General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it counter productive to control your emotions when playing doto?

Is it counter productive to control your emotions when playing doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is the game meant to be played with no holds barred passion? may it be positive or negative? That just holding back takes away the fun in the game? Thoughts and experiences pls.


      If you have fun - feel free to share. But don't share your anger.

      P.S. "Counter productive"... I love this phrase! =)
      "It's counter productive to share your anger." I used it! Yay! I'm like Sergey Lavrov! =)

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      Riguma Borusu

        Ideally you want to keep the positive emotions going and suppress negative ones. As in anywhere in life, really. It boils down to emotional intelligence, you need to be emotive about the game to feel any passion about it, but then you need to also not be completely wrecked at the same time. I used to be much worse than I am today and did not tolerate a lot of shit. Having the "its just a game" mentality takes away a bit of charm, but I think that having a positive attitude in that way, that you are there to have some fun and enjoy spending your free time, and reinforcing the idea that you are actively damaging that by raging and arguing with people (learn to mute people quickly please), etc, really improves your LIFE in general, and not just DotA, because those negative emotions will eventually seep into other parts of your life as well.

        Life's actually short, try to make sure you fill it with more pleasurable experiences than the unpleasurable ones. If DotA makes your LIFE more unpleasurable for you, you should probably rethink this whole idea, or just try to improve your DotA experience in different ways.

        The best thing about being passionate about something is that you have those emotional swings, and it's always all about making sure that you get more from the happy moments than you lose from the sad ones, and do notice that this does not take into an account how many of either there are - you need to be ready for anything anyway. Therefore this question has very little to do with your view on DotA, it's generally your worldview and approach to life in general that matter here. What I mean is that you'd probably feel the same way if you were as passionate about something else, and would wonder the same thing. And it would not be easy if you can't find the answers you need.

        Such is life. Such is DotA.

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        Sugar Show

          I feel no other emotion than the feel for win.

          Riguma Borusu

            "Feel for win" is not really an emotion, but it can be identified as "craving". So you play DotA because you crave for victory. And what happens if you don't get your fix, what if you're on a lose streak? How do you handle that, emotionally? I am asking because I used to be upset, but lately I was on a pretty big lose streak and I handled that decently, though it had something to do with the fact that we had a terrible player in our party at all times and we knew we wouldn't win a lot, if at all.

            Sugar Show

              I only play ranked to win, have any emotions on it is already a lose and a waste of time.

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                ^ Same here.
                I personally a competitive person and play to win every single game. I never throw intentionally and never give up until the throne is down. And that's exactly what I like in doto - the feel of competition. Even when I'm on a losing streak, it doesn't make me upset - I just take it as given, you know, its just a game. I'm still gonna win regardless how bad the odds are etc.

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                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                    i think emotions really ruin game sense and calm thinking....ive been muted for the past 50 hours and still have 100 more to go obviously for comm abuse because i raged like hell on my retarded team mates

                    but now that i cant its' like i can somehow just focus more on my game and what im doing and the results are showing.....i can think more clearly and dont really worry about my team being shit any more

                    give me a carry im familiar with and ill win

                    so this mute has actually been productive for me....of course i always knew this but even then i could never really pass up the chance to abuse my team with the most fucked up shit that i knew

                    and then i started coming up with more insults instead of working towards saving the teams still play as a bunch of senseless fucks but now with the mute ban i can just concentrate on my own stuff

                    and when you do that you'll see that you dont really have the time to chat

                    plz do

                      dont confuse emotions and anti-social behaviour.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^I wanted to say this. Emotions can be positive and negative. Positive emotions will enhance your play and your enjoyment of the game, obviously.


                          being emotional just makes u get muted and extremely unpleasant/annoying to play with so yea.
                          talking about negative ofc.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            im sure you wouldn't want to play with yourself in a team when you're mad


                              So if I tell my team they are a bunch of uncarryable losers, is that likely to have a positive or negative effect on their performance?

                              I think this sort of comment, while perhaps realistic, is unhelpful. But I often struggle to figure out how to inspire poor performers to improve. Some people respond well to reminders to do things they should know how to do... others respond to any and all comments with mockery followed by intentional feeds. Some people can ben encouranged by compliments. Some people can be challenged into proving they are good by criticism.

                              When I can tell from the way someone positons and moves in the lane that they don't know how to play their hero, it puts a significant negative emotional curve on the game. On the one hand it is important to know that a player will be weak so you can realistically project what they can and cannot do... but on the other hand its hard to play your best if you are expecting to lose.

                              This morning I lost of game of Luna, which I knew would be a disaster from minute one. Ogre Magi and Jakiro tried to tri-lane and wandered around the lane bumping into me instead of zoning out the offlane solo Mirrana. They missed pulls, failed to gank mid, competed for cs and when I was ganked attacked creeps next to me not noticing until 5 seconds into the gank so that I barely escaped... then they did not have a way to heal me up so I had to return to the fountain. It was clear from the start they sucked, and indeed checking dotabuff after we lost I find Ogre Magi is at 40% win in High Skill ranked and Jakiro is at 29% win. It's not just my game, they are consistently bad at those heroes.

                              But what can I say? I can't really explain how to play their hero correctly much during the game and any advice I do give is met with mockery, perhaps because people are defensive from being criticised a lot before in dota games.

                              Are there certain phrases that make people feel happier even if you actually point out something they need to correct?

                              What about "It would be very helpful if you (stop feeding/get wards/carry tp/attack towers/focus such and such hero)"?
                              Or will that just be taken as cutting, sarcasm?

                              That's better than "You morons need to (stop feeding/get wards/carry tp/attack towers/focus such and such hero)" right?

                              Anyway, I am never muted simply because I don't bother to tell people about mistakes they are making almost all the time. I think those who get muted usually do so because they say what they were thinking.

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                                What about those who yell at you only because you're the only one alive after a team fight? Is their "passion" positive or negative?


                                  Putting emotions into the game sucks, for whatever reason. Especially towards 4 other strangers who you knew suck. If you give advice to them, chances are, they don't listen and act defensively because they thought their idea was the best. Earthshaker might think "I'm going to wait for a fight to happen, then boom! 5 man Echo Slam!", although he is the sole initiator in the entire team.

                                  So what if you put it nicely, politely to people who don't give a shit. People who actually listened are those who already had your advice in mind way before you tell it. If they don't, go ahead and try your best telling your Alchemist not to split push, when Nature's Prophet is already doing the same job leaving the team 3v5.

                                  Either tell your advice precisely, straight to the point, or don't.

                                  Or if you knew that the game is going full retard, then enjoy your 40 minutes telling they are all subhumans and how fucked up their minds are for not improving at all despite playing for X matches, and can't even take a single advice from other players, showing them how undeveloped their thinking are, not open to criticism and innovative ideas.

                                  I mean, that's the best you can do if you want to ever show emotions in game. Or just don't.


                                    And yeah, there is a trick involving psychology to manipulate people into thinking what you try to assert to them as their own ideas. But good luck trying to make them think in your way within a short period of time, so short that the game is over way before it works.

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Good inputs.

                                      I agree with most of em. Though i know its tough to lose but holding back your passion for the game makes doto a little pale and bland? I mean if u all out play with dem passion u can still have fun even if u lose. Worse thing dat can happen is probly u getting muted :D

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