General Discussion

General Discussionall about smurfing

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all about smurfing in General Discussion

    So many here are talking bullshit about smurfs. They r totally unclear about wat it actually is. Let me give u a insight about it. I might be wrong at places hope triple steal corrects me.
    To create a smurf you have to link it to ur real accounts email adress. So the stats of ur main account are imported to caliberate you on smurf. For eg if a 2k player creates a smurf he will be put smwer at 2.5k (ive played dota 2 adds around 500-900mmr) if a 3k+ player creates smurf ull notice his games are already at vhs with sm hs. And its not as u think that create a smurf n get a high caliberated mmr. You have to win games and raise mmr though uncertainty is much more ~50+-. In the end its you who has to play the game n win matches n its not like just create a smurf and you automatically start generating mmr.


      " Let me give u a insight about it"
      Before posting such retarded info u must study first
      because people who know a ton of shit more than u on this specific subject called "smurfing"
      will think that u are mentaly unstable and u will need medical treatment

      i wont answer anything i will summon @Tripplesteal to answer u politely cause i cant


        All my point is stop thinking smurfing is some kind of cheating the system neglecting the oracle and zeus abuse. Smurf accounts require very less time n good quality matches to get a caliberated at a mmr u deserve than spending games on games with retards at mmr range who jst dnt understand ur level of gaming. One might think ill single handedly win the game.but no single pro can win alone against 5 heroes all by himself unless ofcourse ur bulldog

        suc a lil weiner

          I don't even have to win games to get to 4.4 ayyyyyylma0

          "To create a smurf you have to link it to ur real accounts email adress. So the stats of ur main account are imported to caliberate you on smurf."

          Wtf is this shit ^

          I've made 3 accounts already and none of that link garbage is true; one calibrated at 3.3k, this one at 4450, next one might just get higher than 4.7k


            Ton of shit ? Its not an engineering subject that u have ton of shit in it to understand. Theres not much in it to know about. But ppl who know about it still call it cheating! Oh u mean to say those people who can correctly predict ones mmr by looking at the skill bracket?


              Enchanter the Enchantress it might get 4.6 but sure gonna drop fast hahah fucking so try hard to get a high mmr by using smurf lmao!


                A proper smurf is when the email adress of that smurf is the same as a main accounts. Let me clear this well to you if u dont understand this. If u have noticed there are certain smurfs in which they play ranked at lvl 5 or lvl 9 itself. This is because believe me or not the lvl of ur main account in some proportion gets added into ur smurf coz it has the same email adress. But if u ask those who have dne it they wnt take the trouble to tell u coz u shithead ppl think they know too much when they know nothing


                  ive calibrate and sell more smurf accs than all ur actuall dota 2 games one by one
                  and by reading this thread i instant drown in tears thinking " why people are so retarded?"
                  did i even said that mmr predicts even have to do a single flying fucking thing to what im actually telling u?


                    N fucking if u create a smurf with a new email id its not a smurf its jst a new account n ull be forever in normal skill bracket.

                    suc a lil weiner

                      Mavis chan I don't even know how this piece of shit got to 4.4k I made it long ago to fuck around with morons


                        wait a sec cause u make me sick



                          open ur fucking eyes

                          i even gave free 1 game very high skill smurfs to people that they gave me their desired email adress username pw and shit

                          fucking god u are dumb

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          suc a lil weiner

                            Let me collect myself shAnus you're really REALLY retarded


                              ^ thanks for the wards support

                              suc a lil weiner

                                I really don't get where he gets this garbage info bout other accounts getting linked. What...


                                  Fyyyy i like ur dog and i like u. So if i only say i like ur dog that doesnt mean i dont like u. N nobody knows if its really u or not? So if i dont say i like u it wont make any difference its next to being inexistent.

                                  suc a lil weiner

                                    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAmygod youre fucking dense


                                      lol dodges are real..

                                      check my smurf 1lvl acc i gave to a guy in this giveaway:

                                      check his 1st match by bloodseeker by me , he obviously couldnt hanndle vh skill and he sucked thats why that acc is normal skill now

                                      ^ did i make myself clear or u want more info by the master senpai fyyq?

                                      stop dodging me

                                      also if u want a free 1lvl smurf on vhskill just give me an item that costs 5$
                                      i dont like you so no free for you


                                        Valve doesnt expose anything so jst dnt think if u know something thats gona be correct. Both of u might be right but in the end we all are at the same platform we dnt knw how valve exactly does it. So plz stop thinking ur all 100% right about what u think coz ur wrong

                                        suc a lil weiner

                                          I'm 100% right you're wrong though


                                            If i take accounts from u even i might drop to normal



                                              suc a lil weiner

                                                Might? I'm pretty sure you will LOL


                                                  When i play bad in a game n team is losing coz of me i call everyone stupid. Looks like ull have the same behaviour


                                                    Fyyy my dear when u talk about creating this lvl 1 account n having vhs. Let me ask u 1 thing do u think ur account is not linked with ur pcs ip address?? Dnt answer me i knw IT iS. N thats the reason when u try to start ur account from a different pc at a gaming cafe or anywhere ur required to approve it from entering the code sent to your email adress


                                                      i even played and created vh skill smurf from my dads laptop while i was on holidays on the hotel room lol

                                                      people that have 4k mains usually make smurfs and be at 2.5k bracket u know

                                                      or maybe my dad is 6k mmr and plays only when im out for drinks


                                                        Lol might be im also shanus dadu. But neither m i 6k nor my daughter is stupid


                                                          See 4k mmr account was not always at 4k he might have been got caloberated at 2.5k so maybe the smurf takes into account that caliberated mmr. Maybe valve does this coz many want to recaliberate their mmr. So create a smurf play 100+ games n get urself recalibrated. Sounds legit?

