General Discussion

General DiscussionLategame mid hero- Sell bottle, sell Wand

Lategame mid hero- Sell bottle, sell Wand in General Discussion
Elo - Hell

    Both have cons and pros, normally i personally would be selling my bottle however
    both have uses, which one do you normally keep


      Well, thats kinda depends on hero. For me, if my manapool is ok, i`d prefer stick as OH SH~ button. For smth like zeus tho, i`d keep my bottle. On the other hand, properly used rune from bottle might turn around the fight, so...


        if you are taking runes save bottle. otherwise, sell it. what else could be done.


          Be a team player - give the bottle to a starving support.


            ^Yeah! Listen to Rocket!


              if you don't have any regen then keep bottle. also runes are good late game still

              Von Darkmoor

                Rocket +1

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                  King of Low Prio

                    Fuk those support players they soak up too much lane exp

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                        In most cases bottle is better. Stuff like haste/dd/regen/illusion can be game changing. Bottle also gives you faster regen in base.

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                          Ya fuck supports all they need to do is to fuck off until I got harassed so I get all the exp but no he's busy denying my creeps is he my teammate why does he deny our own fcking creeps for fck sake, who cares about giving them bottle i might as well deny it

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                              The way gold gets thrown around in these patches, it's likely that your supports won't have a slot for a bottle when you don't need it anyway. Just sell it.


                                not until you get a carry who miss every single last hit even with no pressure then resort to jungle leaving the lane unoccupied


                                  If you are winning bottle is better since the sustain will let you keep pushing or faming for a little longer. If you are loosing then wand is better since the burst heal is more likely to help you turn a fight, slower regain doesn't do you any good if you are stuck in base or dyeing in every fight.


                                    well in higher skill brackets people tend to use their slots to maximum effectiveness so even supports are running out of slots, so the bottle wouldn't be appreciated as much compared to getting it early game. selling it is a good solution unless you can't find a shop then drop the bottle on the ground and let fate decides its survival


                                      by the way if you are still having the bottle 30 mins in, it is a big problem. not as serious as having wand since its burst heal is always useful.


                                        having bottle after 30 mins is fucking fine

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                                            ^nah past 30 min its a big problem :D


                                              if ure winning and have map control then keep bottle
                                              if you cant even find runes then keep wand.


                                                depends on the type of team fights that is happening and the hero you are using..

                                                if it is an initiate followed by a combo type of engagement where you are consistently part of the fight then keep WAND
                                                if you are just dealing damage from a distance or can go IN and OUT of the fight, then keep BOTTLE


                                                  sell both and buy 2 mangos

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                                                  lm ao

                                                    Real talk.

                                                    If you don't need bottle, you don't have to sell. Instead, keep it in your stash. Gives you faster regen in-base, especially if you need less time just walking around healing in the fountain when you need the time desperately to defend against a 5-man offensive against your towers. OR. Give it to a support, your Crystal Maiden will definitely love that.

                                                    Wands, Oh my God people that things saved my life at least a hundred times! If you are playing midlaning heroes like Shadow Fiend or Templar Assasin, when at minute 20 you are having a hard time having slots of extra items, keep Magic Wand instead of Bottle. You wont regret it. However, for heroes like Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, and a ot of others, you might want to keep Bottle more later on in the game