General Discussion

General DiscussionTELL WHY ANIME?

TELL WHY ANIME? in General Discussion
EZ MID 9k mmr
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      You can't really defend a lost cause of a human for me. Just let me ramble on. I'm sadistic in nature. Being made fun of or being angry at turns me on.

      D the Superior
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        Miku Plays

          i got a furry

          D the Superior
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              neko gamer soul u need to watch more loli anime


                Nah mate. I just watch what I want to watch.

                D the Superior
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                  D the Superior
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                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      Somebody deleted my top comment about anime being for losers.

                      puni puni butt UWU


                        Miku Plays

                          We need wards you stupid fuck. Picks Skywrath Mage. One hour into the game, 4v5. And you don't buy wards.Fucking useless dog.


                            Well, that kinda shit happens, like scepter weaver.

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Love you guys. hehe' Except that Rin person above, he's thirsty.

                              Aww, yeah, official anime thread, keep it going. BUMP*

                              puni puni butt UWU

                                🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 does this show up on non iOS things


                                  Quickly! Share your energy with me!


                                    db chou is not good

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                                      Because I take too personal other people's opinion = This thread



                                          railgun is love

                                          puni puni butt UWU

                                            does anyone wanna post anime girls with nice legs

                                            I'm excepting a lot once I come back home in 3 hours


                                              Sorry, me trying to look something like that up is taking too much of my time playing Xenoblade. Sorry

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                Playing Dota, practicing Tinker, sorry, love you Hitagi, k, thanks, bye, f4g. :L


                                                  Here's bouncing, sweaty, boobs. That's all I got.

                                                  puni puni butt UWU

                                                    YOOOO FAMM ITS SNOWING IN DC


                                                    also boobs work too


                                                      jojo has nice legs but hes not a girl




                                                        KANO KO DIO DAN

                                                        ROADROLLLER KA DAN!



                                                          the single best character ever made in anime

                                                          neko dude, u have interesting gifs

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                                                            Yoko no like

                                                            also thank you. I keep my content varied.

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                                                              I strive for perfection. I strive to be like Dio!

                                                              ZA WAURDO!

                                                              Sorry, can't make it bigger.

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                                                              puni puni butt UWU


                                                                  Try doing that in real life.


                                                                    i only have this one

                                                                    goodn ight


                                                                      The guy of that car must be like:

                                                                      puni puni butt UWU

                                                                        jaja bueno memeo


                                                                          God damn, I wish sexy girls I know where this shameless.

                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                              I've dated actual shy girls.

                                                                              A lot of work, for very little reward in my experience.

                                                                              puni puni butt UWU

                                                                                brb going to crunch POST MORE grills

                                                                                Livin' Real Good



                                                                                  Too much work, cute at first, little to NO reward later.


                                                                                    error post mate.

                                                                                    In my case, the shy girl stabbed me in the back for a wuss.

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                                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                                        Lol no.

                                                                                        Sadist I am, but a gentlemen first.

                                                                                        She dumped me because the other guy "bought her more stuff."

                                                                                        Like hell, I'm not gonna cash out my life savings for a fucking car man. I was only 18 making like 10 dollars an hour.


                                                                                          Hitagi, fix your link plz.

                                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                                            DONT EVER BUY WOMEN THINGS, make them buy you things, I never buy girls shit, and they still stay. Knowing how materialistic they are, it always (and still till this day) makes me twitch when I have to hand girls gifts.

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                                                                                              If I could copy paste my last conversation with her, I would've. I literally bought her EVERYTHING for a solid year, and then she backstabs me.

                                                                                              Women. Why can't I just find a nice girl who isn't materialistic and won't stab me in the back for a different guy.

                                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                                Trust me, DO NOT spend SHIT ON WOMEN, maybe pay HALF for the dates, they're almost never worth it in the end.

                                                                                                Most of us are young here 15-25, so I highly doubt any girls we date for quite some time will be "the one" so while you're young, don't EVER spend money on a girl if you don't have to. Cause most of the time, they'll just wander off and look for something new, that's just how women are, easily manipulated, not just by you, but by other guys. Do you think that other guy gives a fuck if she has a boyfriend? Probably not, probably thinks that he's the shit, and she should be fucking with a real nigga. Kappa

                                                                                                They don't know what they want, so you have to show them what they want, and give them direction. Make them feel like they're lucky to be with you, that usually does the trick. But that doesn't mean be an asshole, it just means be your amazing self.

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