General Discussion

General Discussion1k mmr

1k mmr in General Discussion

    Hi,guys i want to escape 1k mmr hell , i won lot of games then again i lost same amout of that mmr like i won 100 tommorow 100 bcz of my team with full russians .
    ANy tips?
    wich heros are good for 1 vs 5
    also even i said ss they keep flame on me
    (sorry for bad english)


      Play heroes who are the best in <2k mmr.

      Gentlemen, corn

        Farm efficiently with WK and win every game. Stun plus extra life at 1K is godly. I am almost to 2K starting from 800 and WK is usually a pretty easy win if you want to climb fast.


          ty all; i hate playing wk he's boring for me , my fav carry that i never fail at him is antimage and dragon knight


            This account used to be 800 mmr, it's around 2.6k now.


              Evaluate your own games, and look at the things you did wrong.
              When you lose 1 Ranked match - if you are prone to tilting, like I am, then just stop playing ranked until you win a few pub games in a row.
              Watch Twitch: you can learn alot from the pro's who play ranked on there.
              Read guides, like this one:

              Coming from a player who stopped for two months to read guides, and watch Twitch.
              1200 MMR to 2200 in a month.


                make new accound better


                  1k was just too ez to get out of

                  You honestly have to play 1v9 in 1k. Pick a good mid like SF, Slark, maybe Tiny, Storm Spirit and dominate the game so your teammates get fed and you're carrying really hard. or something.

                  Get good at last hits, positioning, decision making, itemization, hero picks (countering/synergy), yada yada yada. Literally, 1k's just have trouble with the basics and practicing them will get you out. Oh and map awareness works in your favor.


                    You fail very hard at Dragon Knight judging by that last game you played.


                      riki is good because wards don't exist, neither does dust.
                      legion is just a snowballing mess who cant be stopped if she gets a lead so she is ok.
                      DP is actually amazing any tier.
                      don't play support 4Head

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                          Riguma Borusu

                            also what's the point in wanting to play higher when you can't win at 1k


                              it's not them it's you


                                that score with dk was really good i had 4 kills and 0 deaths until the enenmy team outfarm me atj ungle and a cm flamming hard bcz i left her alone and i killed dark seer and i got first blood she thinks that autoattack can save her -_-


                                  and the other dk game i have abandonned the game because of electtric

                                  Синячий патруль

                                    In >4k solokill heroes win games (slark, etc)


                                      There is actual misconception that people at low mmr don't buy wards which is hilarious.


                                        this is true , i all time play support but my carrys fail hard


                                          i buy wards and smoke
                                          in 1k bracket never buy a smoke they don't know how to stack anciants or even what is a smoke


                                            I play at 1 k mmr and I buy wards, deward, stack, aggro I don't understand where do you play...


                                              i play support and mid


                                                i hate playing hard carry bcz all of carrys are based on auto attacks only


                                                  That is cool. Play your best heros and you will exit low mmr bracket after some time, don't forget every match you win will make you better, so don't take shortcuts and lift yourself up.

                                                  Mental illinois

                                                    Master the bascis (Lasthitting, denying, tower and creep aggro etc) proper judgement of items, dont be greedy for a kill and dont blame teammates

                                                    Legume police

                                                      Play Slark if you have an agressive team or spectre if you have a passive team , tell your team to pick zeus if you spectre . He ulties you have radiance ez kills. Should work in that bracket . If you re saying you play mid , learn to play TA , hero is stupid , just don't pick her agaisnt heroes that melt your refraction , like viper or ember , cause you ll probably get destroyed .

                                                      doom & gloom

                                                        I started at about 900 MMR, i'm nearly 3k now (2900 and climbing) - and honestly picking heroes like storm/tiny/slark/ember/TA who can feed off heroes early into the game is the best way to climb the lower rankings, special mention to Tiny, seriously.

                                                        Tiny ->
                                                        Jugg ->
                                                        PA ->
                                                        Slark ->
                                                        Storm ->

                                                        are the best heroes overall, and there's enough variety to not get bored.

                                                        learn to play 2/3 heroes to a decent level and you'll climb fast though.

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                                                          Well, uhm, just get better?
                                                          I played around there when i played with my friends(I actually think it was around 2k, so better players), and I was quite easily able to win the game singlehandedly from middle, because I almost everytime bullied their mid out of lane and snowballed after. Note to say it's easy to abuse all of 3 core roles when you are significantly better and not so easy from support role, because your team wont profit for space you created.


