General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get a very high skill with mid hero or support?

How to get a very high skill with mid hero or support? in General Discussion

    Im only got high skill when using doom,dragon knight,and winter.


      make more hero damage. better pick Tinker for getting VHS

      Riguma Borusu

        have you tried playing well?


          the "pick tinker for hero damage" advice is so retarded
          it's been patched like 2 years ago


            Get vhs by winning. Win by being better than enemy. If you are sure you are better, mid is good lane because you get 1v1 (in highskill they never gank the mid, even vhs they dont at low levels) and just crush mid, go gank help yyour lanes. Ignore your team if you cant get a kill or secure objective, sometimes they all go and die, and they ping you if you dont go feed with them, ignore it don't 1v5 enemy team (unless you are like luna lvl 16 with aghs bkb or some shit then only rarely)

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              be better than all rest 9 players in the game. every game. all game.


                ^this. And make sure you are making use of your skill advantage. A more skilled player will abuse their skill advantage by winning lanes, getting high cs and denies, ganking etc. A skilled jungler will do not much more for the team than an unskilled one. It is not only about being good but helping your team win through being good.



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                    vhs if you got 3,7 k mmr, every hero u play u will get vhs


                      y, made new akk, played one first game on pudge, was about 26 7 15, this game was on high skill, then every game im on vhs, profit


                        but the point is in my main akk, there i got 5.8, so i think its hard if u're 3k >,,>


                          Thanks a lot for your comment guys :D