General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you give me some help with ck?

Can you give me some help with ck? in General Discussion

    Chaos Knight.

    1) I saw some people going Drums, some others mordiggian, some others drums + mordiggian.

    2) Is HotD good if I decide to go mordiggian? What about vladimir?

    3) Is sange and yasha good in those games where I don't need manta to avoid spells / remove silence?

    4) Bkb if there are many disables right?

    5) Late game items I saw a lot of people building AC or heart? When to choose one over the other? MBK asap vs evasion heroes I guess or butterflies

    Counters, etc

    6) What are his counters? I guess ck is really bad vs ember, medusa and earth shaker.

    7) When do I pick this hero? I saw badman picking it a lot vs spectre (I guess because he can't play spectre).

    Any additional help is appreciated.

    Thanks a lot :)


      blink is dank



        < blank >






              Fee Too Pee

                dagger is kinda situational thou, u cannot really initiate well, and tbh initiate is not ck job, get manta, and if you fight constantly better heart, but if it not better cuiras for EHP for 1 glorious win teamfight



                  Dire Wolf

                    1) I saw some people going Drums, some others mordiggian, some others drums + mordiggian.

                    Both are good for different reasons, drums really helps your mana pool plus stat item which is good for the illusions. I prefer to go bracer + magic wand though, it's half the cost, gets you enough stats plus the magic wand charges, you lose the active on drums.

                    Armlet is really good but you must activate it before using ult or illusions won't get bonus. It's just rough on ck cus he has very poor sustain anyway, not like a lot of other strength heroes who regen hp through skills like dk, wk, lc, lifestealer. Sven builds dominator/mask of madness almost ever game. Dominator isn't that great on ck.

                    2) Is HotD good if I decide to go mordiggian? What about vladimir?

                    Definitely hotd over vlads cus satanic is a really nice end game item for ck, idk if vlads even helps your illusions or not. I often just go morbid mask so I can run through jungle from time to time then either sell it later or upgrade to hotd->satanic.

                    3) Is sange and yasha good in those games where I don't need manta to avoid spells / remove silence?

                    S&y is awesome either way, I prefer it to manta but up to you. You could always split it into manta + halberd too. Mana cost on manta is kind of a lot, the manta illusions aren't that great, most teams will counter you with massive aoe and the manta illusions just die.

                    4) Bkb if there are many disables right?
                    Situational. Rift is 6 seconds at level 4 so you can close distance easily. That crystal maiden just froze you and force staffed away? So what in couple seconds you one shot her anyway. Plus they can't cc all your illusions and they do most of your dmg in team fights. I would get it if you are forced to fight without ult a lot, or there's a fucking eartshaker on enemy team or you are dying to nukes/magic. It's pretty hard to stop ck with just disables.

                    5) Late game items I saw a lot of people building AC or heart? When to choose one over the other? MBK asap vs evasion heroes I guess or butterflies

                    It sucks to have to go mkb on ck cus it adds no dmg (other than not missing) to your illusions but sometimes you have to. I'd prefer vs like a pa team to blow up rest of his team and let someone else build silver edge or something but use your judgement. You can 1 shot a PA if you have mkb later and if PA has battelfury he might be laying waste to your illusions.

                    AC vs heart is a tough decision. The -armor on AC is awesome for killing buildings and makes all your illusions hit harder, but the str on heart makes your illusions hit harder also. Str on heart makes your illusions more tanky, while armor on AC makes you a lot more tanky vs physical. Again judgement call, can't really go wrong either way.

                    Counters, etc
                    6) What are his counters? I guess ck is really bad vs ember, medusa and earth shaker.

                    Earth shaker for sure, get ready to have this hero instantly picked every time you pick ck. Try to hold your pick for last or until all supports are filled so at least you can force them into bad team comp. It's like how every team picks AM vs medusa. Ember isn't bad til really late, same with medusa. Magnus is actually pretty fucking terrible to play against, rp, shockwaves, cleaves all crush your illusions. DK can kinda suck cus you can't blow him up and he has a lot of aoe. Lina early sucks, she clears your guys fast, no one picks lesh anymore but he sucks.

                    7) When do I pick this hero? I saw badman picking it a lot vs spectre (I guess because he can't play spectre).

                    Pick when you want to play CK! He doesn't really counter anything specific, he's a strong tanky hero mid game who scales amazing into late. He can fight pretty much all game. Definitely pick last if no counters!

                    Build I always max stun, value point in crit for armor reduction, max rift after stun. Items like I said I don't ususally build drums, I actually get qb and stout early cus makes you really hard to deal with in lane. Qb, stout, tangoes, then wand, treads, bracer, sell stout/qb, build s&y, decide from there if you can go for ac/heart or need bkb or mkb or whatever.


