General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy nobody want to play support role?

Why nobody want to play support role? in General Discussion

    My question is on the title of this topic. And why sometime i find many player who want play carry but he dont know how to carry team?

    Putins Price Hike

      cause u dont farm. You have to buy team items and u are blamed for any carries mistakes. Who wouldnt sign up for that?

      EZ MID 9k mmr

        Only fegs play support.


          Because playing a support is a lose lose situation.

          1, you will rarely get a commend in comparison to playing a carry and netting kills.
          2, its much easier to net reports as a support due to everyone blaming warding.
          3, 95% of the time people are idiots and can't take advantage of a support.
          4. there is no glory in healing like there is in getting a rampage.


            Win its more important right?


              The support role is the least fun role in the game, especially when either your team won't group and fight or you are behind and you are up against heroes who can easily get pick offs (so you are basically relegated to either running around behind your carry getting nothing done because you can't farm and you can't go off on your own), or you go try and farm a lane and picked off whenever. As a carry in those situations you at least get to farm but support heroes literally get to do nothing but look around the map and sigh at how boring the game is leading to an eventual loss 20 minutes later when the enemy finally decide to push your base.

              ♏mikeeCS ツ

                no glory for support when winning the game.
                most blaming come to support when losing.

                I am mainly support and hell it is true....

                Especially in normal bracket (such as mine), support is really not respected....
                It is normal to see 4 carry and 1 support in my games...


                  You cant change the tides of the game when supporting if your carrys sucks, and if they do suck or they cant take advantage of a trilane you just lose 30-50 minutes supporting carrys who cant last hit and push the lane or carrys that do bad choices on game; i like to hard support because i like map control but you cant achive it when your team dont come to dewards or dont know how to smoke, so being a support is not easy, it take more knowledge of the game itself, win is more important but not for the regular people they play dota to kill not to win, you can see it on the trolls that pick 4 carrys and expect a babysit and a ganker on the last one as support.

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                  Riguma Borusu

                    I'm pretty happy to support if my carries aren't brain damaged and I actually find the role more fun to some extent because what you're doing is way more diverse and complex in a way. However, more often than not I have to play a hard hitting core to actually accomplish something, because a shallow grave can only help you so much if you dive enemy T4s and expect to miraculously survive. It's almost impossible for me to play support @ ranked because I'm at flat 3k, but in unranked where I'm about 3.8k atm it's actually much easier and I get commends if I keep people alive/keep warding all game/etc, people can value that, sometimes you'll put a ward that reveals the whole enemy team at a time, or you have a spirit breaker who can charge people because you're providing vision, and since people are at least half decent they respect that. However, the lower you go, the less understanding there is for what a support does.

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                    N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

                      I agreed with some of them on above. IMO, you should learn many roles, so that you didn't get any problem, such you can be a carry, support, initiator and others. Maybe you can save your game if you meet that stupid player. With a many victories, it will show a good image to you. One day, you wouldn't meet player like them.


                        I for one play carry only cose I got sick of so many braindead cores, but I usualy prefer support cose it involves more movement, being more dynamic, being more active, interacting more (rather then afk farm). Plus its easier to go stick to a carry and help him kill, then being a carry and convince a support to come help kill.

                        El muchacho de los ojos t...

                          Its boring, and you dont want to let your +25 in stranger hand.


                            I play support (a lot, cuz I also play SD). I just ward my own lane and if anyone complains, I tell them to do it with their own money as warding other places is not viable early game. Also, everyone's pretty thankful when I save them using Dazzle's Shallow Grave (but at the same time, pissed when I kill using Purification).
                            I've personally seen a good win rate using Jakiro, Dazzle, Omni rather than using semi-carries.
                            Often, people call you noobs because it's impossible to get a placement with ES because your teammates are absolute shits.
                            Again, I've lone pushed with WD and Dazzle. Got triple kills with WD sometimes and went to lose the game because of those shits.

                            majestic as puck

                              -at low skills levels ie under 3500k mmr carries wont do anything with the support there given just little things like u ward the safelane farm they go to the offlane u ward the enemy jungle they start chasing the enemies instead of farming u buy a mech and vlads they leave the lane instead of taking tower etc
                              -its harder it requires the ability to read the game to be good u gotta know where dmg is gonna come from is it magic or armr were there is kill potential which heroes need to be shut down which need safe farm alot of ppl overlook this and tend to lose games whitout knowing why these are the basic roles u perform as a sup (pulling lane, creating vision to farm or push towers, stacking camps for carries to get quick gold, defending towers providing a disable for ganks or in team fight.\, denying enemies farm, providing buffs in battle form aura's to healsetc)
                              -they have less of a impact in fights u can win a game agaisnt noobs with a weak support but much harder with a weak carry

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                                  i like playing support because i hate losing

                                  solo support is fricking hard to win tho


                                    Not sure about supports getting all the blame, in my bracket people still dont wanna support most of the times but the reality is that the most flamed player usually is the carry or the mid for taking poor decisions, people just dont give a fuck about the support guy, they just expect you to ward and not feed, but when I play support I feel like I have big impact anyways. Maybe in potato bracket they always blame the lack of wards and hence they bash the support till no end, but it isnt really happening anymore in 4k+. In my games its like everyone wanna carry but one marked it first so the other 2 guys with no core role pick 1 roaming support + jungle, or sometimes you get a lane support who is bitching all the time about how bad the carry is farming and pingning all the time telling him what to do because in reality he wanted to play carry and now hes playing support role without even wanting it so hes more focused on the carry gameplay than his own, then his carry sucks and everyone blames the carry. TrueStory right there.


