General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy can't the games be balanced?

Why can't the games be balanced? in General Discussion

    Honestly, i just started trying to climb ranked, but it's so fucking retarded. It's stomp either way, either they get retards, or we do.
    There's always an 0/12 retard in either team.

    I mean, in my last three losses there was an 0/12 antimage that blinked in undying tomb and shaman's ult, a 4/15 and 5/15 rubick veno that died before any fight started, and a "LOL XDD" storm spirit that disconnects for the first 4 minutes of the game, then proceeds to feed.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that the losses aren't my fault as well. It's just, shouldn't these games's weight be divided among five teammates, instead of one? Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong if this is my fault? I would really appreciate some insight into what i'm doing wrong. Whoever wants to do this, add me please.


      Fuck dota


        To join random raid in World of Warcraft you need to queue as specific role: Tank, Healer or Damage-dealer. I think same system must be implemented in DOTA 2. You will be presented with an options to search match as carry, mid, offlaner or support. This will fix matchmaking.





            P.S. Почему-то вспомнилась строчка из песни Земфиры: "...меньше всего нужны мне твои камбэки! о-о-о!..." =)

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              ^земфира - задротка
              я помню, у нее была еще строчка "меня убивают, из эмки стреляют"

              this is the Russian Day on dbuff forum btw

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              Sexo Meister

                Dont cry

                Climbing is hard, you just have to accp that 8/10 people u play with in dota are retards.


                  btw if more than 5% of ur games are played in lpq, beware that you are certainly one of these 8


                    I'm also sick of getting two stacks in my games. They play like shit, because who the fuck cares right? It's party MMR


                      there could be the option of multiple games with the same 10 players. switch the teams up so you can't whine about the noobs on your team from the first leg when they crush you in the second leg.

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                          whatever man this is probably just an unlucky break. i will become the best dota 2 player the universe has ever seen. my focus right now is like this chicken's head. Unwavering.

                          im winning the next 10 games, u better believe it

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                            Keep this spirit up! =)


                              Look at this match:

                              As soon as I hit 4.8k mmr valve decided to put 3 5k retards in my team that all fed and I ofcourse went back to 4.7k!
                              After going on a 3 loss streak thanks to retards

                              I took a 1 week break from this game because that was needed hopefully there's less retards around in this bracket now.

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                                Before the match starts, check the dotabuff profiles of your teamates. If someone has less than 49% winrate, ditch the match (before everyone connects of course).


                                  1 down 9 to go

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                                      u know what, on second thought, that void needed that win more than i did lmao