General Discussion

General DiscussionCriticize me!

Criticize me! in General Discussion
Racist Antelope

    I am not ashamed to admit that I am currently at 1.5k solo mmr.

    When I started playing DotA 2 back in 2013 I had no idea how mmr worked or that any of it mattered and the result was me messing up the majority of my games when my mmr was being calibrated. Recently I've been able to climb from 900 to 1.5k and I'm trying to keep myself at a steady rising pace, and I would absolutely love some advice on how I could improve myself. Any kind of constructive criticism would be highly appreciated!

    Thank you!


      i recommend picking high-impact core or mid heroes such as zeus, spectre, ursa, wraith king and slark. Select 3 heroes which are high-winrate, and you can have a good impact with and practice 5 or so games of that hero in pubs until you are comfortable playing it. Then you can use these three heroes in ranked with high success rate. Overall, dying less will help you more than getting kills. If you can get a kill but it will cost you your life, reconsider if you really want to sacrifice your life for that kill. There will be plenty more kill opportunities later. Another piece of advice i can give to lower-rank players (as I have a lot of experience in the lower rankings) is to use your time wisely. If both teams are hanging out on mid staring at each other and it's clear a fight won't happen, go and farm to put yourself at an advantage for when a fight does start.


        I give you constructive criticism, learn to play support, everyone want to play carry but no one can play support, pick hero like dazzle or omni knight just keep people alive keep up wards and buy dust when necessary, carries will eventually get fed and decide to win game


          Add anyone here, play with them, listen to them and do as you're told.

          Magic, you're a better player


            Don't listen to kappastorm hes also one of hose people play mid or carry only and think their gonna do shit, people always wanna play carry cause they think their gonna do shit, but no one plays the support who actually does shit.


              Add me, my party mmr is only 1.9k but solo is 3.4k so i can help you for sure


                I also agree with lightning. Supports win games


                  Even if you want to play mainly carry/mid roles you should play as a support every now and then. It will help you improve as a carry and a mid. As long as you try and support properly that is. Don't just buy courier and one ward then think you're done supporting. Actually make an effort.


                    ^ This. Playing support means that you can actually figure out typical supporting ways and help you when you're carrying. Rotations etc, and also YOUR rotations. You will improve in map awareness, leeching xps and gold while not hindering carries, that type of stuff.

                    Von Darkmoor

                      Practice vs bots on 3-5 heroes you like playing read a couple of guides and watch som streamar or Pro game to stel som builds and ideas. This will most likely mean that you will play All Tard so actually you could skip the Practice vs bots stage.


                        I started dota 2 15 days ago I think, and I hit very high skill bracket on 20th game. all you need to do is be aware of the map, notice what everyone is doing, where they are going. Learn to farm well, if you're not pushing, ganking, or fighing always farm. use an item and skill build from here maybe. get 3 heroes on each role, 3 hard carries, 3 mids, 3 offlanes, 3 supports. master these. ez improvement friend.


                          Roflmao at the people saying supports win games. Honestly in low-mid MMRs the teams with more cores win games than teams with more supports. There is no role less impactful than support when you fall somewhat behind and are up against a team with heroes who can solo pick off supports. If the mid/carry role is already taken just pick a strong offlaner and go mess up the enemy carry as part of an aggressive dual lane, then buy and place wards as you need them.


                            Technically there are no real "roles" in low MMRs, there is only playing Dota. Get wards when you need them, make sure someone buys a courier for the team, share last hits in lane, take farm wherever else you can get. Since people are so bad at those levels, there is no concept of timing windows and power levels so everyone gets farmed up eventually and thus you don't need to worry about sacrificing your farm for your carry.


                              @RedRover, i would disagree. In one game, I shared a lane with a Brood as Dark Seer, and we shared last hits and kills, as I was getting alot of damage in with Ion Shell. We ultimately lost, and I can somewhat blame myself because I didn't let the Brood get enough last hits on her own - but to be honest, my team just threw that game.

                              But I had another game as a Skywrath where I just bought wards, and dewarded the whole game, bought Dust and Smoke. I stayed out of XP range, and harassed their heroes, and I bought an Aether Lens so I could sit back in fights and just hit hard, while slowing / silencing the most dangerous heroes. This game, I won. 38 Last Hits in 40 Minutes, but I had the win. If a good support know's what he is doing in this MMR, he will rise to his proper place in the world.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                I am currently at 1600 MMR, the problem with playing support and warding is that people don't appreciate your work ever. I always tend to push 1 lane(generally their hard lane) and i do aggressive warding there, but there will be carries who go deep in enemy jungle and feed, i was on loosing spree when my supporting graph at dota was 1, and i went down to as low as 250 MMR.

                                Also people will not take objectives when we can they just want to fight and get kills and one way or the other the dominant team always will go for MEGA(needless and loose 1 team fight and you find them near your own ancients).

                                the best way of winning as per me is playing hybrid heroes who can support well as well as carry if need be Necro/Abadon is great I start as support and still end up having best XPM(just by not dying however i always buy wards and i tend not to KS if not for my ulti on a hero whom i want send out for extra 30secs with necro).

                                Also going offlane and going aggressive on the enemy carry works wonders i did that with Luna, WK and slardar, do a lot of denies and you turn your offlane to a safelane as you are always under your tower as enemy will always autoattack creeps.
                                PS: I play support only if i have a good pusher in my team(and considering my win rate with support i am not good at that).