General Discussion

General DiscussionHello VHS elitist 4HEAds how2itemize QOP

Hello VHS elitist 4HEAds how2itemize QOP in General Discussion
Mind Games

    Cite some situations and why?

    Gonna make all my most used heroes in dotabuff as girls huehuehue


      u can literally build anything on her as long as it fits.. agha, necro, ac, mkb, deso, dagon, refresher, octarine blabla just build random items and cross ur fingers

      Mind Games

        Best build so far in response to the meta?

        yung griphook

          i dont know for sure and have been wondering myself, but it seems like more often than not i see pros go treads euls aghs. But then again she's been played in the offlane a fair amount and it can depend on matchups etc.