General Discussion

General DiscussionHow else do you build Ursa besides Phase > Blink > Basher/BKB?

How else do you build Ursa besides Phase > Blink > Basher/BKB? in General Discussion

    I thought the Fury Swipes passive change a few patches back might make HotD more viable, but he still has serious mana issues without a RoB that you're better off going Vlad's anyway.

    I feel like the hero still has to go the ganking build route. His ult is still shit once he gets kited because there are too many ways to kite him after he purges things once.

    Is he forever stuck as a mid game hero?



      Now seriously, if you go phase+blink you can rape your opponebts easy enough to get the game ended before lategame. If not, farm -> build lategame items. Ursa is not exactly a lategame hero, but she is still strong.


        What is your ideal six slot Ursa?

        Right now I usually end up with Phase/Travels, Blink, Abyssal, BKB, Scythe, Vlads. Not exactly terrifying stuff in protracted teamfights.


          Bots, bkb, satanic, abyssal, blink, refresher


            Since ulti reworked HoT isn't that good anymore, skadi is a good substitutional item, imo. It gives you almost the same survivability, and is a good late game item.
            Butterfly as a surprise choice works too.
            As a snowballing item u can get deso, if you went for vladmir.
            Abyssal is still must-have though, just because Ursa is good only in singletargeting.


              Ive watched alot of pro plays lately and they all seem to skip vlad and sometimes even phase to keep brown until travel. Ursa doesmt need complicated items. All he needs is boots morbid and blink. Rest is luxury or depending on what you are facing.

              Most agi hero this patch wants sny over skadi now, movement speed is better than a bit more mana pool.

              Idea ursa 7 slot would be imo: moonshard-travel-sny-satanic-abyssal-bkb-scythe.

              Replace bkb for buterfly if no mkb or go mkb yourself in need


                ^ The problem I have with those early items is that you have no damage except if you get 5-6 Fury Swipes off. Seriously, by level 8 and brown boots/Morbid, you have like 70 damage.

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                    dmg is the only thing ursa doesnt need tbh. At lvl 8 they are probably lvl 4-7 because you would have roshed and gained momentum. You rape them in 3 auto attack.

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                      magic wand does wonders.

                      if you're up against cancer (doom) or other 1 hit wonders buy a linkens.

                      otherwise finish your vlads.

                      if you will be OKAY without more damage, buy a sheepstick instead of finishing vlads.

                      if you won't, finish vlads, then get abyssal.

                      there's more to it than that, but thats the basics IMO