General Discussion

General DiscussionChanges you would like to see next patch

Changes you would like to see next patch in General Discussion

    What sort of balance changes and possible ability/hero reworks(if necessary) would you want to be implemented in future patches?

    I say for alch, reduce the bounty rune multiplier for greevil's gold to 2x(heck, I think it should just be removed altogether), then bring back the hidden brew timer for his stun.

    Ideas? Opinions?


      you can bought each sentry for 100 gold.

      In this kind of meta where support always put their ward on safelane, as an offlaner I always want this feature.

      waku waku

        another buff to pudge


          snipers with shrapnel stacking


            Chen can control roshan whn lv25


              Elder Titan rework

              Pale Mannie

                reseting Riki


                  Slardar nerf.


                    Reduce kill gold, buff dire mid.

                    Bad Intentions

                      Serious buffs to top 5 least played heroes!


                        Storm buff




                            farming buff, splitpush buff, or anything that stops dota from becoming a deathmatch

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Storm buff ^ I miss saying blow the man down! on my way to the store.

                              I don't care about Pudge, but I think they should buff him, even seeing him mid now is weird, like he's not even worthy of it anymore.

                              Buff dire mid.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                "Serious buffs to top 5 least played heroes!"

                                Elder Titan
                                Shadow Demon

                                Do they really need it? They're not least played just because they need buffs. I mean, a few places later we have IO, who's pretty broken in most combos he's used in, so buffing him would be ridiculous from a competitive standpoint.


                                  That chen buff seems fine + 1


                                    visage doesnt need a buff at all, buffing sd is dangerous, but the other 3 do need some kind of a buff, i suppose.


                                      Add abyssal underlord and put earth spirit in captains mode.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Higher manacost on raze, lower range on ice shards anc lower range on cold embrace and winter's curse.


                                          Only problem with ET is that others offlaners are imba. Nerf them & he will be viable again.

                                          I hope they will buff Tinker & Storm & farming in general.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Buff BH

                                            plz do

                                              pls no farming meta again. how can u even ask for that - result will be a 6.83 meta, which sucks dick like no other patch..


                                                Remove the dogshit rubberband mechanic and there'll never be a patch like 6.83 again.


                                                  Remove glimmer and bring back old oracle ult but that's unlikely :(

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                                                    Pudge hook increased from 1.3k to 2.1k


                                                      Rework shackleshot


                                                        Revert Oracle's nerfs. The hero has no reliable disables and his skills are mediocre without good knowledge of the hero's mechanics.


                                                          towers take 50% more damage when only one enemy hero is around

                                                          NextStep ®

                                                            Hats for Undying please.

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              Relentless "Add abyssal underlord and put earth spirit in captains mode."

                                                              I almost sent you a gift for reading my mind but then I decided to add to this by saying buff Oracle.


                                                                How about rework earth spirit like pl or bs was reworked. That hero is so retarded, how is it still in the game?

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  Buff Doom like sniper in 6.83 huehuehue

                                                                  Also nerf Alche like sniper in 6.84

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                                                                      Doom buff, gets any creep skills he devours, he devours beastmaster hawk he gets flying vision and invis kappa.

                                                                      OD - Ulti cd reduction, prison range
                                                                      Sd- Disruption range
                                                                      kunkka - Tidebringer buff
                                                                      Elder titan - buff spirit or stomp damage, so he can kill the range creep with his combo
                                                                      Void - buff his base bash damage, lower chrono bash dmg
                                                                      Oracle - Aghs gives his old ulti back
                                                                      Tinker - march ancients again
                                                                      Batrider - Vision plox
                                                                      Buff the jungle, buff etheral blade, buff atos, nerf offlane,

                                                                      Nerfs - Passive gold generation, Assist gold, make it so people have to actually farm instead of roaming around doing nothing and fighting, Tp bottle refill.

                                                                      Lich, Doom, dazzel, Alch, WW, Nighstalker, Tusk, waifu runner, undying

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                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                        A nerf to CM and Dazzle would be appreciated
                                                                        Fucking cancer supports in my games made for ez supportlife palying very aggressively


                                                                          Puck- I'm not sure how, i never play the hero but it need a buff.
                                                                          Morphling- Give him a decent attack range. Feels more like a melee hero at the moment. Also maybe movespeed buff.
                                                                          OD- Arcane Orb goes through Spell Immunity. Or something to make him able to comeback better.
                                                                          Medusa and other super-late carries- Some sort of buff to make 4 protect 1 more viable.
                                                                          ET- Buff somehow. Maybe base strength increase?
                                                                          KOTL of the Light- Base strength increase.
                                                                          Kunkka- Buff anything except Tidebringer. That thing is so bloody annoying
                                                                          Lone Druid- Needs buff but don't know what.
                                                                          Necrophos- Ags now changes damage type to pure, but reduce Ags damage values so that instakill threshold is the same.
                                                                          Natures Prophet- General split pushing buffs.
                                                                          Phoenix- Birdy is awesome and just deserves buffs for being awesome
                                                                          Pugna- Needs to be tankier
                                                                          Rubick- increase cast range for lvl 1 ult
                                                                          Warlock- Make him more useful when his ult is down
                                                                          Weaver- I dunno. something
                                                                          Undying- fix bug that makes hero killable. Undying should be undying.

                                                                          Tusk, Windranger, Dazzle, WW, SF, QOP of Pain and alchemist. and other heroes im too lazy to mention that need it. those are just the main ones.

                                                                          Also add Abyssal Underlord and put Oracle, Earth Spirit and TB in captains mode.


                                                                            "Revert Oracle's nerfs. The hero has no reliable disables and his skills are mediocre without good knowledge of the hero's mechanics."

                                                                            "his skills are mediocre without good knowledge of the hero's mechanics."

                                                                            do you know how silly that sounds? buff a hero because he is no good if you don't understand his abilities...

                                                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                              ^ sounds like meepo death timer buff to me