General Discussion

General DiscussionI get queued with players way above my level every game?

I get queued with players way above my level every game? in General Discussion
bang bang

    Hey guys,

    im playing Dota for 3 months now and i started ranked matches 2 weeks ago. In my first game with skywrath i went 1/12, my second and third one with lion 7/9 and 2/11.
    Approximatly since then i felt like my unranked all pick games have gotten alot harder overall, ive gotten into the habit of checking my opponents dota profile and the majority of times i have to play against players with lots of rampages, triple kills, etc.
    Some of them seem to be smurfs, since they are relatively low leveled, but then again i have to play against a lvl 70 player with 2000 wins.
    And with my teammates its no different, very good players everywhere.

    My question is: how is that possible? Maybe i just had too much wins a while ago and now the "forcing into 50%winrate" comes into play, so that i get queued against very strong players half of the games, and with good players the other half.
    I feel like it is affecting my fun factor with this game alot because i rarely have even matches (at least thats what it feels like), its either too easy and i get carried or i get stomped hard.

    Too be clear with that, im not trying to brag or anything, if anything this post is telling you that im not comfortable with my performances :P

    Thanks in advance lovely community

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    mr lizard

      Here ( valve said that:
      1 - MMR is the principal, but not the only factor used in matchmaking.
      2 - The system does not directly try to achieve any particular win rate for players. However, it does try to ensure that each team has a 50% chance of winning by matching players of similar skill against each other


        Just play to have fun, dont worry to much about mmr.

        Riguma Borusu

          You can't avoid high -> low level smurfs, and they are everywhere and ruining games for low level players, that's the sad part. And your unranked must be better thank your ranked (I am 2.2k ranked and 3.5k unranked) so you might find your games to be much harder due to that, as there are completely different matchmaking pools for ranked and unranked, and you might have higher unranked MMR. Also, being level 70 means nothing, I've literally seen people with 4000 matches still in normal skill ranked and unranked, and for some reason, they had 50% winrate, but those people were just waaaay too fucking bad.