Practice getting last hits for 10 mins - aim to get around 70 with uncontested farm. It is actually really good practice. Good Luck!

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        It is joke having battlefury on life stealer man... even never talk about it :))


                                          about 82 is max or 83


                                            @ 10


                                              82 is max if you only consider lane creeps. 60 melee, 20 ranged and 2 catapults.


                                                You can build BF on lifestealer, BUT isnt a "farming item", sice the buff to feast-cleave in 6.84 BF is ok if you really need to counter wave pushers or heroes with many summons/illusions. Still most of the games there will be be better options but if you really need bf sure build it


                                                  maelstorm is better for Lifestealer than BF and if u get desolator fast in that game. It could had ended faster.
                                                  Believe me.

                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    I think AC is better for LS other than mael -> mjjolnir

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      AC for fighting, maelstrom for farming cus of the aoe. The point was that if you want to go farm get an item that has attack speed to increase feast damage.

                                                      If you want a build you can make every time on lifestealer and will work fine just go phase boots, armlet, ac, abyssal blade.


                                                        G G


                                                          the only build you guys should go for is tranquil boots radiance


                                                            ^when i play a game of dota, im gonna do it for sure!


                                                              didnt they change it so that feast can crit/cleave a few patches ago? maybe not necessarily for the cleave but critting on feast would surely make a daedalus a good choice? not like first item but after say sny and AC?

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                                                                meracle went this build in a ny qualifiers