General Discussion

General DiscussionWho to play when Dota expects you to dominate/ feed

Who to play when Dota expects you to dominate/ feed in General Discussion

    Imagine you are put in one of the rare matches where your team has an average mmr of 1000 below/ above yours. Obviously the average mmr between teams is balanced, but in each case Dota basically expects you to win by yourself/ feed respectivly. In these cases what are the best hero's to win/ not feed with?

    What hero's do you win with when your partners are all significantly worse then you?

    What hero's do you contribute the most with when you are much worse then your partners?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      easy heroes with escape mecanism

      Visita Hari Danta

        /\ do you mean queen of pain?:V


          Nature Prophet.


            Never pick support. You end up with as much cs as your carry but are unable to do anything with it.


              Tiny or CK if they worse than me. Enchantress or Earthshaker if they better than me.


                Ofc carry if you are better, and ofc support if you are worse.

                Paid actor

                  mid snowballing heroes if u r better qop/ta/sf shit like if u r worse

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    Win: Riki
                    Feed: Sniper

                    white cat<3

                      pick hero with flash farming potential and escape mechanism like Jugg... AM is also a nice hreo to try if u have good supporters if ur team need supp go necro or omni they cant die easily and can flash farm with a soulring,u can even KS with ur skills :3 i mean Kill Secured :/