General Discussion

General Discussion1-2k Team Recruiting

1-2k Team Recruiting in General Discussion
Unknown Entity

    So typically teams are like 3k+ but this is top of the line mmr. We are talking 1-2k gentlemen. Thats right, the best of the best. So if your party mmr is good enough reply with teh following format:
    Steam url:
    Party mmr:
    Solo mmr:
    Dota buff:
    Preferred Position:
    Top 3 Heroes for that Position:
    Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc):

    I tell you what

      I'll bite.. timing is right for me to get into this.

      Steam url:
      Party mmr: not calibrated
      Solo mmr: 1774
      Dota buff: (current is a new account)
      Preferred Position: Support
      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: WD, SD, Zeus
      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): None

      registered flex offender

        Steam url: Party mmr: idk
        Solo mmr: idk
        Dota buff: click my name
        Preferred Position: mid/safelane carry
        Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Ember morph pa
        Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Discord Skype

        Unknown Entity

          time to BUMP


            what are u going to do with this team then btw? casually play ranked/NMM, or join osme leagues?


              I wouldn't mind playing. Also what are you planning to do with the team?

              Steam url:
              Solo mmr: 975...
              Party mmr: not calibrated
              Preferred position: Support
              Top 3 heroes for that position: Rubick, Ogre Magi, Dazzle, Ancient Apparition, and Treant protector. (sorry i know that is more than three but i like all of them)
              Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype

              Well Played.

                Steam url:
                Party MMR: not yet calibrated
                Solo MMR: 1018
                Prederred Position: Mid / Jungler
                Top 3 heros for that position: (Mid)=Puck, Zeus or Viper....(Jungle)= lifestealer, Ursa or Lone Druid.
                Commes (TS, Skype, English, etc): English Skype

                Well Played.

                  I also prefer carry
                  Top 3 heroes for that position: (Carry) Phantom Assassin, Juggernaut or bloodseaker


                    Steam url:
                    Party MMR: 1440
                    Solo MMR: 771
                    Prefered Position: Mid
                    Top 3 heros for that position: Dazzle , Nyx , Jakiro

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Steam url:
                      Party mmr: 1961
                      Solo mmr: 1347
                      Dota buff:
                      Preferred Position: carry
                      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Juggernaut, Spectre, Phantom Assassin
                      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): anything


                        u take me ?

                        Unknown Entity

                          We will practice then we will join leagues once solidified.


                            I'm somewhat intrigued. What region though?

                            Steam url:
                            Party mmr: not-callibrated (9 games needed)
                            Solo mmr: 1,048
                            Dota buff:
                            Preferred Position: Offlane/Support
                            Top 3 Heroes for that Position: off: Phoenix, Dark Seer, Beast Master; support: Visage, Earth Spirit, Venomancer
                            Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): don't use, but can get Skype if need be.


                              idk if i really have time to join leagues but i would definitely enjoy playing with you guys/ help you practice

                              Unknown Entity

                                North America, specifically US east


                                  Steam url:
                                  Party mmr:1060
                                  Solo mmr:1600
                                  Dota buff:
                                  Preferred Position:Carry or pos 5 support
                                  Top 3 Heroes for that Position:AM,Juggernaut,Ember;Rubick,WD,Oracle
                                  Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc):TS

                                  I tell you what

                                    Hey, any updates on this? When will you be entertaining potential candidates?

                                    World Eater


                                      solo : 2000
                                      Party : TBD

                                      Fill in
                                      Best heroes are Medusa, Treant Protector, and Undying

                                      Whatever comm.


                                        Steam url: you can check through dotabuff
                                        Party mmr: 2232
                                        Solo mmr: 1857
                                        Dota buff: ??? m8 pls
                                        Preferred Position: 1/2
                                        Top 3 Heroes for that Position: anything
                                        Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): all good

                                        PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                                          i would like to join yeah i was 1300 mmr but fucking russian feeders dropped me to 700 yeah im a good player m8 it would be a pleassure to work with you steam URL : please add me i really need a team ya know im tired of solo feeders i want to have a team not noobs yeah my best lane is mid i can play mid with allmost all heroes in dota i have 1005 matches and yeah thats all my skype : dascalu_dragos1 please help me

                                          silverback action

                                            Steam url:
                                            Party mmr: not calibrated
                                            Solo: 2220
                                            Dota Buff:
                                            Prefferd Position: 2/3 Mid or Utility (I can play hard carry but i prefer these two
                                            Top 3 heros: Storm, Shadow Feind, Invoker.