                                                            You need to git gud and pick 1v9 heroes


                                                              meepo is a good 1 vs 5 hero but you most likely need to end the game before 50 mins or you will lose


                                                                Im good at all thos heros you said except meepo im learning it thos days


                                                                  and yes im bad at last hitting bcz of poeple who keep denie fking creeps

                                                                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                                    Last hitting will get easier the more you play

                                                                    Nikosh Adhar

                                                                      This acc was 1.5k... I made it 3.3k..


                                                                        If you aren't winning at LEAST 50% don't ask to get out of your MMR. Why? Because when you are worthy of getting out of it, then you will win the games and go up. If not, you will be stuck there for a while.
                                                                        If you tried to get someone to boost your account, you will raise the 1000 MMR you want to, but the next time you play ranked, you are going to fall right back down to where you are now.
                                                                        Just improve. Not really any magic tricks involved, except for avoid ranked when you are tilting.


                                                                          I just tried dark seer he's cool


                                                                            You need to firstly make sure you have your basics. Item knowledge, hero knowledge, map awareness, positioning, core/support, jungle camps, certain spell interactions such as toss avalanche, last hitting, stacking, warding, timing, knowledge of cooldowns and last but not least spell and rightclick damage types. Spell types, for instance, include Pure (magic damage not reduced by magic resistance, ie Tinker's Laser, usually does not go through bkb.) Magical (magic damage reduced by magic resistance, dagon and finger of death are good examples; this type hardly ever goes through bkb, if at all.) Physical, which are rightclicks and a few spells such as dazzle's poison touch, reduced by armor, and finally HP removal like necrophos' heartstopper aura. Rightclick damage types can be broken down into Chaos, Standard, Normal, Piercing and Siege damage which all do different amounts of damage to specific units. For instance, range creeps have piercing damage that makes them do extra damage to creeps, but less damage to towers and heroes.

                                                                            A good resource to get started on is the dota 2 wiki, found here:

                                                                            Their documentation on purge is pretty good as well, go read that page if you wish.

                                                                            Da Cosmonaut

                                                                              Bro share me your account so i can rape some bitches, also i need some money too. Need to make 300 $ for 10 days and idc where to start. So help your brother


                                                                                nop ty volvo :)) i want to raise it with my own skills

                                                                                Da Cosmonaut

                                                                                  Bro, dont be shy. Help your brother cause i am stressed and don't know where to start.
                                                                                  I offer you luck in your quest bro:).
                                                                                  I am 5.7k so tell me if you need any advice on particular

                                                                                  yung griphook

                                                                                    you dont need to smoke in 1k. it will be impossible to get your team to do anything

                                                                                    this biggest thing you need to do every single game, is play a hero, and ask yourself, how can i have the biggest impact possible on this game? then you do that thing. If you want to climb you need to influence the game the most.

                                                                                    I recommend grabbing a hero that can fight as well as flash farm. It will be impossible to get your team to do anything as 5, so having the ability to push towers by yourself is a plus.

                                                                                    I calibrated at 1,000 something. I'm at 2.6k now. I'm not nearly satisfied with that, but it can be done quite easily. Just make sure you learn from your mistakes, and if you lose ask yourself "what could I have done to have a bigger impact in the game?"

                                                                                    feel free to add me if you have questions, although a majority of the people here are a higher mmr than I am. My friend ID on steam is 164747755


                                                                                      you dont need your team, pick a hard carry go jungle and win


                                                                                        Play rubik always win in 1k mmr


                                                                                          Looking at your most recent am win you did absolutely nothing and didnt farm for crap.



                                                                                            asking for a 1v5 hero is just stupid
                                                                                            you're making the assumption that you are much better than your skill bracket, and you aren't (otherwise you could have just played and clinbed instead of asking here)
                                                                                            doesn't matter if 1k is low mmr, it's a SKILL bracket, that means that if you are 1k player your games will be hard
                                                                                            so you should say "ok, i am 1k player, i want to improve, where to start?"

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Well, I got from 1.6k to 2.8k mainly jungling legion, but I wasn't actually a 1k player when I started boosting myself so ymmv.


                                                                                                if youre good at mid, spam OD. If you want to get out of 1kmmr, learn how to last hit and win your lane. Thats the first step, have map awareness, when to split push and when to teamfight. You can win a game at 1k with pretty much any hero if youre good. Heroes who can carry well at that bracket are OD, Abaddon, Wk, Riki, Lina


                                                                                                  chhatru i just played OD man ty you save me , i oneshoted a pa player XD


                                                                                                    now i must learn abaddon and test new riki im already good at lina

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      how to play abaddon: press W and click on everyone all the time