General Discussion

General DiscussionI need help with pulling my tinker out of <50% winrate

I need help with pulling my tinker out of <50% winrate in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    I started learning Tinker a few months after I first started playing Dota 2 and I was like 30ish percent winrate at the time after the first few weeks. Now I kinda dedicated myself more with tink and as a matter of fact I was surprised I already have more games on Tink than on my one other comfort hero since the very start of my pub career. I improved a bit I guess and I'm about to pull 50% winrate's sleeve but STILL I just can't quite get there. Any tips? Or anything worth pointing out with my current style of playing the hero? (Please ignore the recent games I went aghs+lens on Tink)

    Livin' Real Good

      Tinker will be back! Mark my words ! I called Morphling, Spectre being top picks this meta during 6.85. He deserves it bitch! O_O gerhjgbyubryhr


        Tinker eats all farm on lanes . U will be fat but your teammates do not , wh


          Thats why he has low winrate

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            I think he needs a buff on his march. at least half damage on ancients would be just fine so he doesn't have to drain resources on each lane all the time. The ancients are buffed quite a few times already anyway, or add physical damage march as a scepter upgrade so he has some sort of significance against bkb heavy fights like he used to have.

            Livin' Real Good

              I had a friend that could give you tips, he was so good with tinker, but we don't talk much anymore.

              I wanna see his march definitely buffed in some way, but how, increasing the damage would make it OP, and it's not like lowering the cool down will do anything, it's Tinker. lol

              Maybe buff Dagon? I dunno? Missile is already good, Leaser is good, I think maybe it might just have to be a bunch of indirect buffs that put him over the top again, kinda how a bunch of indirect nerfs pushed him off. (Blood Stone, Bottle nerf, Terrain change, so no more tripple camp marching on Radiant, and a few more)

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                Riguma Borusu

                  One thing you can't do against a tinker team is fucking retreat, he'll just run you down and fucking kill you (unless he has no way to cancel TPs yet or you can kill him instead). If you bait people into pushing you can go all "surprise mutterphukr" on your own territory and fuck them if you've had some farm, otherwise they can't push. I've actually played against some actual 6k tinkers in unranked (nice 4k unranked and 6k ranked bro :(((( ) and believe me, if you're any good with the hero, you'll wreck people so fucking hard they'll regret being born.

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                  DEiON SANDALS

                    once you get bots and blink you just can control the map. analyze your postioning and dont get caught out. if they game drags on you can sometimes be in a pickle because you take away your teams farm but if you can show up in early fights and just nuke everybody down you can give your team some kills and then tp away to another lane.

                    He kind of sucks against tanky heroes but thats when you just split up the map etc. Just watch replays and ask yourself why those players are making those choices, best way I always get better with a hero.


                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      thanks guys. really valuable pointers right there. I guess one thing I know for myself that I really need to improve with is positioning. a lot of times I do get caught out of fights instead of picking off targets safely from the sides (sometimes I dive way too deep into the enemy clump and get focused on too early just out of being too aggressive). and I think going march-missile and stacking mid creeps for the early game is quite an unhealthy habit of mine that I end up farming for too long or I miss out on opportunities where I should have leveled laser instead.


                        Maybe next patch we will see tinker again


                          i miss tinker marching machines on ancient ;(


                            Hi bro, i had the same problem. The thing u had to do with tinker its simple. Know your enemy, your hero setup is pretty the same all games...

                            So, thing that matters, when to go 4-4-0 or 2-2-4? If you are going for the seccond biuld, u goona buy SR b4 travel and farm your jungle more than lane ( u can still do double camp march at x:54 to stack it, so dont worry about that nerfs at triple camp). If there are weak hp heroes than u go for burst/gank biuld, wich is a lot more risky.

                            Dont farm over your teamates, go to advanced lanes and march 2 times into woods, let your carrier farm on safe spots...

                            And the most important thing: BE PRESENT AT ALL TEAM FIGHTS, that makes thw winrate, tinker has a HUGE team fight potencial and u need to use it. SO when u see a friend that are ganking or be ganked dont be afraid to travel there and help. tahts why u had you map at your favor, be everywhere everytime