General Discussion

General DiscussionOptimal Play

Optimal Play in General Discussion

    How intolerant are you of sub-optimal play?

    10 = I try to always play meta heroes / heroes I've practiced hundreds of times in ranked. I'll flame teammates who don't follow meta / can't play a hero to their full potential, even if my teammates are otherwise doing well / are not being punished for their incompetence by the enemy. When I win, I insist on playing optimally, even if such play is "overkill" for my opponents / skill bracket.

    5 = I play the meta and my favorite heroes equally in ranked. Sometimes, I'll play someone I don't know too well if it fits the team, has a low skill floor, or is a good counter to the enemies. Even if I'm not competent at one of hero's core mechanics, I'll be satisfied if I can adapt the standard build to something that fits my skills / actually be useful and help win the game. Also, I don't mind taking risks to get the faster win over the safer win if we have a large advantage.

    1 = DotA2 is for fun. I'll pick random in ranked. As long as I have fun, who cares if my teammates flame me, I get low priority, I lose, or built dagon on Sven?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      i'm a big 5. PIck according to the game, thats what all my friends say. Picking meta heroes only leaves enemy team space and opportunity to counterpick and after some time, there will be ways to destroy meta heroes.


        I play tryhard if I'm in a party. => 10

        Otherwise I do whatever I feel like doing. => 2 (maybe not quite dagon sven level) I random heroes a lot.

        I always try to win, but I only try to win after picks. I'm more interested in understanding the game as a whole than winning any particular game and that goal is best served by trying things that are unpopular and unknown and things that I may have never done before, or heroes I already know I suck at playing.

        I do sometimes get upset at people who do not try to win the game during the game - who hide to save their KDAs, or afk farm the jungle while we are defending the rax. But really the only thing that I find truly aggravating is carries who farm all game long and then dive into the fountain and feed instead of taking rax when I just spent half an hour supporting and protecting their ability to farm the divine rapier they just gave the other team.

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          2 => I play mostly underestimated heroes like Alchemist Carry, Meepo, Visage, jugger blink build and still win with it. Makes it even more fun.

          But im 4k mmr and doesnt seem to be raisng. Im stuck, but its fun. Dont give a shit bout 5k. Id have to play 10 games a day.

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            i just spam pick my own tryhard hero but dont really care what other people do

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              Random ranked = best ranked


                dude, meta isn't optimal play

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                Riguma Borusu

                  I am not really sure, I used to spam LC before, and now she's kinda popular.



                    4 when i'm in a bad mood where i just don't give a damn and i'm already prepared to lose






                          7->pick something that is fun for you but still a decent pick against the enemy team. I've been spamming juggernaut recently..but not much success due to being too aggressive and having shit for brain team mates (playing mostly solo lane even offlane).