General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do some players knows how to farm but does not know how to fight?

Why do some players knows how to farm but does not know how to fight? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    This boggles my mind every single time. You can farm creeps but when it comes to team fights, spells, jukes all the "skill" stuff they're horrible.

    What is the root cause of this?



      because i suck
      and it's difficult to find balance between farming and fighting, which includes going only into fights you can take
      and pubs are experts at going into unfavourable fights and then ping the shit out of you when you didn't join the feed train


        @Bad Intentions
        So you don't know how to farm and you lose because of that. Is this your problem?

        waku waku

          i'm like the opposite of that and i don't know why am i so bad at farming either


            cos hitting creeps is easy, duh.

            maybe not in your case though

            Livin' Real Good

              I know how to fight very well, and stay alive very well (could be better) but i'm soooooooooooooooooooo bad at farming fast items, no idea how people get Phase, Null, Magic stick, AGS, blink under 20 mins with Wind ranger.. and little things like that. AGS is one thing, but blink too!? That's what's holding me back from being where I want to be actually.

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                if hes same mmr as you, if he is better than you at something then he will definitely be worse than you at other stuff, its that simple.


                  I want to learn how to farm super efficiently. My fighting skills are good enough for my 4k bracket, but my farming skills are subpar.


                    funny that. had a super frustrating game earlier with an ember who got a double bf/daed but refused to fight with us. we had a refresher wraith king and he had all the damage but wouldn't join us and even when we tried to follow him he wouldn't stay at the back and let wk tank. i think i'd prefer people who were bad at farming than those who don't understand the basics.



                      I think it's because farming is easier to practice. Anyone can go make a custom lobby and practice last hitting. Isolating what makes someone good at fighting is sometimes more difficult.

                      Plus if someone is bad at multitasking it can be an easy trap to just focus in the direction you're good at rather than attempting to balance it.

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                        Bad Intentions

                          I am honored lolipop posted! Good points sir!

                          Mann, ever had those 6 slot players who gets outplayed the fuk out? Holy..


                            i think i am good at farm, but bad at fight -_-

                            Miku Plays

                              idk how to farm when im support but if im carry i just farm like a wild dog and fight like a wild dog


                                ^you are wild dog, dog.


                                  I thinks that on gpm and xpm.
                                  If xpm high u can stay well in clash ; gpm high ur f**king farmer.
                                  ( cozof someone told them high gpm kda can handon in board)9

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                                  hoho haha enjoyer

                                    "pubs are experts at going into unfavourable fights and then ping the shit out of you when you didn't join the feed train" XDDD


                                      Im shit at teamfighting if i dont pick one of my mains, but if i do still there are TFs that are bad to join people dont understand that and think "uh that guy did nothing last tf he doesnt know how to play" and reality is you avoid the teamfight cause it was a bad idea anyways :p


                                        fundamentally i think the problem lies with too many player trying to follow in the foot steps of the pro's. They see a carry stay away and out FARM the opposing team and win on the sole premise that they have more exp/gold. but they forget that pros play with much more coordination and strategy in mind. Good farming habits win games, this much is true, but it does matter how farmed you are if your team has been loosing 4v5 for 30min. * take-home-thought = carries need to look at keeping ahead while ahead, and no better way to do this than helping your supports win objectives!!



                                          Wagner (Desaforado)

                                            you gotta farm 6 itens

                                            Wagner (Desaforado)

                                              then you trow the game, thats how you do it


                                                There is no reason for a carry to die with his team, while he can farm or splitpush instead.


                                                  With farming only you can get a really high mmr. My teamfighting actually kinda sucks, but my average GPM with heroes like am is like 650 over 80 games. It got me to 4,6k

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    cus with farming all you do is run through lanes, through jungles etc. It's same every time if you have space. No variables. Just rotation and item builds. Fighting takes adapting.


                                                      ^ Im just a 4k scrub but i have some 2k friends who think like you, lets say youre playing AM or lycan or naga and you only "farm to get items and latter win" you gonna lose most games cause you need to create space YOU NEED not your team, if you cant force rotations in the enemy team youre not playing HC properly, you cant be an anchor just afk farming jungle and lane some times when its safe, sure if you start winning the game and you have good farm patterns maybe can you can win against bad people just doing that.
                                                      When you cant help your team in TFs cause your hero sucks at that or you need a lot of farm to be something then you help with splitpush / rat and most of the people are shit doing that when they are behind in the game.
                                                      Sure playing safe farm with space its easy but trying to take objectives, force rotations and aggressive farming when losing isnt and you need adaptation too if you dont wanna feed a lot when youre splitpushing.

                                                      The Ice Truck Killer

                                                        I think they're linked to some extent - if you're at bad fighting with even farm, you rely on being really, really fat to win manfights, teamfights and games. Since you're fat, you don't even rely much on using your skills and nukes since your "passive" right clicks do much more damage so in a way you have less actives to worry about. Also when you're that fat you can A-click instead of attempting to (and misclicking) on relevant targets so positioning goes out the window. Also you have to consider people who afk farm (allegedly split-pushing/making space) and avoid team fights - they have more practice on farming patterns etc and little practice with team fighting and so don't have that developed instinct of knowing when they can take fights etc. Often they don't their hero very well, they don't know what their hero is capable of - when their gets rekt in mid game or when their hero can 1v2 with 100hp to spare - they just know their hero is OP with big items - and that's why sometimes they make those ridiculous 1v5 decisions 45 mins in and then proceed to say "where is team" or they participate in a team fight and get stun locked - either they don't know when to get a bkb or when to actually activate it!

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Think like me? I didn't say that was the correct way to play, I said any noob can afk farm really effectively but fighting takes a lot more skill.