                                      the main frustration between supporting and being a core is you don't have any control on what your team is doing with all the farm it has accumulated.

                                      < blank >

                                        *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* WARDS CYKA *ping* *ping*


                                          * Pick support*
                                          *Take the initiation to flame*
                                          *Profit from reports on your cores*


                                            everyone thinks he is in a lower bracket than he should be and everyone around plays worse, so he needs to take the roles with highest impact in order not to rely on teammates.

                                            also it might be more interesting for lower skilled players to have more farm and kick asses, than to do supp stuff.

                                            House Cat

                                              Play support, put 3 wards on map, teammate calls you noob because "cm not buying wards"

                                              plz do

                                                its kinda frustrating having every round lowest networth as support. cuz thats part of the deal and its fuckin boring.


                                                  hahahaha anyone who thinks playing support is not good cuz u get blamed... U r precisely the kind of guy in ur shitty bracket that refuses to support and picks the 5th hard carry.

                                                  Ie u get flamed when u support because u have no idea how to support. I started playing dota a lot as a support in lower brackets. I have hardly experienced flames from my teammates. Usually it's towards the carries because team knows I did my part early game (where supports are strongest) and the carries fuck up late game. I probably recall more "pro support" when I play support in my games than "pro carry" when I'm playing carry. That's SEA mind you.

                                                  Just fuckin learn how to support. U can win games in Normal skill. I had like 80% win rate on my

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Support is harder and most people don't like the challenge so they will create ideas that supporting gets no credit. Safelane carry is simple you last hit and deny creeps, safelane support has offlane zone duty creep pulls to deny exp from offlane proper warding, rune control and smoke ganks mid. The more tasks the more likely you are to fuck up and when supports fuck up it is blatantly obvious.(offlane is lv 8 when carry is lv 6)


                                                      But u see learning to zone and pull is surprisingly easy at lower mmr which is why it's surprising to hear ppl say shit like supports get blamed. Of course u get blamed. Cuz no one bothers to learn how to do these simple
                                                      Support things like where to ward how to zone. How to not take last hits and auto attack creep wave.

                                                      When I play carry I get brain dead supports who do shit like that all the time. It's no wonder u noobs get blamed. Stop ur noob supporting my god

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                                                            safelane carry is the worst position to play in low-ranked games - mainly because it is so dependent on having decent support(s).

                                                            any fewl can freefarm when their lane is uncontested and the camps are stacked.


                                                              in us east people can not do a proper pull at ~4.6k

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                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                People don't support on US east at all


                                                                  they send military support to poor countries with oil to bring some freedom there 4Head

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    I had a support who would not buy obs til he got his agh...... He got it while they where taking the throne


                                                                      dude i mean they don;t do pulls, like if i want pull i gotta do it myself even if i have 2 people in lane with me

                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        meh play healer support like dazzle or omni, see ur teammates almost full health and killed entire enemy team is very satisfying. support is more fun tbh than most carries


                                                                          at least from ~6 game lolz

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            US East is just short form for the Peruvian Isles

                                                                            < blank >

                                                                              Last time I got killed for shouting "FREEDOM" in a video game while running away is when I played Garrys Mod and refused to roleplay
                                                                              E: omg I was roleplaying all along

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                                                                                In my experience, the supports who get flamed are normally those who don't support well enough and/or feed. You are more likely to get flamed for taking a carry or mid spot and sucking, or for not picking a support.

                                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                                  I at least admit I suck at support, the truely annoying people are the ones who pick support because they suck at cores and think it is the easier role


                                                                                    I find telling my team what I'm doing as I support helps a lot. I'll say "Going to ward Rosh" or "This camp stacked" as I'm doing the things. This helps keep communication going in your team and it also subtly reminds everyone that you're having some form of impact. Then if thing go badly teams are less likely to blame you. They're more likely to blame the person whos actually to blame. Also if you talk to your team, your team talks to you and youre all able to better coordinate ganks and stuff.

                                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                                      the answer is simple. nobody trusts their other 4 teammates to win the game.


                                                                                        Another problem is when you pick support. In all pick a support should probably be picked first of course. However doing this often triggers a green light for some other player to play anti mage or spectre who are annoying as hell to support.

                                                                                        Синячий патруль

                                                                                          Id like to play support but facing PL with sange and yasha kills the will

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            AM and spec actually rely on you not fucking up as support

                                                                                            game is bad

                                                                                              Everyone feels that they're above supporting.

                                                                                              People always say pick support first, but you should really be picking heroes that don't have counters first. My team will hover over Invoker, then demand last pick. It'd be nice if I could pick support 2nd or 3rd after all the people who want to pick counterless heroes pick first, because I need to see what heroes they have in order to pick a support that can counter or augment our team. You can pick a wrong support and end up doing nothing for your team other than being a ward bitch.