General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane sniper (2-1-2)

Offlane sniper (2-1-2) in General Discussion

    If you can avoid Tusk, I think you can actually dominate the lane with a decent tanker.

    Too bad my teammates in my games just flamed me hard for sniper pick, are too dumb to go 2-1-2, and are too dumb to pick zero tankers.


      Actually Abaddon + Sniper is an amazing combination.

      Bad Intentions

        Or omni + sniper, thats a good combo too :] but more like late game where sniper gets a free bkb.

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          Actually I looking more at the likes of Naix/Tide/Undying. I think you can even crush a weak tri-lane with this.


            Huge misconception on your part then. Sniper's farm can be somewhat secured in the hard lane, but he offers minimal utility. He has an aoe slow, but no ways to stop debuffs, no ways to stun, etc. This means your laning partner has to be a character staying back instead of soaking damage since you have no way to stop a shadow shaman, lion, etc. hero from keeping them in place and killing them. Yes, you offer some damage, but your laning partner will be dead far before you trade is the opposing lane plays it right. The only time sniper duo hard lane is acceptable is against a weak lane itself since you're going to have a weak lane. These people saying omni and abaddon are good with you don't recognize their mana costs and how it's impossible to sustain constantly early on, which is where this sort of lane matters (since it's meant to both obtain farm and shut down enemy lane).

              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
              Dire Wolf

                Sniper's pretty awesome offlane until mid ganks you. He's quite a strong laner, but susceptible to ganks. It's same issues mid. And a lot of the popular heroes crush him right now like pudge, slark, spectre. One spectre ult with diffusal and sniper's dead unless he has all tanky shit.


                  sniper solo offlane works pretty well actually at normal skill, but situationally. Close-the-gap heroes can fuck him, and of course, he's susceptible to ganks.

                  I wrecked the enemy terrorblade-wd dual safe lane in this match tho, and proceeded to snowball;


                    Sniper is the weakest 3star rated hero plz buff him even beginner can't pick him at this rate that he suppose to be starter
                    Soreh bad eng..

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Why wouldn't you pick something with a little more lane presence though, if you are gonna dual lane either way, just pick something like Mirana instead.


                        because then you can't hear the amazing voice acting of sniper

                        ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ༼ຈ ل͜ຈ༽ノ•︻̷┻̿═━一 hoho haha shrapnelヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ•︻̷┻̿═━一ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、

                        Dire Wolf

                          yeah he was overnerfed pretty bad. Shrapnel needs to activate instantly and reduce cd on charges to like 30 seconds, then he'd probably be fine and balanced.


                            his pre nerf values were worse than that and he was OP, so giving him stats that are better than the ones that he had during the hoho haha era is just asking for trouble

                            40 to 55 restore time was too much. 45 seems nice.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yeah probably. His other shit also got nerfed, they nerfed his agi gain, they nerfed his ult dmg, and his new headshot is still worse than the old one. Honestly I just wish they would put him back to 6.81, I liked pushing towers with sharpnel and interrupting shit.

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Mom nerf (as well as phase duration nerf) mattered for him too, since he really needed the mobility.