General Discussion

General DiscussionDon't Pick Enigma

Don't Pick Enigma in General Discussion

    Seriously, just don't.

    He's the worst fucking hero in the game.

    Илија Маскович

      u in the potato tier?

      Keke LM

        Fastest early jungler, great fighter, good pusher, can get mek/blink/whatever 8 min, can gank well from jungle, great damage, great ulti. Bad u said?


            yeah dont do it, better pick AM, play like shit, get half hero damage compared to your enigma and then blame him because you are a useless carry player. SeemsGood

            Синячий патруль

              Report me if i pick, ok?


                400 gpm on am ahahha GJ

                bum farto

                  High risk high reward. All it takes is one good blackhole on a bunch of cores and the game is yours. Also 44 min manta bf is really awful


                    Antimage into Silencer. Good fucking lord.

                    plz do

                      gj guys, he wont show his face again on dbuff.

                      Pale Mannie

                        Don't  pick  Enigma 
                        Seriously,  just  don't.
                        He's  the  worst  fucking  hero  in  the  game.


                          I'm having trouble in trying to picture how he managed to barely die less than the hero with the semi-suicidal skill.


                            Lost one game with enigma on team. must be a shit hero

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              What's worse than Engima pick? Naix jungle. He comes out 15-20 minute later still loses to jungle axe or LC. Also get kited by all the heroes and later get's shat on by support VS with shadowblade.

                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                Livin' Real Good

                                  I'd rather have enigma on my team if I am going to have an annoying jungler, better him than Natures or Life Stealer. Hero gets nice level and farm relatively quick in the jungle, whenever I get a life stealer, he's almost always underleveled.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Yea Enigma can get his cores pretty quick. And if the player knows how to use it, he can pretty much win teamfights single-handedly.


                                      I expected this response.

                                      Doesn't change my opinion of Enigma. He's a one-trick pony and needs to be reworked because if he doesnt land his ulti (or gets interrupted like he always does) then his purpose dries up.

                                      Cheers for keeping it on topic though guys. (y)

                                      M A N vs N O O B S

                                        But that's where you are wrong; he isn't a walking ultimate. If you play him as such, you are doing it wrong.


                                          Enigma is shit.


                                            *cough* high skill *cough*

                                            53.45% 5k+

                                            50% 2k


                                              *opinion post*

                                              Oops lol i guess that wasn't obvious


                                                Enigma + Faceless Void + Lich (or Dark Seer) = lovely synergy <3

                                                I've also heard in Pyrion Flax's Enigma joke guide that Magnus's ulti also pairs well with Enigma?

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  Its not enigma thats shit, its the players that pick him into bounty or rush blink over mek that are shit


                                                    True Story: I used to love playing enigma in Dota 1 and HoN's version of him (Tempest.) Over time I've just grown to hate him though.

                                                    Keeping my performance out of the question in that game (we're talking about enigma as a hero, not my performance and not the person who played him either) his ulti was constantly interrupted because that's how enigma works. He does his ulti, and if he doesn't hit everyone with it, he's likely going to be interrupted.

                                                    Don't try to tell me that his Q, W and E are going to make up for his ulti after it has been undoubtedly cancelled. They really don't.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      I wouldn't complain about having one of the best lategame heroes in my team, UNLESS we lose lanes because of that. Since I tend to play offlane a lot, I hate it when people pick a jungler that does nothing, or when we could own them 2v2 or 2v3, but I have to go 1v2 or 1v3 instead so I get shutdown and their carry gets freefarm.



                                                        Well that's another reason. In my most recent match that Murranji so kindly linked for us, the enigma pick was not what our team needed. I can't remember exactly when he picked, but I think it was last pick when he was already up against a high CC lineup.

                                                        This happens a lot with enigma in my experience. For reference this is in the 3k-3.5k MMR area, so that might explain the stubborn "BUT I WANT TO PLAY ENIGMA SO FUCK YOU" mentality that I experience a lot.


                                                          He's the 83rd hero in terms of popularity. Are you actually seeing him that often or just remembering those few games that he was in your team and happened to suck?


                                                            Well I've been trying to find out what my win rate with Enigma on my team is. But I can't seem to find anything here that shows that statistic.

                                                            I FEEL LIKE I always lose with him...

                                                            Don't misunderstand me, I admit that Enigma has the potential to change a game with one amazing ulti. But there are other heroes that can also be described that way as well.



                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^Shit, that's horrible for a hero that has 52% winrate in HS and 53% winrate in VHS

                                                                No wonder OP is frustrated with Enigma pickers rofl.


                                                                  Shit girl where did you find that?

                                                                  I need to know where this statistic is.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    I'm pretty sure it's in Matchups tab.


                                                                      It's for plus users.


                                                                        I'm a plus user, dangit!

                                                                        Where is this statistical dream?


                                                                          Legend, thanks Luxon.


                                                                            I think enigma is a great hero. He has a really powerful stun, a strong lane push and jungle farming ability and a fantastic area denial / damage ability. He isn't just a walking black hole, the black hole just exists as an addition to his already strong skill set. And normally, you wont be against a team where everyone has a stun. This means you can afford to miss out one or two heroes with your black hole. But its normally easier than you expect to get a 5-man. People think enigma should initiate, but generally the enemy team (if they are good) will not group for black hole so at best you'd get 2 or 3. In the heat of the battle, though, the positioning tends to worsen as the enemies focus heroes or avoid abilities. This makes it much easier to land the black hole. It doesn't always need to be a 5-man though. If all their team is dead except one, you can just solo black hole him and go take rax or something. Enigma is a very useful hero, and furthermore is one of the hardest to push highground against.

                                                                            Keke LM

                                                                              I used to spam enigma, it worked for me, 70% winrate


                                                                                Check my profile > u gonna see Enigma in my most successful heroes > go review my games/play style > give your team advantage in tf > gl in 5k


                                                                                  @delet invoker

                                                                                  You bring up a good point actually. I don't claim to be the best dota player, so I do find your different perspective insightful. I've never really thought of using him as a follow-up initiator.


                                                                                    Even if you play him as initiator it can work very easily, you just need to be in right time in right place.
                                                                                    Spamming Enigma for me have taught me how to position urself very well as well as the good timing to jump.
                                                                                    Most of time I dont even build a bkb which is highly required, but if you know where when and on who to jump ull do fine.

                                                                                    Enigma/Magnus for me is a winning heroes when im in a losing streak, just before you pick them tell your teammates to pick something around you.