General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Youtube starting career/hobby!

My Youtube starting career/hobby! in General Discussion


      @sano trainwrecks get lots of views too


        he obviously works as a vet


          Lmao all these haters... Hahah. Neko continue on what you are doing. If you put enough hard work it will turn into success at some point. Ignore these jealous low trench scrubs. They are just keyboard warriors living behind there computer screen and have nothing better to do in their life except flaming. These people might be giving honest advice (criticising only) but have no words for hope which means they don't want you to be on top of them.

          Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

          -Bruce Lee

          Also, people who boast about their I.Q are losers.

          -Stephen Hawking

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            said the normal skill guy with miracle` as name seemsgood


              Knew it. Someone would be mad


                And it's Miracle`-*


                  Idk what's wrong with having miracle`- as a name..


                    if u think i was boasting about my iq you are clearly delusional.


                      because you talk about others even though u arent better urself but nvm

                      "Ignore these jealous low trench scrubs. "

                      Riguma Borusu

                        "If you put enough hard work it will turn into success at some point."

                        That's certainly not how the world works.

                        I have a feeling everyone supporting this neko guy is like 12 or some shit, with zero real life experience.


                          If he enjoys what he is doing let him do it. If he doesn't get any views etc he will most likely drop the project on his own anyway.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^Sure thing, I am just saying, giving delusional encouragement is a recipe for disaster, it's like when people tell their children they're special their whole lives, and children grow up to realize they are not special in any way, shape or form, and that their parents' advice has not at all prepared them for the real world.


                              @road to oblivion well most of his "followers" and he himself are quite retarded anyway, so yeah you might be right anyway


                                like share subscribe everyone!

                                saving private RTZ

                                  Thing is, you actually say you are trying to be yourself and all that shit but to me it seems you are spitting bullshit everywhere^ videos, forums, real life prob too etc.

                                  Bet that bitches loved you.

                                  Also 117 IQ is nothing out of ordinary these days.

                                  Also, smart people usually are funny and social.

                                  I valued my virginity when i had no idea how biology works, then i diecovered that virginity doesn't exist and it's a social term used by religious practicant people. Or people like you, weaboos.

                                  Hated or straight-up ignored is not what you want to be or love to be as you said, its just that you never felt how it is to live outside of hentais.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Like i am not trying to be an asshole(although i am) but you came here asking for feedback and then you ignore feedback.

                                    Off topic: i actually don't understand how is possible in the fucking 21st century that there are people who are basically afraid of other people. Like honestly, i think someone should take kids at 14 or 15 yrs old and fucking teach them some basic social skills, how to handle criticism or negative feedback.

                                    You basically respond to anything with " yeah i love to be hated, i don't care what you say, i live in my bubble, nothing can touch me."

                                    waku waku

                                      Just so you know, you probably won't be able to become famous over how cringeworthy you are either. Just listen to these nice people

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        @OP, May I ask what your age if you don't mind?



                                            Someone could make a YouTube channel about the dotabuff personalities and forum life, commenting on the attitudes, flame, smurf, shit posters and 2k trash ans shit and have literally over 1k your views, weekly

                                            jus chillen


                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                If I wasn't lazy/busy as fuck, I'd totally do what benao suggests rofl.

                                                Also, my mother came into the room while I was scrolling past that image hahaha.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  i really want to make a youtube video of me playing a dota game now hahahaha

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      "Also, smart people usually are funny and social."

                                                      come on, i'm no way near being clever but this is bullshit

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        There are many types of "smart", he was probably referring to the general smart which includes smart social interactions, and not just technical knowledge/abilities. Being a smart person in general simply includes emotional/social intelligence on at least some level, which is something that majority of people with anxiety/antisocial disorders/psychopathy actually lack.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Lol, smartest kid i know is also the biggest social misfit I know, but I still think he is awesome.


                                                            are there any decent iq tests online? yes, theyre not perfect blabla

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              For the OP: On the other hand, you know, you can still create successful cringe, that still gets famous because of how bad it actually is.

                                                              Look at this fucking shit:

                                                              [Team23] Ventder

                                                                Stop it pls! Don't make me regret pressing play buttons :(

                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                  @arin i dont mean smart as in autist.

                                                                  Autists have high IQs yet they live in their own bubble.

                                                                  I mean like, being smart or intelligent does not imply you are socially awkard. I considered myself, and many people surrounding me considered me a smart kid when i was younger, yet again, i wasn't like fapping to hentai porn then go on the internet and saying i value my virginity high or some shit.

                                                                  There are plenty of charismatic people. And most of them have high IQs, trust me.

                                                                  And as Sven guy pointed out, smart does not simply mean being tehnical intelligent. I, at least, don't consider a person smart if he cannot simply interact with people. Einstein was a pretty funny guy, his quotes are good humour(although it gets old pretty quickly).

                                                                  It doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't interact wit other people other then "mom bring me the food while i ejaculate on the sight of hentai boobs"


                                                                    i have 86 iq

                                                                    jus chillen

                                                                      i ejaculate fire


                                                                        i once took an IQ test i scored 90% which is basically A


                                                                          i took an iq test once got an 8, but they printed it sideways. i think they just scammed me

                                                                          [Team23] Ventder

                                                                            IQ in west europe. I know I know... my iq it's over 8 as well


                                                                              I always assumed that most of the people here were borderline potato in the cognitive abilities department, so this looks promising.

                                                                              Back to topic. You've got to show more cleavage, man. That's what all the other unskilled streamers do, and it works splendidly!


                                                                                I put you in a special plastic cover, so I can wash you after.

                                                                                Yowai Mo




                                                                                    Paid actor


                                                                                      OMG LOL!!!! ahaha XD

                                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem


                                                                                          Miku Plays

                                                                                            omg neko hasnt played for 6 days !!!!

                                                                                            acc buyers in my team
