@jena, ok lets say your first calibration game is 4k flat average, obviously if you played bad (fed,no impact, low kda,gpm,expm) your next game will be at 3.9, hence you dropped in mmr. You have to do well in your tbd games, inorder to increase the mmr average
ex: I played my friends smurf acount, he is normal skill, first game is 3k flat average, After I did supper well (22-0 SF), next game the average became 3.5, etc
when i was done calibrating his smurf, his mmr was 4.3
tdlr: if you play like a retard in your calibration games, lower mmr, if you do well, higher mmr
@tasaina your predict is correct my mmr 3,188 after that down to 2990
Coz many player throw,feeder
And intentionaly die 40 times
So what is your suggestion for face the player like that?
@tasaina can u help me to reach 4.5k mmr?play my account
How much for it?
Coz 3k mmr many throw player and intentionaly die
@WOWIN, I cannot play/boost your account, that is against the Dotabuff Code of Conduct,
I suggest just do your best, not all games will have feeders or throwers
*also wont be predicting anymore, will just be answering questions relating to mmr
if you ask me to predik ur mmr, i will answer you with disturbing gifs
Predict mine
What about me ?? :( I kept bouncing back to high skill then very high skill :(
Predict mine too please. I think im only a 2k scrub
^normal skill 40% wr
Seems bout right u ll got 2k
Wht bout me? Ty
i know i wudnt make it to 3k but would like to know if im <2k or >2k MMR. thanks!
im just a normal player can you predict mine? thanks :) look at my profile
pls predict my mmr range
@Meliodas,vistokartika,makoyPH,Slark player,h+
Predict mine :)
Hey Tasaina its me Meeporn- u still remember me? Ur predict was correct around 4.1-4.4. My mmr on 4.4k. THANK YOU
H+ your mmr around 3-3.3k
@dominic, good job bro
@tasaina what if I did not play well at my tbd games, then what will my mmr be like? As of my status now.
@jena, ok lets say your first calibration game is 4k flat average, obviously if you played bad (fed,no impact, low kda,gpm,expm) your next game will be at 3.9, hence you dropped in mmr. You have to do well in your tbd games, inorder to increase the mmr average
ex: I played my friends smurf acount, he is normal skill, first game is 3k flat average, After I did supper well (22-0 SF), next game the average became 3.5, etc
when i was done calibrating his smurf, his mmr was 4.3
tdlr: if you play like a retard in your calibration games, lower mmr, if you do well, higher mmr
Predict mine. Already finish my tbd
Damn even i doo well in my smurf i though after tbd ill get 5k but not :(
max calibration is 4,999 mmr
4.4k is good calibrate bracket? I feel like shit player i hope i get 5k after 1month but i dont have pc to play everyday
once your at 4.5 mmr above, lesser noobs, flamers, toxic players, account buyers
yeah 4.4 is good, glhf
Ty bro 25winstreak 4 5k not realy hard lol
@tasaina your predict is correct my mmr 3,188 after that down to 2990
Coz many player throw,feeder
And intentionaly die 40 times
So what is your suggestion for face the player like that?
@tasaina can u help me to reach 4.5k mmr?play my account
How much for it?
Coz 3k mmr many throw player and intentionaly die
predict mine 4head
@WOWIN, I cannot play/boost your account, that is against the Dotabuff Code of Conduct,
I suggest just do your best, not all games will have feeders or throwers
Wow tasaina has a job of predicting ppls mmr seemsgood
@JOE, no one else does it, fuck you guys
Whats my fucking mmr?
your fucking mmr is 1k
LMAO hope u get paid bruh
he said he wont be back, but he needs these filthy mmr whor.es as much as they need him
hey guys im new to dota but how do i get to vhs
get a razor and slit your wrists, works everytime
*also wont be predicting anymore, will just be answering questions relating to mmr
if you ask me to predik ur mmr, i will answer you with disturbing gifs
i tried that but only blood poured out. now im dying and my family is panicking. how will this get me to vhs?
2nd time renshin promised to not predicting mmr. Probably he will come again LMFAO
@fake alice, most games are vhs, support player which is commendable , maybe 4065 mmr
predict me too :)
predick my memer points
@JDF8 lul please xD
Hey guys,predict me too please
fuck off cat, ill dissect you
Nein no dissect. Le pousti i predict your mmr to be around 4.4 to 4.6
Predict mine guys :S
does lifetime stats and commendation affect calibrating mmr?
predict mine as well.. ty sir.. :D
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What's the formula of predicting mmr? Can someone calibrated above 5k?