                      Wow, thanks a lot! this is really useful information :)

                      the realm's delight

                        more like WutFace information

                        Синячий патруль

                          -Drums + armlet in 99% of times.
                          -I dont like dominator cuz green damage is not added to ur illusions. Lifesteal on ck is very questionable aswell, so i just skip it cuz instead of spending 1800 to almost usless item i add 1200 gold and get reaver . To prove my words i can say that the recent rtz and loda games on ck i watched they bought ultraearly heart (for example, loda had such stash : treads, bracer, heart, tp). What about survivability, u have 10 hp regen with armlet so going to jungle w/o lifesteal wont harm u
                          -With Early heart of tarrasque CK can easily go end the game solo on 20th min. Overmuch dmg. Overmuch hp. The best late item for ck definetely
                          -I dont like sange and yasha but it may be even better than heart if u play against heroes with hastes (ench, jugger, lina)
                          -If u feel like ur really disturbed to do dps in 5v5 fights, than u should buy bkb.
                          -I have had a late game on ck and i won against medusa. U jst have to avoid her ulti and kill with rift. Her dps isnt high enough to kill ur illusions quickly and effectively.
                          - Cuirass is good but also dont forget about bfly , especially if enemy carry doesnt have mkb. Cuirass and bfly are comparable if we speak about CK
                          -Remember that ur iluusions get dps only from the stats thats why the only item for green dmg bought for CK is mkb (against evasion ofc)
                          -Pick CK when u like but heroes like disruptor, invo, wd (caski mainly) , earthshaker, jug, sven, OD, sand king are extremely good against him
                          -Dont pick up aegis. Let ur mid hero take it cuz ur not very effective after death
                          -CK is not like PA , ember or Lanaya , the heroes who need items providing greend dmg. U only buy stats items
                          CK is my second favourite hero in the game (after abaddon), so ive tried many things playing on him:)

                          Dont skip Skadi

                          If ur beyond godlike u can buy octarine core but only for fun cuz it provides u with endless mana and reducese skills cooldown that increaces comfort but doesnt give u battle efficiency

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Armlet always. The synergy with ult is too good


                              treads > armlet > manta > dagger > diffusal > heart / travel > situational item > win

                              Dire Wolf

                                s&y build up is a million times easier than heart

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^and does more damage although that's not the only reason you get heart for


                                    Beware of using blink. ONLY illusions within a range of 1375 will be teleported by Reality Rift. So Phantasm->blink->RR might only affect your main hero.
                                    Also midas is really good imo.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't think blink is that necessary tbh, ck is super fast base speed plus get a yasha item or drums, run up on people and stun them. It's not that hard to get in range. Though if you went blink what you would do is blink, stun, then ult, get some auto attacks in, rift when they start to run away from you.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        There's zero reason to get blink on this hero, he has a distance closing ability, can just run at people, can eat a ton of disables before going down, hits like a truck without being kited that easily, etc. Plus you pay 2250 gold entirely for mobility without any other stats.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Thanks again for the info! And also what about shadow blade/ silver edge?


                                            I once built shadow blade on him in 6.83 because we were up against a sniper and it was in that obnoxious era where snipers would go eye of skadi and literally be unapproachable because you would be constantly skadi slowed/head shot slowed and there was also an axe so I couldn't just run at him because I would get blink/called (yay 6.83 was so fun). Though that was back when it was only shadow blade with no silver edge. I guess silver edge could be a lot more viable than just a shadow blade because of the extra strength and the break/damage reduction ability.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              here you go

                                              Went treads, wand, yasha, sange, heart, bkb, ac. Building heart sucks, it's 3k for anything that does dmg and 25 strength is really not much dmg boost at all so you barely feel it unless your illusions are up. Couple tips vs earthshaker, it's worth it to hold your ult til he ults sometimes, then you just clean up.

                                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  ^don't forget Veil.


                                                    +1 to what face information but at least you tried.

                                                    Don't go mordiggan, it's trash unless you got some way to heal. Ck doesn't (even with vlad/lifesteal and shit) and a tarrasque doesn't count!

                                                    After your initial items, in rhe lane , start with buying boots, then the 450 int shit then either bracer by pieces from your base store or gloves of haste then treads switch like a boss, next buy another 450 int shit and get drums!! Skill ulti at 6 ofc. You're strong enough, if you're any good you can get heart of tarrasque!! If not you should go with a poormans vanguard! Expensive items first as what you need is the hp, thenthe regen!! I actually like etting bf after drums or instead of drums and just deal with the mana pool with treads switching and regen but i doubt you'd have success with it. You need dmg and all it all depends how far into the game you are!! but regardless of that you should get heart, theb bkb and if you're struggling against tier 3 towers get that manta! Ez win even more ez in lower levels!

                                                    Basic ck as I've seen too many retards!! Pros included!! Stun FIRST, then blink!!

                                                    I like to skill stun blink stun crit stun ulti stun/blink blink/stun etc

                                                    Have fun!

                                                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                        so did it work out

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          comon dude don't be advising 3k players and lower to rush heart, it's not going to work out, they will be sitting at 2500 gold and go fight and die and keep sitting on 2500g forever trying to buy that reaver. Just go yasha, sange, heart, so much easier.

                                                          Синячий патруль

                                                            ^ 3K speaking kek

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              yes that is why I can attest to what will happen in 3k games, it's just not a good idea, it's akin to spectres rushing radiance with just boots. It works sometimes, but there's no case where going other items first is worse.


                                                                i saw mason build bf on slark, he fucking lost