                                                          Milei Presidente

                                                            I hate ppl like @fyy calling everyone retard just because he don't like what they are saying .whatever NA dota 4Head


                                                              Fyyyyyy I'll give you items worth 5$ or more for a VHS smurf, i had a 73% win rate on this one in 25 games and still in normal skill fuck this shit

                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                I make smurfs ts normal skill



                                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                                    8/10 trolling skills


                                                                      Yamate wat mmr did u get caliberated to ??


                                                                        that's not true elegiggle,steam tracks ip and knows no matter what email adress what your mmr on your main is


                                                                          this theory is wrong.

                                                                          first of all, using the same email adress is not necesarry to let valve know its a smurf acc, they have other mechanisms to know this (and quite a lot of them, afaik).

                                                                          secondly, your mmr of smurf account doesnt depend much on whether you win matches or not, particularly early on. It is based on how well you perform relative to other people in your matches, instead.

                                                                          thirdly, your main's mmr is not taken into account. however, the average ~500 pts difference with ur main actually exists, but for other reasons - it is just a consequence of an average attempt to abuse calibration system by focusing on some HD, KDA, or other bullshit.
                                                                          if let's say some 2k player will create a smurf acc using his email and then instantly give it to me, i will calibrate it just as high as my own smurf (if i had one, cz i actually do not).

                                                                          also, you can calibrate your smurf lower than ur main's mmr if u fuck up, even with 60% winrate.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          mr lizard

                                                                            @Fyyyy likes to call people retards, thats not polite man. I would like a vhs account for my cat, thank you.


                                                                              "thirdly, your main's mmr is not taken into account. however, the average ~500 pts difference with ur main actually exists, but for other reasons - it is just a consequence of an average attempt to abuse calibration system by focusing on some HD, KDA, or other bullshit."

                                                                              Have to agree with this. But in order to do such things, you need to play decently yourself first.

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                @shanusdadu: You're confusing knowledge/insight with talking out of your ass rofl, almost nothing you said is true, and you tried so hard to argue it is

                                                                                And yeah TS- is correct.


                                                                                  @ Sven guy, what's your mmr now?

                                                                                  Paid actor

                                                                                    "All my point is stop thinking smurfing is some kind of cheating the system neglecting the oracle and zeus abuse. Smurf accounts require very less time n good quality matches to get a caliberated at a mmr u deserve than spending games on games with retards at mmr range who jst dnt understand ur level of gaming. One might think ill single handedly win the game.but no single pro can win alone against 5 heroes all by himself unless ofcourse ur bulldog"

                                                                                    Its not exactly cheating coz its not illegal or bannable, but its some cheapass way to try to boost some1s morale coz they actually suck at achieveing what they pretend to be their "real" mmr. "The mmr that u Deserve" phrase is pretty debatable.
                                                                                    Unless u r smurfin for sellin those accounts, or u r a pro that has very high MMR and dont want to tryhard so much in teh games and u cr8 a lower mmr smurf for fun, the rest of the cases that create smurfs is fckin lame, especially those that cr8 a smurf and want to pretend that their smurf mmr is actually their real mmr.

                                                                                    MMR system is inflated in itself by acc buyers and smurfs, if u want to be delusional be my guest, just stop tryin to convince us about smth that has the most simple answer and that doesnt rly need some1 to have a master degree in to answering.

                                                                                    1billion dollar question:
                                                                                    If u cant reach it on ur main account while being unable to surpass the hordes of the so called "retards" , what does that make u?

                                                                                    In all honesty i wish Dota 2 Had the same system as Dotalicious in Dota 1 days, that could actually be 1 account for one PC, Recording motherboards id for every1 account, and u couldnt fckin play on another pc with ur account appart from the original pc. I know there would be some outrage in internet caffes but they had a solution for that aswell just required some documentation or smth like that, i cant remember correctly.

                                                                                    PPL like u make me sick, typical losers who fail at smth and dont have the balls to actually admit their own limits but start finding anyway possible just to achieve what they want. Its not about the mmr, its not about the skill, nor its about being better than some1, this thing right here passes outside the gameing thing, this shows part of ur actual personality and its fckin disgusting, u and along with the that legendary moron who bought an account and pretended that he deserved that 1K+ mmr.


                                                                                      Man got 7 reports by 6 people in my past 4 matches on my smurf. Seems they report you if you stomp them and report you if you deliberately afk so that you can keep a low winrate too. You just can't win with smurfs it seems.


                                                                                        @shanusdadu, im already at 4k at my 3rd game, hopefully i can reach 5k at the tenth game


                                                                                          Oracle abuser? D: Isn;t that fixed?


                                                                                            im not abusing it,, see the entire game i play very well with oracle and gyro.... its already fixed so what u need to do with an oracle now is to play it above average


                                                                                              you cant reach 4999 you need to have insane stats


                                                                                                Wow i hate you idiots spreading your opinions about nonsense that you read somewhere or just made up.


                                                                                                  if you talking to me im telling you from what i've seen 5k-6k people calibrate accounts, and usually its 4.4-4.8k
                                                                                                  anythin higher is done by having 30-50 kills in the latest games of calibration

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    i kinda be rude to people that doesnt seem to have an 100% functioning brain, so i only care about the opinion of people that actually know me.
                                                                                                    so my balls are jigling left and right about ur opinions.

                                                                                                    oh and i realised that from this thread 2 people want 1 game vh skill smurf right?

                                                                                                    nice :)

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      "@ Sven guy, what's your mmr now?"

                                                                                                      2904 after the lose streak :( btw I unblocked you, you can add me again, and I'll explain why I blocked you in first place.

                                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                        i will just report this guy i cant even read the whole thread omfg he is so braindead
                                                                                                        *fuck me there is no report option im showing myself out.

                                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven