General Discussion

General Discussionmax mmr on new accs

max mmr on new accs in General Discussion
Obe 1

    yo boys, month ago i created topic ''new acc boys'' where most said that i would suck ,i've played solo (ONLY SOLO)'i've got 4923 mmr.maybe someone boostign too.i remember on source 1 y could get 4999(2012-2013)then its uped to 6k thats' , the last the biigest mmr was 5k again.(its my over 10th acc)have question it it possible to get 5500+ on source 2.
    sry for my bad eng.

    Giff me Wingman

      No, on s2 they capped at 4999 i think. (3 russian boosters which usually boosted to 5.4 - 5.6k on s1 confirmed it)

      Obe 1

        6k was max at source1 sometime

        Giff me Wingman

          at the beginning yes.


            min 7231 max 8356

            trust me its on the internet it must be true

            also there wasnt even ranked matchmaking in 2012 and most of 2013. they brought it on 2013 december

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