General Discussion

General DiscussionI thought I've seen everything, BUT!

I thought I've seen everything, BUT! in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Dagon Naix, holy cow :O

    So, what strange and unorthodox build have you seen? pls share your experiences.

    plz do

      i must say what a unorthodox build.
      yesterday i saw an antimage building battlefury.

      OpenAI (Human)

        I saw a mid making bottle, I was like DA FUQ u doing, this isnt ur 300 mmr game, we in 600 mmr now
        go back to 300 mmr kid



          I wish I could link his dotabuff profile but he's anon. I checked his match history in game and this guy is literally brain-dead. He builds shitty stuff like 5x staff of wizardry on lich, and vlads on lina. You'd think he was just trolling with these items but he is actually just god awful, and has the map awareness of a fucking baboon.

          Bad Intentions

            Yo ceesa sup mann. Lmao, baboons actually have very good map awareness in real life :D

            Bad Intentions

              Also ceesa, u havent add me up yet, how can i spy on those gamez :]


                i told u man i cant, steam wont let me it says ur friends list is full or some shit. can u add me?

                Bad Intentions

                  The fuk?! really now? hmm didnt know steam got dat limit :O alryt mann imma add ya


                    i saw a 4.5k mmr guy purchasing aghs on shadow fiend, and as i talked to him, he was not joking with this build. he seriously needed stats and decided to go for aghs cz he "didnt have enough money to buy skadi".

                    also sometimes i go blink on spirit breaker when we play dotabuff inhouse games, and watch hanter complaining about trash teammates later on; golden.


                      do you even weave, m0therfuck3r?


                        had a battle fury spectre yesterday. pretty sure i win for the most retarded, "don't understand the hero i've picked" build.

                        Dire Wolf

                          midas sniper into treads and blink. Fucking weird. He didn't do that bad in the end but midas sniper...

                          Then I was a doom vs an all carry lineup, sven rushed midas before brown boots even, then rushed a linkens. Like what in the fuck? But worked out for them in the end, a sven with linkens, midas and daedulus pretty much wiped our team cus they were so dumb.

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                            ^ You can get pretty much a midas on almost every core, there's nothing wrong with getting it if you're free farming or can get it really fast.

                            Dire Wolf

                              It's generally a bad idea though, it's great on like two heroes and worse than every alternative on every other hero. If sniper has rushed maelstrom instead, only 800g more than a midas, think how much faster he can farm with that. Same with sven, what if he goes dominator or mask of madness, now he can clear jungle with ease, increases farm speed so much.


                                Blademail Puck yesterday in my team. I cried a little inside.


                                  strange and unorthodox builds?

                                  build of any teammate in my recent games
                                  because people in this bracket start experimentating but have no fucking idea what they're doing and lose the game because of it

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                                    I saw an armlet puck lol (forgot if he was playing with me or my friend)


                                      blade mail qops, are you seeing this to?


                                        dagon naix is actually really fucking bad tbh

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                                        Pale Mannie


                                          - Bloodсука with Octarine Core

                                          i gave him a report for this xd

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Ive seen a blademail qop once, good at first but didnt end well mid late :]

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              remember that youtube where some guy got like mask and armlet and blink on sniper? Someone in one of my games tried to do that once.

                                              Dagon visage destroyed my team once. I guess dagon on any int isn't that weird. But he didn't even have a finished boots.


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                                                @bad intentions, pat C
                                                its one of the common builds for this hero in higher tiers, actually

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                                                Bad Intentions

                                                  Yo triple, its def viable especially in coordinated teams, higher tiers.