General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to have game impact in mid-late game as hard support?

How to have game impact in mid-late game as hard support? in General Discussion

    Hello, I am currently around 3.7k mmr and I am trying to break into 4k. I almost always end up playing hard support and feel I am decent enough at laning/pulling/zoning out enemy offlaner/smoke ganking mid if possible/securing my carry's farm that I am giving my team an advantage over the enemy support. However I am wondering how I can still have game impact in the mid-late game once the laning stage is over. I always try to communicate with my team and get team to group for smoke ganks, rosh, etc. but once it gets to end of mid game and into late game I feel the game is mostly out of my hands. Any tips on end of mid/late game play for a hard support who is probably not going to have a lot of items if the game is even?
    EDIT: If you look at my profile it's all "Le normal skill" because my hidden unranked mmr is trash and I've only been doing unranked recently.

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    bum farto

      Which support? It's dependent on the kind of support you're playing.

      Some require the intiation, the BKB, the sceptre, the escape, the heal. So really depends which hero.

      bum farto

        Ok I will use a small sample size from your dotabuff profile.

        In general:

        - Don't force your team to do anything play under their comfort level. As a general rule the offlaner is more eager to work than a mid, or carry. Work with them more and keep them alive.
        - Try and hold wards, don't place just cause you can. Keep one for when you push and need a strategic advantage through site. (e.g you have an initiator.
        - Keep track of enemy items and alert your team, call missings on behalf of your lanes, use your experience as a support to guess smokes, rosh, or general jungle ganks in the absence of wards.
        - Passively stack around the map provided you're making sure your team can clear and the enemy won't pick it up.


        King of Low Prio

          Don't play hard support in pubs. Just be greedy and toss wards in.


            How do I have impact in late game if at all possible is my main concern.


              Which one of your heroes you play as a support: Death Prophet, Faceless Void or Viper?

              bum farto

                Continued from above.

                Late game core will rely on items they have to try and gain the edge in teamfights Forcing Sceptre on disruptor is probably the way to go if their plays are item/spell dependant over hard fighting.

                Unless you feel you can actually do it don't recall carries when TP'ing it looks cool and pisses them off but you may screw over your chances of getting a pick off under the tower.

                Recall supports killing them is easy and cores will hesitate to fight without their support to buffer them with spells or lockdown. You may find recalling a carry who dies but still does sufficient damage, and makes you use spells will allow the opposition to turn it on you and wipe you all for one recall.

                This was on Disruptor.

                bum farto

                  A lot of what makes a good support player is not how he plays supports but the ones he picks. Games are won sometimes off the back of rendering cores useless by the support you pick.

                  Like Omni/Dazzle vs a Legion Commander etc.

                  Heroes with lock down excel a lot more than heros like Sky/Veno where as heroes like Winter Wyvern, and Venge can prove more useful in the long run.


                    Counter picks matter more for hard support the higher MMR you go. But I still think you can use a wide range of support heroes at any MMR if you play them enough to have the practice. Making mistakes as a hard support can cripple your game early. Your positioning and timing has to be nearly flawless to outplay people lategame with a lot more farm.

                    The biggest differnce I would say for hard supports from 3.7k to 4k is getting blink dagger. It gets to be essential so that you can't position close enough to cast your spells before you die, or get away if the team backs up if you do not have a blink dagger. The main thing about the blink is not just the instant movement but the ability to ignore terrain. Your hard support hero can't fight alone, probably can't even escape alone if you have to rely on move speed.

                    Often the only way to get close enough to a fight safely is to be behind an impasable barier over which you blink to join the fight. The only way to escape is to blink past an impasable barier. Of course some heros can chase you and may also have blinks... but now it depends on the cd of those skills/items now you have some chance instead of zero.

                    If at all possible get glimmer cape/and or force staff for late game depending on the situation. Saving others is usually more important than saving yourself. But if you don't get the blink first then you probably can't function.

                    Playing in the higher MMR games warding is not the same also. Lane wards are much more important. And you have to be aware of where enemy obs are even if you can't see them right now. Dewarding may be too risky and if you go put up a new obs where they can see you do it... well its going to be dewarded quickly and you may even die trying to place it. So you have to have alternate warding spots to the normal ones and alwyas be item checking enemy supports to see if they have placed a ward yet as they walk around. Even if you can't see them place it, you know where it is because it is gone from their inventory when they come back into vision.

                    But again I don't think you really have to counter pick that hard... rather know your hero. I've got 77% winrate on Lich in Very High games... I've won games as high as 6k MMR average with it playing hard support. I'm not fast, it's almost impossible for me to get past 4k MMR on solo. But if you can play with no items and still have a big impact on the game controlling vision while not feeding you can win games way above your skill level.

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                          if you have no items it's gonna be hard to make a game-winning impact in the late game unless your hero scales like that innately (earthshaker etc).

                          good supports buy the wards, buy the dewards, buy the smoke, buy the detection but they also have the efficiency in their gameplay to find gold for themselves. this often comes from assist gold in fights so you'll need to improve positioning and ensure you don't die if you don't need to. another way to get gold is to sneak some jungle camps/lane creeps when there's a tiny lull in the game (but never do so if you're taking away from the pace that your team wants to play at).

                          also at higher mmr's stacking for your cores and sharing the exp is also pretty useful


                            Kitrak there is really no need for you be angry about someone lower mmr than you knowing more about dota than you. You don't have to get so upset.

                            But maybe this will cheer you up.

                            Here is a game of lich I won against RoX.KIS.Sedoy. Are you jealous that my lich KDA is more than double yours? I guess it's not saying much since yours is 1.5. But you can learn to play lich too if you practice more.

                            I've have 3 accounts on my friends list that are over 7k MMR. I have 350 games in Very High at 56% winrate. You really don't need to get so upset about this, it's ok for some players to be lower MMR than you and still talk about dota.

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                                LMFAO this relentless guy makes pretty funny jokes