General Discussion

General DiscussionIs RIKI really a "kid hero"?

Is RIKI really a "kid hero"? in General Discussion

    I don't think so as its the hero you need more statics on when the opponent team has buy several wards, dusts or gem, or they have giving true sight vision heroes example like Bounty Hunter, Slardar and Zues.


      hes not unless you are in normal ksill bracket


        Everything is kid hero in 1k. Riki makes u 2k, then you are less of a kid, but you are still a small son until 6k .


          Riki is a decent hero, especially with the buffs to his regen and the changes to diffusal. He has great burst damage and his smoke cloud is good for teamfights.

          He works in 4k (example:

          Slark arguably fits his role slightly better, but Riki is still a very viable pick.


            riki was always a good hero


              since the remake*


                Riki was ass before remake ( lvl 6 invis ). Now this hero is a master pub ganker. Even in 4k you can get scores like 26-3 simply because anything lower than 5k are fucking babies that wants to be pos 1 or 2 and if they get to support they rather get midas than buying sentries.


                  I can confirm that what Bishop said is true, every fucking game in 3k mmr Mid and Carry instantly highlighted in pick screen,

                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                    problem with riki is that people dont get how weak the guy really not saying kiddish im just saying he's weak even for a early-mid hard carry

                    if you feed him then youre done because at the end of the day the hero is a still a carry and with items and kills he will fuck you over and cant expect to feed pa pl or spec and not have anything happen

                    another thing is people dont get the fact that youre never supposed to run from a riki if youre 1 v 1....they dont understand how back stab works

                    right now with every single hero except hard supports....all you need to do is walk out of the smoke and face him for a manfight...riki cant manfight a single carry with equal farm or even slightly lesser farm than him....

                    people have this riki complex in normal skill because they keep feeding and he keeps snowballing but when you realise how weak he really is and you just take steps like disengaging in the smoke and not running from him..he is nothing

                    sometimes people just need to read the skills really...ive seen so many players fighting riki in the smoke not realising they are slowed and have a fucking 70% miss chance...they just go at him in the smoke no mkb or anything

                    also an early gem just ruins riki really but that has its own problems primarily no one wanting to invest in it so soon....sometimes this investment is really worth it tho....riki cant roam and provide ganking opportunity for his team on the carry farming in the jungle....also just a sentry near the rune spots really

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