                                            silverback action

                                              also can play ember mid

                                              silverback action
                                                Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                silverback action

                                                  Climbed from 1k to 2k so you know im better then these shitters

                                                  Farmer 諸葛

                                                    Steam url:
                                                    Party mmr: 2504
                                                    Solo: 3508 (Hey! My party mmr is 2k, just kinda lonely)
                                                    Dota Buff:
                                                    Prefferd Position: hard carry
                                                    Top 3 heros: ursa, jugg, wk


                                                      Steam url:
                                                      Party mmr: 2,074
                                                      Solo mmr: 2,450
                                                      Dota buff:
                                                      Preferred Position: Carry/ Mid
                                                      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Ember, Spectre, and Phantom Assasin
                                                      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc):

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        Steam url:
                                                        Party mmr: 2,374
                                                        Solo mmr: 1,984
                                                        Dota buff:
                                                        Preferred Position: jungle
                                                        Top 3 Heroes for that Position: legion commander, mirana, nature's prophet
                                                        Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): i don't use comms


                                                          Steam url:
                                                          Party mmr: 1474
                                                          Solo mmr: 1353
                                                          Dota buff:
                                                          Preferred Position: 1/2
                                                          Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Anti-Mage, Spectre, Shadow Fiend
                                                          Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): TS

                                                          Holy Roman Empire

                                                            Wish you could play on EU.


                                                              We can make an eu team


                                                                Actually im EU player

                                                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                    i want to play are you guys EU ?

                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                      take a drink everytime you see brown boots into battlefury rush

                                                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                                                        I made another thread for an EU Team


                                                                          Steam url:
                                                                          Party mmr: 946.. (I havent played many ranked party matches since I got calibrated in)
                                                                          Solo mmr: 1439 and rising
                                                                          Dota buff:
                                                                          Preferred Position: Position 1/2
                                                                          Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Juggernaut, Invoker, Anti-Mage or pretty much anything
                                                                          Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype/ Steam. English.


                                                                            Steam url:
                                                                            Party mmr: 1946
                                                                            Solo mmr: 1950
                                                                            Dota buff:
                                                                            Preferred Position: Position 1
                                                                            Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Jugg, Wraith King, Faceless, PA. Support: Shadow Shaman, ES, Lina.
                                                                            Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype, English also EST and very active

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              Mid IO or feed


                                                                                i wouldnt mind playing as a team.
                                                                                steam url:
                                                                                party mmr: not calibrated
                                                                                solo mmr: 2.1k
                                                                                dota buff:
                                                                                preferred position: offlane or support
                                                                                Top 3 heroes for that Position: Vengeful Spirit, Faceless Void, Timbersaw
                                                                                Comms: teamspeak is all I have currently downloaded, can get other methods of course.

                                                                                i play carry as well but if i'm in a team environment id be more happy playing supports more often. I prefer supports like vengeful spirit and bounty hunter who can roam well in the early stages of the game and win lanes for their team.

                                                                                I queue on us servers. hit me up if youd be up for it. let the future legends be born lol

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  solo: 2400

                                                                                  party: 1700

                                                                                  Preferred position: mid

                                                                                  Top 3 heroes: OD, QoP, SF

                                                                                  steam url:

                                                                                  comms: skype, english, spanish, french.


                                                                                    Solo: 0
                                                                                    Party: 0
                                                                                    Preferred position: Support, Jungler
                                                                                    Top 30 heroes: Dazzle, Lich, Zeus, Injoker, Spectre, Medusa, Lion (not in order)
                                                                                    Steam URL:
                                                                                    Dotabuff URL: click my name
                                                                                    Comms: TS, English, Italian (know a few words)

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      Steam url:
                                                                                      Party mmr: 1.7
                                                                                      Solo mmr: 1.7
                                                                                      Dota buff:
                                                                                      Preferred Position: Support , Utility
                                                                                      Top 3 Heroes for that Position: For Support ~> Witch Doctor , Dazzle , Jakiro
                                                                                      For Utility ~> Brewmaster
                                                                                      Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): English preferred , can reach me through FB


                                                                                        party mmr not calibrated

                                                                                        solo not calibrated

                                                                                        position: support

                                                                                        Comms TS Skype english
                                                                                        I'm always on just friend me.

                                                                                        3 heros Lion Chen and CM

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          Steam url:
                                                                                          Party mmr: 1800 (would be higher, i just don't care for party)
                                                                                          Solo mmr: 2716
                                                                                          Dota buff:
                                                                                          Preferred Position: 1 or 2
                                                                                          Top 3 Heroes for that Position: Meepo, Riki, Bloodcyka
                                                                                          Comms (TS, Skype, English, etc): Skype, English

                                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                                            Its quite interesting that u have a lot of responders here op!

                                                                                            Unknown Entity

                                                                                              Thanks for the responses. Need more candidates for support.

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                                  ^ Nice Kappa do you by any chance fail to comprehend the word 1-2k?


                                                                                                    ^ LOL xD


                                                                                                      Party mmr: 1.4k
                                                                                                      Solo mmr: 1.3k
                                                                                                      Preferred position: anywhere but mid.
                                                                                                      Top 3 heroes: Spectre, Abaddon, Shadow Shaman.
                                                                                                      Comms- I have a mic and headset. Skype is fine.

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