General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys how to play earth spirit?

Guys how to play earth spirit? in General Discussion

    Can u gutys give me tips i tried playing him in midlane and my team blames me hahaha help pls


      Well, I am a normal skill scrub, so you will most likely ignore me, but on the off chance that you don't...
      Watch the pro games that go on, Earth Spirit is picked or banned almost every game, and you can see why. He is an amazing initiator and ganker, and can set up kills for your team.
      Imo, he is best as a support, which I saw you did in your first game. You went wrong by going solo-mid. As a support, you want to roam around and try to get your carries some kills.
      An Orb of Venom does pretty well early game, as well as Urn.

      Pro Players to watch: Secret.w33 and EternaLEnvy

      Stay tuned to get more advice from better players (hopefully)

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Oh thanks bro. It's my first time to play this hero since the patch where his 3rd was the stun and 1st was silence. I really appreciate it


          I did not play ES, but I can answer "How to Play Hero X", when I want to learn a new hero, I do the following Steps~
          Step 1: See 1~2 matches recently(I recommend EHOME.kaka in the MDL), and see how the commentator say it.
          Step 2: Download 1~2 replay in the dotabuff top10 players of this hero, Use first angle to see how they think and play.
          Step 3: Conclude How to Gank/When to Farm/What to Buy-> and the COMBOs!, know what to do when upwind and downwind.
          Step 4: Use Dota2 practice model to play(just you) and practice the COMBOs useful. Do ten times each(mana and times)
          Step 5: Fight!


            He's terrible nowadays without his pull on allies but rule of thumb is use the stun to setup your ult, ult and keep rocking people to disable blinks, silence to disrupt channels. There's no real core item other than a dagger i'd say; veils, force, euls, shiva, necros, dagon. Depends on the game

            He's got shit for presence on lane unless you got someone to combo with your rolling boulder and tank some hits so the other person can do the substainable damage. Orb of venom helps on that; leech some exp and try to set some kills. If you can get to 6 early, you can keep on pressuring the carry or the mid, but the name of the game is early game pressure into mid game team fights


              ok coming from an earth spirit player here most of my knowledge only applies until 4k-ish games (where i usually play with my friends)

              first off; laning. you can either support or offlane with him. DO NOT mid with him unless you dont have anyone else who can. earthspirit can midlane but he doesnt scale that well with farm anyway because his core items cost like, 3k gold and it's a waste of mid to put him there. HOWEVER: ALWAYS skill 1 point in roll at lv 1 to get that rune. roll is a really strong spell early on provided you can hit it, it's a 100 damage spell with 50% slow and it can net you kills if your team has a follow up for the slow

              now if you went offlane (which i usually do) you'd want to start with 2 gauntlets of strength, 2 branches, tango, and a pooled ward. what you do with the ward depends on you; you can block a pull camp with it if you plan to play a bit aggressively at lane (you do this if they have a weak lane that cant kill you as much), or you can put it somewhere that gives you vision if you want to play defensively (if youre against a kill lane)

              general strategy for offlane is to stay there and soak exp; there's not much to do anyway, if people try to dive you you can easily punish them with pull-roll if you want to engage or push-rollout if not. you can also tp to other lanes if needed but i never do this because i need to keep that safelaner's farm and my exp in check

              you know you've won the offlane if you're level 6 with no deaths and your enemy safelaner is still lv 4-5. at this point you can safely kill anything solo (or even duo if they dont have heals/stuns). always try to initiate with a roll, then pull into magnetize. let it burn for a bit while right clicking, then refresh magnetize with a rock plant then push it for the kill

              for item builds after the starting items, you should always rush a bottle. it gives you regen to survive and you can easily get the offlane rune if you want toafter that get a treads. most of the time you'd want treads because of tread switching, and a bit of tankability. there are games however where you'd want to get an arcane boots for that EMP. after that you should get an urn. it stacks with your magnetize and deals a hell lot of damage, and it gives you utility; everything earth spirit offers + more. getting charges is also easy.

              now here's the intereesting item you should get (or not): get a blademail. earth spirit is the kind of hero that dives into whole 5 man teams to wreck havoc, and you usually get into trouble for that. blademail decreases that trouble you get into. it gives you everything too; damage, some mana, some armor, and that very sick active on it.

              if youre leading, get a veil to get more damage for you and your team. if it's an otherwise even game get an aghs. if youre losing you can get cheaper alternatives like glimmers or force staff; you need to be able to provide utility to your team when youre losing.

              after picking 2 of those items (you can go veil-aghs for some sick damage, or force-aghs for some sick plays) you should get a bkb. blademail may be staling a bit now and you might not be able to cast your spells like you did early on. bkb ensures that you can stay in fights more, because an earth spirit that keeps on refreshing that 5 man magnetize into 5 man silences is really scary.

              after that you can get an AC/shiva or any luxury item. i dont rly care about this point anyway since you should end games early when playing this hero


                what an unexpected wall of text :/

                welp lol


                  ^ 12 matches in VHS, <42% winrate
