General Discussion

General DiscussionI Always got Report if i play unusual item

I Always got Report if i play unusual item in General Discussion

    Like a topic in my game if i play just for fun every my team mate blame me for buy unusual item like dagon , or play with different way item build.


    Riki : dagon lv 5
    Bristleback : dagon lv 5 , shivas guard , hex

    i play that just for fun not only win any way because i to bored play with common item , that not even MMR match anyway


      Cos people treat every game like TI Finals. I feel u man.

      What i hate most is

      1) People forget that unranked is for fun or practising heros.

      2) People insisting/flaming u for not getting items from a standard build. For example WR from my last game flamed me for not getting radiance on Alchem. But he was too dumb to see that I would never farm relic vs aggresive enemies. Instead i farmed safer BF. It was situational, and it turned out that i got 2 ultra kills that game, turning them into victory.

      Most people are just idiots. Follow same build every game. It doesnt matter that its already 15 min mark and alchem still doesnt have relic cos he gets killed on mid everytime. He will never give up on that plan. He will keep on dying to get relic, cos he read in internet that u should always go radi/manta/octarine build. Just an example of inflexibility of most dota players.


        Pick your fun hero, mute the chat = profit :-D

        House Cat

          Don't let those people control you :3 your game, your hero, your playstyle :3


            Yes and no. Ofcourse ther is no standard buy order and ist important to buy items which helps u most. But, and thats the important point, any hero has a specific role. Riki is a carry, bristleback a tank. The hole team know that and makes desicions based on this. Maybe u will have fun but u ruined the game for your team and thats why they report you.
            If u really want to play a dagon5 build than u can told this in the picking phase or and thats the best decision: if u want to play a ganker, pick one and dont try to make a carry or a sup to one.


              why not try this kind of shit with bots them? if it is just for fun? i dint get it, you can do whatever you want, but you are screwing the game from 4 guys on your team.

              i don get this kind of selfish mind, if you want to try, try with bots.

              In a football game, if you are a goalkeeper, you know that you cant be that idiot to try to score a goal by yourself everytime, and it includes a match with people that you dont know in a weekend. go play with bots them lol hahahah


                ^ See OP ?

                People see unranked as some kind of Championships. Nothing is more important than a win. And we talk about unranked.


                  2016 and still playing against bots


                    Yeah nils gets it. Stop being selfish op. You're not the center of the universe. If you wanna ruin the game for your teammates no one can stop you, but at least don't complain about them not liking it

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      ^ that's not a very positive attitude.

                      Unranked games should be about having fun.

                      If you're that serious and want all your teammates to build exactly the way you want them to build, then go to ranked, where everyone is expected to play super serious.

                      There's a reason why valve created 2 queues.

                      Because they know there are unranked players who want to just have fun
                      and ranked players who care about winning.

                      Let me tell you: you have NO right to tell your teammates how to build in unranked. Everyone has equal right to build what THEY want to build for themselves, how do you say you're the boss to tell other people how to build????

                      Lex I agree with you.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        unranked = TI Finals
                        ranked = TI Finals

                        Lets do Science

                          If you want to troll and ruin games go right ahead but, dont be surprised that when you feel like actually playing some guy demands he be chen mid cuz he just wants fun even though you've already picked shadowfiend and forces you to jungle instead. I mean, its just a game right? Who are you to not let him have his fun?

                          Bejo (Benedict E. Johansson)

                            if your teammate trying to get higher bracket before they open MMR, sure you are ruining their game if you dont play good with your so called unusual item

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              @lets do science There's a difference between being an asshole and playing for fun.

                              Playing for fun = you build what you want to build and play heroes that are fun rather than counterpick.

                              Being an asshole = stealing mid even though someone else called it first, trying to force others into playin the way you want them to play, being a jerk in general, intentional feeding, intentional AFKing, stealing teammates farm.

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                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                @Bela, to be honest that's a Valve issue. Unranked and ranked should be completely separate imo.

                                People have the right to play fun builds in unranked. that's what unranked was meant for.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  yes you enter in a sunday football weekend just for fun, asks to be the goalkeeper, them everytime u get the ball u just score against ur team, because it is fun, and not a world cup final, people should not be complaining, because it is fun isnt it?

                                  everybody that plays amateur football should play like a morom, because it should be fun, no rules, no teamwork.

                                  i got ur point bro, really well done :D


                                    Think like this. I am playing unranked atm till i reach lvl 13. I dont care how you build your items as long as you use them efficiently. But if you do buy stupid items, cannot use them effectively because well they are stupid i will report you. Its not about +25,-25. I am spending time infront of my computer and during this time i want to have fun. If you mess with my fun then yes i will be reporting you. Noobs like you always look on their side and goes bohoo.. Normal skill player, posting stupid things again.. I will play myself out.


                                      There's fun build (like my viper radiance or riki dagon), but there's also stupid (I once played with a Zeus with milojnir, S&Y because he complained our team has no carry, some of which is my fault as bristle). The first is interesting, sometimes even clutch; the second deserves a report.

                                      Usually when a teammate builds an unusual item or wants to play a hero with a normally bad winrate / high skill cap, I ask him to qualify his skill. If he does well, I don't ever complain again. If he fails, then he can be safely ignored / used as bait for the rest of the game.

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                                        I really like silly and out there builds. Especially since they can sometimes work really well. But if youre going to do something non-standard be sure to tell your partners before they pick their hero. If you were planning to go offline spec, support Naga, or carry dazzle then tell everyone first. The builds don't bother me, allot of them work really well. What I hate is when it screws up the team composition just because you didn't give warning.

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          @Dogamon there's no report option for "building offmeta". You imposing your views on others about how they should build is ruining their fun too so should they report you?

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^But there's a report for intentionally losing a game, pretty much, which is what you're doing with your 30% winrate shit.

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              It's not intentionally losing a game if I actulaly do my best with my builds, which is shown by 90% of my games having reasonable scores and the other 10% not being intentional but just being outplayed by the opponent too much.