General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Non-limit a limited Steam Acc?

How to Non-limit a limited Steam Acc? in General Discussion

    Is there any way to make steam account non-limited without spending money?
    Are there any tricks?
    One of my friend got one-stop shopper without buying anything and became unlimited :( How? He has no idea neither do I.
    Have you got any idea?

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        I think you can wait 1 year after you create your acc, and it's automatically become a non-limited acc.




            "Are there ways to get badges other than playing games?

            The Steam Community badge, earned by doing some basic tasks on Steam, is the easiest way to get a badge. The Years of Service badge (granted on the anniversary of your account creation) will automatically give you more XP the older your account is. Special events on Steam also frequently have badges. We hope to keep expanding the ways you can get badges."

            There's no harm in reading.

            ♏mikeeCS ツ

              Nope. I guess not.
              Even you wait until 1 and a half year won't make the limited gone.

              Unless steam change the regulation.


                Pay the $5.. its to keep spammers and bots away